The City of Kingston Heritage Fund (CKHF), Project Grant stream provides grants to cultural heritage organizations and community organizations operating a heritage or cultural program activity. For the 2014-2015 CKHF grant cycle, over $252,000 is available for distribution. Of this total, 45% will be available for distribution through the Project Grant streams. Both organization specific, and collaborative Project Grant applications will be considered, to a maximum of $20,000 per application
CKHF is administered by the Kingston Association of Museums, ArtGalleries, and Historic Sites, Inc. (KAM), using a juried, peer-review process, subject to a Council approved management plan.
CKHF Project Grant funds are intended to:
- support the development and presentation of projects of merit that strengthen Kingston’s cultural heritage community;
- foster the continuing development of a cultural heritage community that is dynamic, inclusive and professional, and to support the development of cultural heritage organizations and their work in Kingston;
- aid in product development and market readiness, thereby enhancing economic opportunity and financial sustainability;
- encourage the creation of new and innovative cultural heritage initiatives;
- provide more meaningful and relevant cultural heritage experiences for diverse audiences;
- facilitate the development of partnerships and dynamic collaborations within the cultural heritage community and beyond;
- enhance civic identity and quality of life for residents through cultural heritage;
- enhance the reputation of the City of Kingston as a community where history and innovation thrive.
Organizations may apply for support for one project per grant cycle*. To be eligible to apply for a CKHF Project Grant, organizations must meet all of the criteria listed below. Applicants must:
- be located in the City of Kingston;
- be a non-profit organization, whose fundamental focus may or may not be cultural heritage, but whose project application is culturally heritage based;
- have been incorporated for a minimum of two years by the end of the calendar year in which the grant application is made;
- exhibit a record of developing and delivering successful programming which meets its community’s needs;
- demonstrate effective and efficient planning and administrative practices, which meet acceptable levels of competency for the non-profit sector;
- provide proof of $5 million liability insurance coverage, naming KAM and the City of Kingston as additional insured;
- provide a copy of a current year-end financial statement.
In the case of a collaborative application, the lead agency must meet all eligibility criteria listed above, and there must be a clear demonstration of the benefit of the project to all partners. In addition, for monitoring and accountability purposes, collaborative applications must clearly indicate the division of partnership responsibility for the project.
* Organizations awarded an Operating Grant are not eligible to receive a Project Grant in the same year. Organizations may submit applications to both Project and Operating streams, on the understanding that should their application to the Operating Grant stream be successful, their Project Grant application will automatically be removed from consideration. (In the event that their application to the Operating Grant stream is not successful, their Project Grant application will proceed for due consideration.)
The following are ineligible for CKHF funding:
- Projects which are already receiving funds though other City of Kingston funding streams;
- Projects that have been completed prior to approval of an application; (retroactively funded projects will not be considered);
- Project activities related to fundraising events/projects, or deficit reduction;
- Project costs related to capital purchases including, but not limited to the purchase of land, fixtures, or physical facilities;
- Normally, the following organizations will not be eligible for CKHF Project Grants:
- academic units of educational institutions;
- Cultural heritage institutions which are wholly owned and operated by senior levels of government;
- Art galleries, art collectives, arts festivals, and arts based projects eligible for funding from the City of Kingston Arts Fund.
Organizations in receipt of operating or other funding from the City of Kingston separate from CKHF, are deemed ineligible for funding through the CKHF Program Grant fund program for the duration of their municipal support agreement. If clarification regarding eligibility is required, please contact the Kingston Association of Museums, Art Galleries, and Historic Sites, Inc. (KAM) office, contact details below.
The CKHF Grants Review Committee and Jury evaluate grant applications using the following criteria, in the context of the applicant organization’s stated mandate, and scale of operations:
- Merit: Based on the applicant’s quality of work, the organization’s mandate/statement of purpose, the project description and supporting materials.
- Impact: Based on the development of the applicant organization, or on the audience or community for whom the project is intended.
- Viability: Based on the budget, the planning process and objectives of the project, the timeline and communication plan;
- Relevance: Based on the project as proposed, and its alignment with the goals of the CKHF Project grants, as stated.
Application Process
Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss their intention to apply for CKHF funding with KAM’s Grant Review Officer, prior to submitting an application.
- Application packages are available on the KAM website for download, or may be picked up at the KAM Office, Kingston Public Library Information Desk – Central Branch, Reception Desk at City Hall. (Please see relevant websites for opening hours/location.)
- It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete, and that all required information is provided. A checklist is included in the application package for your convenience. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
- Late applications will not be accepted.
- Handwritten, e-mailed, or faxed submissions will not be accepted.
Supporting Documentation
See also Application Checklist, contained in the application package.
- Completed, signed application form;
- Project budget;
- List of current Board of Directors;
- Previous year’s financial statement; current year’s operating budget;
- Minimum of two letters of support for project concept;
- In the case of a collaborative application, letters of intent from each partnering organization, indicating anticipated role and financial contribution.
Conditions of Funding
- CKHF grants are to be spent prior to 31 December 2015;
- CKHF grants may only be used for the purposes outlined in the application. Changes in scale, activities and timeframe must be reported promptly to KAM’s GrantReview Officer, and approved before proceeding;
- KAM reserves the right to place conditions on the release of CKHF grants (pending confirmation of other sources of funding intrinsic to the project, and/or proof of required insurance, for example). Any such conditions will be communicated to the applicant in their letter of notification;
- As a recipient of public funds, successful applicants are required to maintain full and complete records regarding the receipt and disbursement of funds received;
- Organizations receiving CKHF grants are required to recognize the City of Kingston and KAM’s contribution in promotional literature and material developed for the funded project. Copies of corporate logos and guidelines for their use will be provided to successful applicants, for this purpose.
Dispute Resolution
All complaints and concerns regarding the CKHF application, review, adjudication, and awards process, are to be made in writing to: Chair, CKHF Grants Review Committee, c/o the KAM Office. The City of Kingston will be notified of all concerns and complaints received.
For full details on the conflict of interest, Jury impartiality, and dispute resolution process, please see Administrative Plan: City of Kingston Heritage Fund 2014 document, available as a download on the KAM website.
Deadlines and Important Dates
- 2014-15 CKHF Heritage Fund Public Information Meeting: Delahaye Room, Kingston Frontenac Public Library – Central Branch; 24 June 2014, 6:30 pm;
- Deadline: CKHF Application: 4 pm, Friday 29 August 2014;
- Applicant notification: on or about 12 December 2014;
- Distribution of grants: on or about 09 January 2015;
- Interim reports due: on or before 17 July 2015;
- Project completion date: on or before 31 December 2015;
- Final reports due: on or before 18 March 2016.
Reporting guidelines for interim and final reports will be provided to successful applicants, as part of their grant confirmation package. Late, incomplete or missing reports will affect future grant eligibility.
Contact Information
Kingston Association of Museums, ArtGalleries and Historic Sites, Inc.
82 Sydenham Street, 2nd Floor
(Sydenham Street United Church Hall, laneway entrance)
PO Box 1921, Station Main
Kingston, ON K7L 5J7
Ann Blake, CKHF Grant Review Officer
613 483-1924
Debbie Holdich, CKHF Assistant Grant Review Officer
613 583-4014