Mitchell DelCamp

1702 Walters Drive (262)424-6771

Grafton, WI 53024


I began racing go-karts when I was 5 years old and have always had a helping hand in the repair and maintenance of my karts and my uncle’s late model race cars. My passion for motor vehicles was heightened in high school when I took various advanced auto classes. I became involved in the competition portion of vehicle knowledge and repair along with becoming a Youth Apprentice/Intern for a local car dealership. My goal is to become a Certified Master Technician.


5 Corners Dodge – Workforce 2020 Automotive Youth ApprenticeAugust 2012-present

Lube Technician- and whatever is deemed necessary by my foreman to give great customer care.

Lasata Care Center - Certified Nursing Assistant/Youth ApprenticeOctober, 2010 - August, 2012

Help residents with dressing, feeding, and toileting while maintaining modesty, comfort and confidentiality.

Lasata Care Center–Dietary Aide September, 2010-October, 2011

Served food and beverages to residents ensuring dietary accuracy while maintaining confidentiality.


Milwaukee Area Technical College-Certified Nursing Assistant Program-completed October, 2011

Grafton High School–Anticipated Graduation June, 2013 Youth Apprentice completion May, 2013

Post High School- Attend WyoTech in Pennsylvania, emphasis on Auto & Diesel Repair Sept., 2013


Automotive Competition Teams at Grafton High - ADAMM, SkillsUSA, National Auto Tech

Big Brothers/ Big Sisters Program-mentor an elementary student in academics and social skills

Children’s Hospital-resource for children receiving growth hormones as I did when I was younger

Tutoring- tutored a high school student that struggled in math


ADAMM Technicians of Tomorrow Competition, 1st place finish,New York Competition upcoming

Skills U.S.A.-State finalist

Academic Achievement Award-high honors, honor roll through entire high school career

National Honor Society- inducted March, 2013

Top Gun-received Top Gun 2012 title from Ozaukee Youth Trap League, received letter


I enjoy many activities including hunting (both gun and bow), fishing, working on restoring my family’s

1965 Ford pick-up truck, and spending time with my family.


Carl L. Hader - Automotive Instructor/CoachGrafton High School(262) 376-5640

Randy Kison- Service Manager5 Corners Dodge(262) 375-3900

Dawn Nimtz- Director of NursingLasata Care Center (262) 377-5060