The School District of Belleville shall, in cooperation with state and local public health agencies, establish and maintain appropriate health standards, promote the good health of students and staff, and educate students and staff in disease prevention and sound health practices. In recognition that an individual's health status is personal and private, the district and its staff shall handle information regarding students or staff with suspected or confirmed cases of head lice in a confidential manner.

Because schools consist of large numbers of children in close daily contact, they serve as a focal point for the transmission of all kinds of communicable diseases and nuisances, including head lice. Similar to the incidence of other health concerns, the School District of Belleville shall utilize the recommendations from state and federal health departments to address both the prevention and treatment of head lice among the students.

Current evidence from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that although a nuisance, head lice have not been shown to spread disease. Professional literature also does not support the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of classroom or school-wide screening for decreasing the incidence of head lice among school children. In addition to suggesting that students need not be excluded from school attendance, it is also recommended that schools do not adopt a “no-nits” policy that requires a child to be free of nits before they can return to school. Finally, it is suggested that school administrators and health staff help educate parents/guardians and staff about the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of head lice

Control depends on prompt identification, proper administrative handling of each case, effective treatment and treatment of its spread.

Therefore, specific guidelines have been developed for the treatment of head lice and/or nits (eggs of the head louse) in the School District of Belleville. These guidelines include parent/guardian notification, treatment options from the Dane and Green County Health Departments and parent/guardian responsibilities.

Cross Reference: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention –

Dane County health department

Wisconsin School Nurse Association

LEGAL REF.: Section 143.12 (1) & (6) Wisconsin Statutes

APPROVED: January 10, 2011

REVISED: February 24, 2014