166 McKeen Drive, Keswick Ridge, E6L 1N9

Parent School Support Committee


18Sept 2017, 6:00p.m

Keswick Ridge School

PSSC Members Present:
Catherine Lavers, Chair
Mallory Bulmer
Shawna Quinn
Matt Rose
Candace Gilmore
Stephanie Seheult / School/DEC Representation Present:
Tammy Gee, Principal
Cindy Jewett, Teacher Rep.
Parent/Community Members Present:
Joel English

The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:05 and distributed the agenda.


The following members offered and were elected to the PSSC for 1-3 years:

Candace Gilmore (seconded by Matt) – Parent rep.

Shawna Quinn (seconded by Candace)– Parent rep.

Stephanie Seheult (seconded by Candace)– Parent rep.

Matthew Rose (seconded by Candace) – Parent rep.

Mallory Bullmer (seconded by Stephanie) – Community rep. / Home and School rep.

Catherine Lavers (seconded by Matt) – Chair

Meetings will be held the 4th Monday of each month at 6:00pm. Minutes will be circulated via email for approval within 2 days of each meeting. Members have 48 hours to propose and agree on amendments, after which time Tammy will convey the minutes to the District Office, portal, and school website.


  • Tammy has submitted a request for two portable classrooms for the 2018-2019 school year. Space is extremely limited this year, and subsequent years will require additional homeroom classrooms for FI. The District will confirm approvals in Spring 2018.
  • The Middle Level currently occupiestwo portables with two homeroom teachers, including new teacher Lindsay Morris.
  • K-2 now occupy 6 classrooms, including Gr. 1 FI, which has 6 students.
  • New Vice President Chris Roach teaches one of the 3-4 classes.
  • Karen Matheson is teaching music and middle level classes during Jeff Zaat’s leave. Students receive 30 min/week of music instruction from their homeroom teachers, and 30 min/week from Mrs. Matheson, in keeping with provincial curriculum standards. The music room temporarily shares a space with the library, and, until we acquire new portables, some of the school’s music equipment must remain in storage. Mr. Zaat has offered to assist with special events such as the Spring Tea.Choir will start at a date TBD.
  • The 10-year Education Plan’s priority focus this year is K-2 numeracy. K-2 classes will be tested next week for baseline data, then again near the end of the year. This is a low-stress assessment administered by classroom teachers.
  • Provincial assessments for the 2017-8 year will also target Gr. 2, 4, and 6.
  • Professional Learning (PL) sessions will be delivered as half-day sessions this year. PL half-days are noted on the ASD-W calendar, available online.
  • Tammy has been updating the school website daily. PSSC minutes will be posted this year.
  • Principal Doug Richardson is on leave until Christmas 2017.
  • Safe School week will be held October 16-20.

Members briefly discussed the streamlined consent and referral process of the Integrated Service Delivery (ISD). This model, now in use across the province, providesstudents with access to a variety of professionals (occupational therapists, mental health practitioners, etc.) when requested by the school.

Members learned that there is a list of teachers who have First Aid training, including EAs, the VP, and Phys Ed. teacher.

Date of Next Meeting:Monday, 23 October.

Adjournment:The meeting was adjourned at 6:55.


PSSC ChairDate


PSSC SecretaryDate

Minutes prepared by Shawna Quinn