16 to 19 Bursary Fund Guidance Notes
The Berwick Academy 16-19 Bursary Fund is designed to help and support any student who faces financial barriers to participation in education, such as costs of transport, food, books or equipment. There are 5 types of bursary available.
1.Vulnerable Bursary
This bursary is £1,200 a year. It will be awarded to:
• Students in care.
• Care leavers
• Students in receipt of income support (or Universal Credit in place of Income Support, for example, young people who are living independently and teenage parents).
• Students in receipt of Employment Support Allowance (or Universal Credit as a replacement for ESA) who are also in receipt of Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments (PIP)
2.Ever6 & Free School Meal Discretionary Bursary
Payment of £20 per week, as a discretionary award, will be made to all students currently eligible for free school meals or to those who have received free school meals within the last six years
3.Discretionary Bursary
This bursary is available to Berwick Academy students not eligible for the Vulnerable or Ever6/FSM Bursary who live in a household whose total family income is £22,000 or less. The level of support which the Academy can offer is dependent on the total funding received from the Education Funding Agency (EFA) and the number of applications it receives. The level of funding may vary during the academic year.
4.Discretionary Fund
Under exceptional circumstances students can also apply for one- off payments for help with educational equipment, resources, interviews, etc. Applications will be considered on an individual basis and is dependent upon available funds.
5. Transport Scholarship Fund
The Post-16 scholarships are designed to help students who live outside the Berwick town area to cover the costs of transport to and from school.
Berwick Academy Achievement Transport Scholarship (BAATS) In order to qualify for an award, students must achieve GCSE results which place them within the top 5% of their year group.
Berwick Academy Facilitating Transport Scholarship (BAFTS) This award is means-tested and is designed to support students who do not qualify for any financial support from the 16-19 Scholarship Fund i.e. household income is above £22,000.
Payment Conditions
• All bursary payments will be directly linked to attendance, behaviour and performance.
• All bursary payments are made half termly and will be paid directly to the student.
• Eligible students must be under 19 on 31 August 2017 and enrolled on a full time course at the school
Please complete an application form for Bursary claims (except section 2 – eligible students will be identified from school data) and provide evidence of income, for example P60, tax credit award notice. Application forms can be obtained from the school website or from Mrs Bagley in the Finance Office.
S Flanagan
Head of Sixth Form
Application Form 2017 - 2018
Berwick Academy
16-19 Bursary
This form must be completed by the student applying for the bursary funding. When applying please bring this form along with supporting documents.
Student Details
Date of Birth:
Home telephone No:
Bank Account Name:
Sort Code:
Account Number:
1 – Vulnerable Bursary (£1,200 per annum)
Please tick the box that applies to you:
c I am living in care
c I am a care leaver
c I am in receipt of Income Support or in receipt of Universal Credit in place of Income Support
c I am in receipt of Employment Support Allowance (ESA) (or Universal Credit as a replacement for ESA) and
Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or in receipt of ESA and Personal Independence Payments (PIP)
(Please supply evidence of both)
3 – Discretionary Bursary
c I am a student whose total family income is £22,000 or less
4 – Discretionary Fund
c I wish to apply for assistance with
5 – Transport Bursary
Please tick the box that applies to you:
c I believe I may be in the top 5% of my year group
c I do not qualify for the discretionary bursary as the household income is above £22,000
Proof of Income/Benefit Submitted
Whatever you have declared must be supported with evidence in order for an assessment to be made. Please provide relevant paperwork to support your application and submit to the Finance Office.
SECTION 6 – Declaration
Please read the declaration below carefully before signing:
1. I declare that the statements made on this form are true, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, are correct in every respect. I undertake to supply any additional information that may be required to support this application. I understand that if I refuse to provide information relevant to my claim the application will not be accepted. I also undertake to tell the Academy of any change in my circumstances in writing. I agree to repay the Academy in full and immediately any sums advanced to me, if the information I have given is shown to be false or deliberately misleading.
2. I am aware that the funding covers only this academic year and that I must re-apply next year; there is no guarantee that I will receive funding for future years, even if I am eligible for the current year.
Signed (Student): Date:
Signed (Parent or Guardian named above): Date:
Please note: Applications for 2017/18 should be returned to the Finance Office by 11th September 2017 at the latest. Applications after this date will be welcome and will be considered in the light of funds available.