Series Title:Advanced Series in Management (ASM)

Series editors: (All correspondence should be copied to both series editors via e-mail)

Prof. Tanya Bondarouk / Prof. Miguel Olivas-Lujan
University of Twente
OOHR department
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands
T. +31 53 489 36 66
e. / Clarion University of Pennsylvania
College of Business Administration
840 Wood St
Clarion, PA 16214
T. +1 814 393 2641

Volume proposals for the Emerald Advanced Series in Management should contribute innovative scholarly ideas that may steer the management field into new directions that are largely unexplored by the flagship publications.

Volume Title:

Proposed Editor(s):

Volume Specification:

  • Proposed publication date:
  • Estimated manuscript delivery date:
  • Estimated number of words (including footnotes): (please check the appropriate box):

Up to 97,500

97,501 – 117,000

117,001 – 136,500

136,501 – 156,000

156,001 – 175,500

175,001 -195,000

195,000 +

  • No. of chapters/articles:
  • Will the volume contain a subject and/or author index?(please note that all indices should be supplied by the volume editor with the full manuscript)


Brief synopsis of the proposed volume (approximately 150- 200 words):

Note: this will be used in catalogues and promotional material, so please word carefully. Changes may be accepted once the volume is finished, but this description is needed by Series Editors and the Editorial Board to evaluate the feasibility and potential interest of the proposed volume.

Provisional Table of Contents (this should detail draft chapter/article titles for the book):

Target market (please list active researchers and practitioners working in the field of the proposed volume, and estimated number of first edition sales):


Editor(s) short bio (resumewith 300 or less words).

A full C.V. with publications list for each editor should be included in Appendix 1:

N.B. On Appendix 2, please include FULL contact details of all Volume Editors and Contributing Authors (expected as of this writing; occasional changes are acceptable).


Unique Selling Points (USPs):

Please include USPs of the proposed volume. These might be phrased as 'this will be the only publication to do x' or 'this publication will be the best for x'. How is the publication different from others in the same field?

  1. xxx
  2. xxx
  3. xxx
  4. xxx
  5. xxx

Potential for adoption on academic courses

Provide names and affiliations of scholars who teach the focal subject and/or might be highly interested in the proposed volume for their teaching activities (it does not say those will have to teach the focal subject!):

  1. xxx
  2. xxx
  3. xxx
  4. xxx
  5. xxx

Professions and industries that this title would appeal to in the private/public sectors

List professions/industries that this publication could potentially appeal to where appropriate. Please provide any specific contact details if available:

  1. xxx
  2. xxx
  3. xxx
  4. xxx
  5. xxx

Opportunities for bulk sales of the publication

Please list any opportunities that you can think of for bulk sales of this publication, e.g. through a special discount to an association or organisation:

Specialist bookshops or websites relevant to this subject area

Please list any that are particularly relevant to this subject area:

Conferences that the publication could be promoted at

List appropriate conferences:

  1. xxx
  2. xxx
  3. xxx

Conferences you will be attending that the publication could be promoted at

List appropriate conferences:

  1. xxx
  2. xxx
  3. xxx

Pre-publication Reviews

List 3-5 subject matter experts, their full affiliations and contact information, who might be helpful in giving a constructive feedback on the manuscript of the volume:

  1. xxx
  2. xxx
  3. xxx
  4. xxx
  5. xxx

Post-publication Reviews

List 3-5 subject matter experts, their full affiliations and contact information, who might be interested in publishing a “book review” that helps sales and promotion / diffusion of the volume once published (the lists of experts for pre- and post-publication reviews may overlap:

  1. xxx
  2. xxx
  3. xxx
  4. xxx
  5. xxx

Peer Testimonials

List appropriate peers whom we could contact for a testimonial about this volume:

  1. xxx
  2. xxx
  3. xxx
  4. xxx
  5. xxx

Societies/Professional Bodies

List appropriate organisations to whom we should promote this title:

  1. xxx
  2. xxx
  3. xxx


List appropriate listservs on which this title can be promoted:

  1. xxx
  2. xxx
  3. xxx

Mailing Lists

List any mailing lists that you have access to, and permission to use, that can used to promote your book:

Keywords (List at least 5 keywords associated with this title to assist with customer profiling activity):

  1. xxx
  2. xxx
  3. xxx
  4. xxx
  5. xxx

Your active involvement

It would be helpful if you were prepared to write at least one supporting article in a publication targeted at the primary audience for the book. If you are happy to do this, please let us know which publication(s) you are likely to approach.


After completing this form, please email it to Juliet Harrison and to the series editors

Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Howard House

Wagon Lane


BD16 1WA

* Do not forget to submit Appendices 1 (full C.V. with publications list for each editor) and 2 (full contact details for all volume editors and contributing editors –expected as of this writing; we understand that changes may occur) in this same file.

February 2014