UK Veterinary Summer Studentship Programme – Information for applicants
What is the UK Veterinary Summer Studentship Programme? A program which aims to inspire UK veterinary undergraduates to consider a career in research by funding summer studentships (up to 10 weeks in duration) to be undertaken in world-class research environments in any BBSRC eligible institute. Applications from veterinary undergraduates wishing to conduct research projects in a BBSRC eligible institute that is different to their own are highly encouraged. Although, we will also consider applications from veterinary students wishing to conduct a research project in their own university.
What research can be funded by the programme?The research must be within BBSRC remit,and priority will be given to projects that will provide experience in the following areas:
Physiology and Pathology ofplants, animals and microbes (including in vivo skills)
Agriculture and Food Security
Maths, Statistics and Computation
Interdisciplinary research
What criteria do I have to meet to be eligible for the programme? To be eligible for a summer studentship, veterinary undergraduate students need to be:
- in the middle years of their degree studies
- registered for a veterinary degree at a UK university
- expected to obtain a first or upper second class UK honours degree (or equivalent)
What funding is provided by the programme? The value of a summer studentship is £2,500 to cover a minimum stipend of £200 per week to the student and a contribution towards research expenses during the placement.
What do I need to do if I am interested in applying for a summer studentship via this programme?Please complete the attached form and return to your local champion for the programmeby Tuesday March 28th 2017. The applications will be assessed by members of the Vet School Council (VSC)Training and Research Sub-Committee. Awards will be made on the basis of best (achievable) projects which fall within the scientific remit of the program and an assessment of student CV. Please make sure that you fulfil the eligibility criteria detailed above before submitting an application. If you have any queries then please contact your local champion for the programme.Students will be notified of the outcome by the end of April 2017.
Is there anything else that I should know? You will be expected to complete abrief report about your summer studentship within 3 months of completion. In addition, you will be expected to present your research at a conference taking place inNovember 2017 at the Bristol Veterinary School– more details to follow.
UK Veterinary Summer Studentship Program – Application Form 2016/2017
Full name / ProgrammeEmail address / Year of study
Proposed supervisor (s) / Location
Email address
start date / Duration of project
Title of your project
Project plan (background, question, methods, anticipated outcome) (Max 350 words excluding figure(s), brief legend(s) and references)
What will YOU actually do? (100 words)
How will your project benefit your future career? (100 words)
How does your area of research fit within current BBSRC strategic funding prorities?1(200 words)
Please tick one or more strategic priorities that are relevant to your research1:
Physiology and Pathology of plants, animals and microbes (including in vivo skills)
Agriculture and Food Security
Maths, Statistics and Computation
Interdisciplinary research
1Note: Current BBSRC priority areas are:
Food Security: 1. Crop Science; 2. Animal health; 3. Livestock production; 4. Soil science and agri-systems approaches; 5. Healthy & safe food.
World Class Biosciences: 1. Data-driven biology; 2. Synthetic biology; 3. Systems approaches to the biosciences; 4. Technology development for the biosciences.
Student’s CVPlease confirm that you have attached an up to date CV / Yes/No
Please confirm that you have attached your academic transcript / Yes/No
Have you previously done any research? (100 words)
NB: It is the supervisor’s responsibility to ensure that any necessary ethical approvals are in place for the study.
Please return this form by Tuesday 28th March 2017to your local champion for the program:
Bristol: Professor Linda Wooldridge ()
Cambridge: Professor Matthew Allen ()
Edinburgh: Dr David Collie ()
Glasgow: Ian Jeffcoate ()
Liverpool: Dr Gina Pinchbeck ()
Nottingham: Dr Nigel Mongan ()
RVC, London: Dr Imelda McGonnell ()
Surrey: Professor Alasdair Cook ()