DIARY for 1917
The Soldiers Own Diary is pale-brown and linen-covered measuring 3" by 4" (7.5 by 10 mm), published by Charles Letts. It has survived in fair condition, apart from the bottom edge which is bullet-ripped but fortunately very little of the written content has been lost.[1] The endpapers are multi-coloured maps of Europe, but part of the front one is missing, on the reverse of which would have been the title page.
A sad tale unfolds in its pages bringing to life those black and white shadows so often seen on film. It was the family's most enigmatic surviving document and deserves to be read not only most carefully, but with much understanding. The persons and events it records are now part of history so there has not been much of an element of prying after so much time has elapsed.
Although common, it was illegal for soldiers to keep a diary in World War One, so it is remarkable that it was returned to the family after Will's death.
The majority of the entries were made in pencil, are feint and sometimes difficult to read. Much of the information Will wrote about himself and Betty is in Pitman's shorthand. The first completed page is headed:
Regimental No. [840057 - deleted, and inserted over] 653775.[2]
Rank. Cpl.
Name. Merryweather W J E.
Home Address. 105 Edith Grove, Kings Road, Chelsea, SW.
Corps. 21st (Res) London Regiment.
Company. C.
Platoon and Section. –
Next follow 60 pages about military matters - tactics, badges, semaphore, etc. The following names are written on page 56.
Jacobs. Phillips. Bottcher. Hunt. Westcott. Selves. Gomme. Whitfield. Aplin.[3] Waghorn. Ford. Vinten. Purton. Elliott. Morrison. Fenwick. Overton. Langley.
017487 Sgt. F Thomas,[4] No.5A Ordnance, NOS [Heavy - deleted] Mobile Workshop, (Heavy), [No.8 - deleted], B.E.F. France.
Miss F Popperwell,[5] c/o Mrs Cooper, Albion Corner, Albion Street, Saxmundham, Suffolk.
Mr. J A Oldham,[6] 40 Fernthorpe Rd., Streatham, SW16.
2/Lieut. E Cotterell,[7] 124th Labour Coy, B.E.F. France.
Pte. B[ertram] G Knowles,[8] [3149 - deleted] 700.081, 15 Platoon "D" Coy, 2/23rd London Regt, Salonica Field Forces, M.E.F.
Pte. F[rancis E] Wellstead,[9] Bombing Platoon, 2/23rd London Regt, [Salonica Field Force, M.E.F. - deleted], Egypt Ex Force, Egypt.
Pte. W H Morris 275134, "C" Coy, 2/3 London Regt (RF), B.E.F. France [all deleted].
Mr T. [or I?]
No 204287, Sapper A Jarvis,[10] 324 Party, A Coy, RE's, Brompton Barracks, Chatham, Kent [all deleted].
653883, Bell S[idney] C[harles 21st London Regt].
[----75?] [Henry J.] Smye,[11] No 15 Camp. 8th IBD, Havre. [all deleted].
"Hoppy," Olive Villa, Newgate St., Walton.
Pte. R Merryweather,[12] No 35589, Hut 5 "F" Company, 47 T.R.B. No 1 Camp, Perham Down, Andover, Hants.
Miss Ashby,[13] Milburn, Sutton Lane, Hounslow, London.
There are no further entries until:
12 Mon. 9.30 train to Brentwood and general Course of Instruction. N.C.O's.[14]
13 Tue. GMC.[15] 2 letters from my Betty. Wrote 2 in reply. [all deleted]
14 Wed. GMC. 2 letters from Betty … wrote two in reply. Letter from Ma. [all deleted]
15 Thu. GMC. 2 letters from my love to which I replied. 1 letter from Vi. [all deleted]
24 Sat. Pass to Colchester. Met my Betty on the station. Slept at Em's. Pictures in Evening.
25 Sun. [Partly deleted]. Breakfast 11.
26 Mon. Brentwood in time for parade. Oh! the pain of leaving.
3 Sat. My Betty wrote[16] to say Bert[17] is home on leave. [Pictures in evening deleted]
4 Sun. Breakfast late. Hoppy talked[?] with Betty. Wrote Hazell.[18] [Entries for this and the previous day have been erased and are partly obliterated by smudging from the entry on the facing page]
5 Mon. Ret'd Brentwood 7.30 train in time for Parade. Oh! the pain of leaving.
8 Thu. Returned from leave.
10 Sat. Went up to London for a few hours.
11 Sun. Returned to Brentwood in time for church.
15 Thu. Betty wrote to say Bert returned from leave. [Entry erased]
16 Fri. Ret'd from Course at Brentwood. The joy of ... [?. Much erased].
24 Sat. Mtd Gd. Thorpe.[19] Vigilance began.[20] Cooke found asleep on post (D.C.M.).[21]
25 Sun. Dismt'd Gd. Stand to 11pm.
27 Tue. Special Vigilance over 4 pm.
31 Sat. Mtd Guard Kiosk.[22]
1 Sun. Dismt'd Gd. Kiosk.[23]
2 Mon. Moved to Fort Fitzgerald "A" Company. Promoted to "Full" Corporal.
3 Tue. Cooke's D.C.M. postponed.
4 Wed. D.C.M. 2pm. Mtd Chevaux Guard 7pm.[24]
5 Thu. Dismt'd Guard 5pm.
7 Sat. Late pass to Frinton [subsequent shorthand erased]. Mrs. Millar and Addie came for week-end.
8 Sun. Returned in time for church parade.
9 Mon. Went to BOR[25] to sign foreign service form. Late pass to Frinton. Slept with Betty.
10 Tue. GOC's[26] inspection. Went to Sandy Point.[27]
14 Sat. Bert home on leave.
19 Thu. Moved under canvas, Walton Ashes.[28]
20 Fri. Bert returned to barracks.
21 Sat. Mtd guard 4pm.
22 Sun. Dismt'd Gd. 6pm.
23 Mon. On Recruits Training Staff.
3 Thu. Johnny came to stay at Ashleigh.[29]
17 Thu. Johnny ret'd home.
18 Fri. M.O.'s inspection 9.30. Dinner at Ashleigh. Caught 5.9 train to Colchester where met Betty. On to Em's. "Merely Mary Anne" at Theatre.[30] Frank ret'd with us to Em's.
19 Sat. Breakfast 11. Dinner 1.30. [shorthand erased] ... Betty. Pictures in evening with Betty.
20 Sun. Breakfast 10. Walk with Betty before dinner. Rest in afternoon. Walk to Wivenhoe after tea. Wrote Ma, Young and Florrie.
21 Mon. Breakfast 10. Shopping with Betty before dinner. Went to bed with Betty in afternoon. Theatre in evening. [Some entries for this and other days erased].
23 Wed. Reported to camp 1pm. Parade with recruits 2-4.30. Tea at Betty's. Wrote Cot. Slept with Betty.
24 Thu. Parade 7-9 and 2. Route march 9am. Letter from Johnny. Slept with Betty.
25 Fri. Ret'd to Coy from Recruits. Parade 7. Saw C.O. re commission; would not recommend. Saw my Betty at 1pm to 3pm. Mtd Gd. 4pm at Walton Pier.
26 Sat. Hoppy and wife introduced during afternoon. Dismounted Guard 5pm. Tea at Betty's. Told me that Vi knew all. Slept with Betty.
27 Sun. Church Parade 9.30. With Betty all day. Inlying Piquet 9. Slept with Betty.
28 Mon. Betty and I went out at 11.30 with Em. Went up to Camp with Betty[?] a surprise[?]. Mtd Gd. 6pm. Betty & Em came to Pier to see me.
29 Tue. Florrie and Vi came to see Smye and I on Gd. Dismt'd Gd. 6pm. Tea at Betty's. Slept with my beloved.
30 Wed. Up at 5. returned to Camp. Parade 7-8 and 9-12.13. With Betty at 3pm. Inlying piquet 9. Slept in Camp. Letter from Ma and Dad.
31 Thu. Woke up at 5am saw my Betty and returned to Camp at 6am. Parade 7-8 P&BF[31] Parade 9. Saw Betty and had dinner at Ashleigh. Betty had a letter from Cot - home on leave. Left Betty at 3.15. Mtd Gd 4pm Pier. Betty came down to Walton to see me. Said would see her tomorrow. Betty came to see me in the evening.
1 Fri. Carried on with Gd. for another 24 hours. My Betty came to see me afternoon and evening. Wrote Johnny.
2 Sat. Pte. Kempton found asleep on post at 2am. Wrote Ma. Dismt'd Gd. 5pm. At Ashleigh until 8.30. Inlying Piquet 9pm. Ret'd Ashleigh 9.30. Whitie's down from Colchester. Slept with Betty.
3 Sun. Returned Camp. Church Parade 9. At Ashleigh all day. Walk with Whitie and Betty in the evening. Slept with Betty.
4 Mon. Parade 7-8 Coy Drill 9. Def W.[32] With Betty from 3pm. Slept with Betty. Letter from Frank T. answered.
5 Tue. B.O.S.[33] for day. Aircraft action 7pm and 7.30. Ret'd Ashleigh after Staff Parade. Slept with Betty.
6 Wed. Up at 9am. Summary of Evidence (re Kempton 11). Ret'd Ashleigh had dinner. Mtd Kirby Guard 4pm.
7 Thu. Dismt'd Guard 5pm. [...? went to ...?].
8 Fri. Parade 7-8 9-12.30. With Betty until 7pm. Night Operations over 11pm. Slept with Betty.
9 Sat. Interior economy 9 [12?]. With Betty until 2.30. Mtd Gd. 5pm Pier. Letter from Johnny.
10 Sun. Dismt'd Guard 5pm [...] to tea. Slept with Betty [shorthand erased]. Wrote Ma.
11 Mon. B.O.S. With Betty 1 to 2 and 10.30pm. Slept with my Betty. Letter from Ma.
12 Tue. Up at 10am. Returned to camp at 2.30. Mtd Gd. 5p Kirby Quay.
13 Wed. Dismtd Gd. 5pm. With Betty at 5.30.
14 Thu. Parade 7-9. Kempton's DCM at 10am-12.53. With Betty until 8.30. Inlying Piquet 9pm. Returned to Betty's. Slept with Betty.
15 Fri. Parade 7-8 9-12.30. Went to see Betty 4.30. Inoculated (48 hours excused duty). Met Betty at Walton. Returned with her to Ashleigh.
16 Sat. Up at 12am. Returned to Camp at 3pm. Back to Ashleigh.
17 Sun. Up at 11am. To Camp. Inlying Piquet 9. Went to sleep with my Betty.
18 Mon. Parade 7-8 9-2. Fatigue. Saw my Betty at 2pm-3.30. Meet her at 6.30 tomorrow. Mtd Pier Guard 5pm. Letters from Cot and Ma.
19 Tue. Dismt'd Guard 6pm. Saw my beloved at 6.15. With her until 8.30.
20 Wed. Parade 7-8 9-2. Mtd Kirby Guard 6pm.
21 Thu. Wrote my darling Betty. Dismt'd Kirby Guard 6pm. Called at Mrs. Fenn's; learnt of Mr. Fenn's death on 15th.[34] Went to Kirby to see my darling. Letter from Betty in the evening. Letter from Frank Thomas.
22 Fri. Parade 7-8 9-2. Mtd Pier Guard 5pm. Wrote my Betty. Letter from Johnny and my darling Betty.
23 Sat. Dismt'd Gd. 6pm. Went over to Kirby, saw my Betty. I [...? her very much?].
24 Sun. Church Parade 9.30. Over to Kirby. Stayed to dinner. Mtd Gd 5pm.
25 Mon. Dismt'd Gd. 6pm ... Saw my Betty at 6.15. Stayed with her until 9. Promised to see her tomorrow. Letter from Betty.
26 Tue. Parade 7-8 9-2. Mtd Kirby Guard at 5pm. Wrote my beloved.
27 Wed. Dismt'd Kirby Guard 6pm. Saw my Betty. Promised to see her tomorrow.
28 Thu. Butt Party Parade 7. Ret'd Camp 2.30. With Betty in the afternoon & evening. Said she would come ... to see me on guard tomorrow.
29 Fri. No Parades. Mtd Gd. for Sgt. Nelson - relieved at 5.30. Inoculated 6pm. 7.30 train to Kirby. My love had gone to see me at Walton. Betty came home at 8.15. See her tomorrow 2.30. Letter from Cot.
30 Sat. Bath at 10. Saw Betty at 3pm. Tea in town. Saw Betty again at house in lane[?]. Retd camp 9pm. Invited to Kirby all day tomorrow.
1 Sun. Out at 9am to Kirby. Dinner, tea and supper at Kirby. With Betty all day at Kirby.
2 Mon. Wrote Johnnie, Flo and Em. Mtd Gd. Kirby 5. Betty came to see me at 7.30.
3 Tue. Dismt'd Gd. 5. Saw Betty at 6pm. With her until 9pm promised to see her Thurs. Going to Colchester tomorrow. Letter from Ma.
4 Wed. Mtd Pier Guard. Wrote Cot., Ma. Letter from Bert.
5 Thu. Dismt'd Gd. 6pm. Saw Betty at 6.30 to 7.30. Night Cpl. 8pm.
6 Fri. Parade 9-2 and 5-6. Saw my darling Betty at 6.15 out until 9.30 with her and stayed at Mrs. F's. Name on Orders for Winchester.
7 Sat. Parade 7-8 9-12.30. Saw my darling at 2.15pm went to pictures in the evening with her and Violet. Letter from Dad.
8 Sun. Church Parade 9.30. With Betty at 12.45. Stayed to dinner and tea and supper.
9 Mon. Parade 7-8 9-2. With Betty at 5.30. Told her I was going away Wed.; terrible shock to my darling. Letter from Johnny, Flo.
10 Tue. Parade 7-8. Go for MO. Went to see my beloved at 11am. She was in a terrible state. Oh if only I were not going away. Smye spoilt evening.
11 Wed. 9.26 train to Winchester. My darling came to see me on the station at Frinton. Wrote my darling.
12 Thu. Parade 6 MO. 8-12.30 2-4.30. Put in charge of No 32 Squad. Wrote my beloved.
13 Fri. Parade 6.15 10.15 and 2. GOC's inspection. 2 letters from my love. Wrote my Betty.
14 Sat. Parade 6.15 7-8.30 12. Wrote my Betty. Letter from my Betty. Mtd Gd. 7.30.
15 Sun. Mtd Gd 6am. Church Parade 9am. Wrote my darling. Went into Town with Boyd [or Bert?] ... and Em.
16 Mon. Parade 6.15 8.15 and 2. 2 letters from my beloved. Wrote 2 letters in reply.
17 Tue. Parade 6 8 and 2. Letter from my darling. Replied. She is upset. Wrote Ma and Bert.
18 Wed. Parade 6 8 and 2. 2 letters from my love to which I replied. She is all apologies over upsetting me. Wrote Johnny and Flo and Vi who wrote me.
19 Thu. Parade 6 8 and 2. 2 letters from my Betty. Replied to both.
20 Fri. Parade 6 8 and 2. 2 letters from my love. Wrote 2 letters to my Betty.
21 Sat. Parade 6 and 8. Bath. Letter from Betty. Went down Town and to the Pictures with Cpl. Purnell.
22 Sun. Wrote my Betty in answer to her letter.
23 Mon. Parade as usual. 2 letters from my love. Answered them. Letter from Vi.
24 Tue. Parades. Letter from my darling. Answered them. Letter from Bert J. and Johnnie and Dad.
25 Wed. Parades. 2 letters from Betty. Replied.
26 Thu. Parades. 2 letters from my darling. Answered.
27 Fri. 2 letters from Betty to which I replied. Wrote Vi. Longwood Trenches for the day.
28 Sat. Wrote my Betty. Went to Town and pictures in evening. Letter from my love.
29 Sun. Church Parade 9.30. Letter from my darling Betty. Replied to letter. Wrote Ma.
30 Mon. Bombing. 2 letters from my love (Saty and Sun). Wrote 2 letters in reply.
31 Tue. Parades as usual. 1 letter from Betty. Wrote 2 letters to my love. Wrote Dad, My Betty.
1 Wed. Parades as usual. 2 letters from my love. Wrote to my Betty. Letter from Cot. On duty Cpls Mess.