Aging and Long-Term Support Administration
Home and Community Services Division
PO Box 45600, Olympia, WA 98504-5600
H14-024 – Information
April 14, 2014
TO: / Area Agency on Aging (AAA) DirectorsHome and Community Services (HCS) Division Regional Administrators Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) Regional Administrators
FROM: / Bea Rector, Director, Home and Community Services Division
Don Clintsman, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Developmental Disabilities Administration
Availability of New Union Orientation Materials for Individual Providers (IPs)
Purpose: / To inform ALTSA and DDA staff, Managed Care and Home Care Referral Registry staff about the availability and distribution of new union orientation materials and the updated web address for online orders.To remind ALTSA and DDA staff to direct individual providers to the Employment Reference Guide for Individual Providers for information about submitting a valid IRS W-4 form for tax withholding.
Background: / The Individual Provider Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) requires the State/Department to distribute union membership applications and union orientation materials to IPs. The materials distributed shall be neutral in tone, and the union is responsible for providing sufficient orientation copies for distribution.
Federal Income tax is not withheld from an IP’s paycheck unless he/she submits a valid IRS W-4 form.
What’s new, changed, or
Clarified / The 2013-2015 IP Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and Highlights are now available online. SEIU Healthcare 775NW has also updated its membership card, which is included in a newly developed New Employee Orientation packet (membership card, union info and CBA). 50 copies of the New Employment Orientation packets will be shipped via UPS to HCS/DDA/AAA field offices, ADS Managed Care, and Home Care Referral Registry contracted agencies.
· Cards are available in - Russian, Korean, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Spanish, Somali, Cambodian (Khmer), Tagalog, Amharic.
· Our CBA will be available Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, Russian and Vietnamese.
· There is no minimum order for cards but there will be a 50 copy minimum order for translated contracts.
The web address for ordering additional materials has also changed to
IPs may obtain that information from the SEIU Healthcare NW Health Benefits Trust at
No changes in IRS W-4 form submission process. IPs remain responsible for mailing these forms to the address indicated in the Employment Reference Guide.
ACTION: / Start using the 2013-2015 IP CBA, Highlights, and the new Membership forms. Discard any old ones you may have in your office.
To order more membership cards, IP CBA and NEO packets use our online form: when you run out of materials.
· Most orders will take 3-5 business days to process. Shipping to your local office will be done via UPS and/or US Postal system.
· If you do not receive your materials within 7 business days, or need help with the online order form, please call the SEIU Healthcare 775NW Member Resource Center toll-free at 1-866-371-3200.
Refer IPs to the Health Benefits Trust at or 1(866)-371-3200 for enrollment applications.
Staff to remind IPs to review the tax information in the Employment Reference Guide for Individual Providers, under General Employment Information, which includes where the IP should mail his/her W-4 forms:
Mail completed IRS W-4 forms:
Provider File Unit - Section Two
PO Box 45346
Olympia, WA 98504-5346
ATTACHMENT(S): /CONTACT(S): / Grace Kiboneka, ADSA Provider Labor Relations
Debbie Roberts, Division of Developmental Disabilities
(360) 725-3525
Stacy Graff, Home and Community Services
(360) 725-2533