Schedule of benched

14 Class Open Single Breed Show

(held under Kennel Club Limited Rules& Regulations)


Three Shires Field, Bannerdown, Bath, BA1 8EG

Show opens: 11.30am Judging: not before 12 noon

Breed Judge: Darren Clarke (Peluche)

Guarantors to the Kennel Club:

Chairman Mr R Jones Drynham Road, Trowbridge, Wilts, BA14 0PE

Secretary Mrs E A Sibley Eirianfa, Llangoedmor, Cardigan, Dyfed SA43 2LG

Treasurer Mr Kevin Burdett-Coutts, Netley Farm, Harrowbarrow, PL17 8BG

All judges at this show agree to abide by the following statement: “In assessing dogs, judges must penalise any features or exaggerations which they consider would be detrimental to the soundness, health and wellbeing of the dog”.

Entries close: 1st May 2017

Only undocked and legally docked dogs may be entered for exhibition at this show

Hon Veterinary Surgeon: Mr C J Laurence MBE QVRM TD BVSc MRCVS The Warren, Kellaways, Chippenham, Wilts. Emergency Veterinary Telephone Number (for Show duration) – 01249 653561.

Entries to Show Secretary: Mr Kevin Burdett-Coutts, Netley Farm, Harrowbarrow, Callington, Cornwall, PL17 8BG; Telephone 01579 350887

Sponsored by Royal Canin


Darren Clarke (Peluche) Breed Classes

I have owned dogs all my life and been involved in the show scene for over 30 years, with my first Briard coming along in 1984. From just a handful of litters I have bred Champions and General Championship Show Group winners in Briards, including Top Briard and Crufts BOB on 3 occasions, including a Group 3 in 2003. I have also owned Champions in Puli and Skye Terrier. I award CCs in a few Pastoral breeds and judge all breeds and BIS at Open shows.

My interest in the breed goes back to mid 80s, in fact, I was ringside the day that iconic photo was taken of the great all-rounder Bobby James with the early imports at NWBs Ch show. I was proud to have had the chance to handle one of the early imports Alex (Alik Kurna Izba in Megsflocks) at a few shows and more regularly at our local training classes - a rather head-strong boy but a super representative of the breed. I look forward to this appointment and thank the committee for the invitation.

Ian Crowther (Catsun) Special Award Classes

I cut my dog showing teeth as a schoolboy in the mid 70s with my parents Bearded Collies at both the local Open and Championship shows. It was at this time that I first saw the Hungarian Puli at the shows, they were about to get their first set of CC's at Crufts 1978 .I acquired my first Puli in 1979.

I have been heavily involved with Pulis since then. I have been fortunate to have bred some outstanding examples of the breed which have done well for their owners throughout the world with Champions in the UK (Top Puli 2003 &2015), Australia, Republic of South Africa, and the USA (Top Puli 2006 &2 Best in Speciality Winners).

I have judged Pastoral breeds including the group and some non-Pastoral breeds and varieties throughout the country at Open Show level. I recall very well when the first PLS came to the UK, making an appearance at the National Working Breeds with their one time Puli owner Megan Butler. I attended The PLSCWWE judging seminar in February 2015 passing with a Credit.

PATRON Mrs Meg Purnell-Carpenter

PRESIDENT Mrs Sue Hewart-Chambers

CHAIRMAN Mr Russell Jones SECRETARY Mrs Ann Sibley

TREASURER Mr Kevin Burdett-Coutts

COMMITTEE: Rachel Biscoe, Chris Burdett-Coutts, Terrie Cousins-Brown

Allison Davies, Paul Lang, Marta Schwarz, Jim Sibley.

Show Manager: Mr Russell Jones










Fees: First show entry per dog: Members - £4.00 for the 1st & 2nd dog, £1 for every other dog; non-Members £6.00 for the 1st & 2nd dog, £1 for every other dog; subsequent entries - £1.00; See advisory note: NFC - £2.00; Spectators dogs - £2.00.

SPECIAL AWARD CLASSES (to be judged after the breed show)

Judge: Ian Crowther

A.  Special Yearling Dog or Bitch; B. Special Limit Dog or Bitch

C. Special Open Dog or Bitch


These classes are held by kind permission of the Kennel Club, and are designed to help judges gain hands on experience of the breed. A judge from our ‘B’ or ‘C’ list is chosen to officiate and entry is £1 per dog per class (enter on entry form as subsequent entry). Only dogs which are entered in the main Open Show are eligible to enter these classes. Any dog beaten in a Special Award Class will not be deemed beaten for the purposes of BIS.

Prize cards and rosettes will be awarded to 4th place.

£££ Prize money for each Class: 1st - £4, 2nd - £3, 3rd - £2 4th - £1

More ……

Club shop; raffle; refreshments available on the show ground;


(The word 'dog' includes both sexes)

In the following definitions, a Challenge Certificate includes any award that counts towards the title of Champion

under the Rules of any governing body recognised by the Kennel Club.

Wins at Championship Shows in breed Classes where Challenge Certificates are not on offer shall be counted as wins at Open Shows.

In the case of a dog owned in partnership and entered in Members' classes or competing for Members' Specials each partner must at the time of entry be a member of the Society.

In estimating the number of awards won, all wins up to and including the seventh day before the date of closing of

entries shall be counted when entering for any class i.e. 24th April2017

Wins in Variety classes do not count for entry in Breed classes but when entering for Variety classes, wins in both

Breed and Variety classes must be counted. A first prize does not include a Special Prize of whatever value.

If an exhibitor reports before the judging of a class or classes that a dog has been entered which is ineligible, the exhibitor may choose one of the following options

(1) Withdrawal: The dog may be withdrawn from competition subject to the conditions of Regulations 9(j) and 20.

(2) Transfer: a) If a dog is ineligible for a class or classes as regards its colour, sex, weight or height the Show Secretary

shall transfer it to the equivalent class or classes for the correct colour, sex, weight or height and, in the event

of there being no equivalent class, Minor Puppy and Puppy excepted to the Open Class for the correct colour, sex,

weight or height

b) For an exhibit entered incorrectly in a Minor Puppy Class or Puppy Class, which is over age but

under twelve months of age or eighteen calendar months of age respectively, the Show Secretary shall transfer the

exhibit to the Puppy Class or the Junior Class respectively for the correct colour, sex, weight or height.

c) For any reason other than the above, the Show Secretary shall transfer it to the Open Class for the correct colour, sex, weight or height.

d) If an exhibit arrives late and misses a class, even if it is the only class in which the dog is entered, the dog may not be transferred to any other class.

PUPPY. For dogs of six and not exceeding twelve calendar months of age on the first day of the Show.

JUNIOR. For dogs of six and not exceeding eighteen calendar months of age on the first day of the Show.

POST GRADUATE. For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or five or more First Prizes at

Championship Shows in Post Graduate, Minor Limit, Mid Limit, Limit and Open Classes, whether restricted or not.

LIMIT. For dogs which have not won three Challenge Certificates under three different judges or seven or more

First Prizes in all, at Championship Shows in Limit and Open Classes, confined to the breed, whether restricted or

not, at Shows where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed.

OPEN. For all dogs of the breeds for which the Class is provided and eligible for entry at the Show.

VETERAN. For dogs of not less than seven years of age on the first day of the Show. BVIS to be chosen from winners of classes7 and 14.

SPECIAL AWARD YEARLING. For dogs of six and not exceeding twenty-four calendar months of age on the first day of the Show

SPECIAL AWARD LIMIT For dogs which have not won three Challenge Certificates under three different judges or seven or more First Prizes in all, at Championship Shows in Limit and Open Classes, confined to the breed, whether restricted or not, at Shows where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed.

SPECIAL AWARD OPEN For all dogs of the breeds for which the Class is provided and eligible for entry at the Show.


1. The Show will open at 11.30 am.

2. Dogs will be received at any time but it is the exhibitors responsibility to ensure that exhibits are

available when required.

3. Judging will commence not before noon.

4. Exhibits may be removed from the Show after their judging has been completed. The Show will close half an hour after all the judging has been completed.

5. The use of cooking stoves in the proximity of tenting and benching areas is forbidden except as

authorised by the Show Management

6. First entry per dog - Members - £4.00for the 1st & 2nd dog, £1 for every other dog;, Non- Members £6.00 for the 1st & 2nd dog, £1 for every other dog. Subsequent entries - £1.00, NFC - £2.00.

7. The amount of prize money on offer at this show is for Special Award Classes 1st - £4, 2nd - £3, 3rd - £2 4th - £1

8. The committee reserves to itself the right to refuse entries.

9. Puppies under six calendar months of age on the first day of the show are not eligible for exhibition.

10. The mating of bitches within the precincts of the Show is forbidden.

11. Best Puppy in Show: Where a Best Puppy in Show competition is scheduled the Best Puppy in Show is a Puppy which has competed and is unbeaten by any other Puppy exhibited at the same Show. A Puppy

is a dog of six and not exceeding twelve calendar months of age on the first day of the Show. Where the

Best in Show is a Puppy, it will automatically be Best Puppy in Show respectively. Similarly if the

Reserve Best in Show is a puppy which has only been beaten by an adult dog it will also automatically

be Best Puppy in Show respectively. Consequently, selection of Best Puppy in Show must follow the

selection of Best in Show respectively. Best Puppy in Show must be selected from puppies which have been judged and which are unbeaten by any other puppy.

Withdrawal from competition. Puppies which become eligible for Best Puppy in Show may be with

drawn from all other competition, other than breed classes, prior to the competition for Best Puppy in

Show in order to remain unbeaten. A Puppy beaten in competition for Best Puppy in Show may subsequently be exhibited in all competition for which it was previously eligible. The dog declared Best Puppy in Show, however must not compete in any subsequent competition.

12. The dog declared Best in Show is a dog which has competed and is unbeaten by any other dog exhibited

at the same Show. Best in Show must be selected from exhibits declared Best of Sex providing they are unbeaten winning dogs. Reserve Best in Show must be selected from the Best Opposite of Sex and the Reserve Best of Sex to the exhibit declared Best in Show. The dogs declared Best In Show and Reserve Best In Show must not

compete in any subsequent competition. Best Veteran in Show must be selected from the Veteran class winners.

Withdrawal from competition. Dogs which become eligible for Best in Show may be withdrawn

from all other competition other than breed classes prior to the competition for Best in Show as appropriate

in order to remain unbeaten. A dog beaten in competition for Best in Show may subsequently be exhibited in all competition for which it was previously eligible. The dogs declared Best in Show and Reserve Best In Show however, must not compete in any subsequent competition.

13 Exhibits will not be admitted to Best in Show competition after a period of ten minutes has elapsed since

the announcement that exhibits are required for judging, unless they have been unavoidably delayed by

previous judging not being completed on time, and then only with the special permission of the Show


14 Exhibitors must not pick up dogs by their tails and leads when lifting them. This is not acceptable. Exhibitors should note that such practice would constitute harsh handling and reports of such practice will be referred to the Committee under Kennel Club Show Regulation F11. 15

15 It is not acceptable to handle a dog in a manner which causes its feet not to touch the ground when on the move. Exhibitors should note that such practices could constitute harsh handling and reports of such practice will be referred to the Committee under Kennel Club Show Regulation F11.

16 All exhibitors must be familiar with Kennel Club Regulation F (Annexe B)- Regulations for the

Preparation of Dogs for Exhibition.