NHS England – London Region Community Pharmacy FAQ – (UPDATED OCTOBER 2016)

Subject / Specific queries / Who to contact / How to contact / Details to be included in the correspondence / LINKS TO DOCUMENTS/FORMS/TEMPLATES
Contractual /
  • Notification of pharmacy emergency closure
/ Commissioning Team / 
 0203 182 4993 /
  • Call or send email or complete form
  • OCS code, name & borough area
  • Reasons for closure
  • Signposting arranged for patients & other healthcare professionals in place
/ Notification of unplanned temporary suspension of services
  • Notification of planned pharmacy closure
/ Commissioning Team / 
 0203 182 4993 /
  • Complete form
  • At least 90 days notice
  • Send completed to market entry
/ Request for a planned temporary suspension of services
  • Request to amend core opening hours
/ Commissioning Team / 
 0203 182 4993 / Application to change core opening hours
  • Request to amend supplementary opening hours
/ Commissioning Team / 
 0203 182 4993 / Notification of changes to supplementary opening hours
  • Submission of 100 hour pharmacy monitoring template
/ Commissioning Team / 
 0203 182 4993 /
  • Complete template weekly
  • Send completed template to London Region team at the end of each month
/ 100hours Pharmacy Monitoring Template
  • Request to provide Advanced services
/ Commissioning Team / 
 0203 182 4993 /
  • Complete Prem 1 form & send certificate to provide MURs at pharmacy premises
  • Complete Prem 2 & application forms to provide MURs outside pharmacy premises
  • Complete notification form for NMS
  • Complete application forms to provide AUR, SAC
  • Send all completed forms to the London Region Team
/ Forms & more info could be access via PNSC website @:-

  • Submission Special Certificate of Conformity (COC & COA)
/ Commissioning Team / 
 0203 182 4993 /
  • CPs are to hold on to these until further communication from NHSE
  • Pharmaceutical Waste Collection
/ Waste Collection Company / Call or Email /
  • For All Pharmacies in the NCEL & NW of London
Contact Anenta on:-
T: 0330 122 2143
  • For All Pharmacies in the South of London
Contact Essentia on
T: 020 8254 8337
  • Request for smart cards & other related issues
/ Local Registration Managers / PLEASE CLICK ON THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT TO ACCESS CONTACT DETAILS FOR EACH LONDON AREA TEAM / London Region Community Pharmacy Smart Card Contact Details
  • Fitness to Practice
/ Commissioning Team / 
 0203 182 4993 /
  • The forms for new contracts and changes in directors and/or superintendents for body corporates, please follow the hyperlink to NHS England Website. The forms are listed on the page.
/ NHS Commissioning » Pharmacy application forms
  • Change of Ownership
  • The application form for a change of ownership can be found on the NHS England website, under application forms.
  • NHSE also need to be informed of change of Superintendent Pharmacist.
/ NHS Commissioning » Pharmacy application forms
London Market Entry Enquiries inc Fees
  • No Significant Change Relocation
  • The application form for “no significant change relocation” can be found on the NHS England website, under application forms.

  • Request to enter NHSE Pharmaceutical list (i.e. new pharmacy application)
  • Applicants will find the required application forms for new applications can be downloaded from NHS England website. Please ensure that you download and complete the correct form as these cannot be changed once they are submitted.

Payments /
  • Request for Top-up payment
/ London Region Commissioning Team / 
 0203 182 4993 /
  • Complete template letter from the PNSC website
  • Send completed form and evidence of claim to the London Region Team
/ Templates & more info could be access via PNSC website @:-

  • Request for Discretionary payments
/ London Region Commissioning Team / 
 0203 182 4993 /
  • Pharmacy OCS Code, name & borough
  • Breakdown of issue
  • Send email to the London Region Team
/ Please note that NHSE is not in any position to make discretionary payments as this is not stipulated in the drug tariff. This includes switch prescriptions payment requests
  • Request for EPS Monthly Allowance
/ London Region Commissioning Team / 
 0203 182 4993 /
  • Download and complete claim form
  • Submit completed claim form to the London Region Team
/ Claim form & more info could be access via PNSC website @:-

  • Electronic Prescription Claiming Issues
/ NHS BSA / 
 03003 301349 /
  • F Code, Pharmacy Name and address
  • Request for Pre-Registration Training Grant
/ London Region Commissioning Team / 
 0203 182 4993 /
  • Download and complete grant form
  • Submit completed application to the London Region Team
  • Send in the trainee GPHC training log
/ Templates & more info could be access via PNSC website @:-

Patient queries /
  • Pre-payment certificate backdated payment
/ London Region Commissioning Team / 
 0203 182 4993 /
  • Pharmacy name & borough
  • Full breakdown of situation including backdated amount to be paid
  • Send query to the London Region Team
  • Assistance with complaints
/ Complaints Team / 
 03003 11 22 33 /
  • Pharmacy name & borough
  • Full breakdown of the query
  • Send query to the London Region Team
CRB/DBS checks /
  • Request for CRB/DBS checks to carry out domicile MURs
/ London Region Commissioning Team / 
 0203 182 4993 /
  • Pharmacy OCS Code, name & borough
  • Process not yet developed.
/ The London regional team are not responsible for DBS certification. The umbrella bodies recommend by the home office for supporting applicants with their DBSapplications can be foundat
NHS.net /
  • Unlock accounts & reset passwords
  • New user request
/ Commissioning Support Units / Pharmacies in North Central & East London

01502 719550 / 08452 410528
Pharmacies in North West London

Pharmacies in South London(Please click on the link below)
London Region Community Pharmacy Smart Card Contact Details
For Kingston CCG only : /
  • OCS code, Pharmacy name & borough
  • NHS.net email address or name of new user
  • Details of a personal email address, or mobile telephone number, that a new password can be sent to securely
  • Complete request form
  • Send with completed IG toolkit

Controlled drugs /
  • Any queries relating to controlled drugs & witnessing destructions
/ Medical Directorate / 
 0207 932 3113 /
  • Pharmacy name, OCS code & borough
  • Full breakdown of query
Pharmacies can now request to destroy obsolete schedule 2 CD by emailing the CDAO. On many occasions the CDAO candesignate them as an authorised person for the purposes of witnessing the destruction of controlled drugs for a limited time.You MUST NOT act as an Authorised Person until you have received an authority (electronically) from the CDAO.
  • NHS E control drug Accountable Officer
/ William Rial / 
 0207 932 3113 /
  • Please contact the CD Accountable Officer for any CD queries

Information Governance /
  • Any queries or advice relating to Information Governance
/ London Region Commissioning Team / 
 0203 182 4993 /
  • Pharmacy name, OCS code & borough
  • Full breakdown of query
  • Send query to the London Region Team
NHS Choices /
  • Any queries or advice relating to NHS Choices
/ NHS Choices Team /  /
  • Pharmacy name, OCS code & address
  • Full breakdown of query
  • An account can be registered via the website
stolen prescription /
  • Reporting forged/stolen prescription
/ NHS England Alert Team /  /
  • Scan copy of prescription (only via NHS mail if there is patient identifiable information)
Complaints /
  • Reporting incident/ complaints
/ London Region Commissioning Team / 
 0203 182 4993 /
  • Complete the attached form
  • Send completed form to the London Region Team
Pharmacy Stationery & other Primary Care Support duties /
  • To order for pharmacy stationary, CD codes etc.
/ Primary Care Support England / 
0333 014 2884 /
  • Register with the PCSE website and then it should be possible to order all Pharmacy supplies online.
  • Email or call if there are any issues that need to be discussed with PCSE.
Pharmacy Enhanced Services /
  • For any issues relating to NHS England Commissioned Enhanced services
/ London Imms – influence Service
( Flu) / Please send your queries to the immunisation team (including request to vaccinate off site) to:

For new user:
Existing user:
(The Sonar platform and click new user).
PURM Service / Please send your queries to the London Region Team

 0203 182 4993
Other Enhanced Service
MAS, MDS/MOS, Palliative Care / Please send your queries to the London Region Team

 0203 182 4993
Ad-hoc / Anything not covered by the above
Flu Advance services / London Region Commissioning Team
London Region Commissioning Team / 
 0203 182 4993
All documents are online for the national service:
Permission request to conduct vaccination offsite to be sent with DBS certificate to:

 0203 182 4993 /
  • OCS code , Name of Pharmacy & Borough
  • Full breakdown of the query
  • Send query to the London Region team
/ Payment details for Enhanced services attached


Notification of unplanned temporary suspension of services

Name of contractor
Full address of premises to which the application relates
ODS Code
Address for correspondence (if different)

This is a notification of an unplanned temporary suspension of pharmaceutical services.

Date of the temporary suspension ………………………………………………………….

Times at which pharmaceutical services were not provided …………………………….

Please set out in the box below the reasons for the temporary suspension.

Please set out in the box below any actions taken to limit the impact on users of the premises.

Signature …………………………………………………………………………………..

Name ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Position …………………………………………………………………………………….

Date ………………………………......

On behalf of …………………………………………………………………………………

(Insert name of contractor)

Contact email address in case of queries …………………………………………………

Contact phone number in case of queries …………………………………………………


Request for a planned temporary suspension of services

Name of contractor
Full address of premises to which the application relates
ODS Code
Address for correspondence (if different)

This is a request for a planned temporary suspension of pharmaceutical services.

Date(s) of the temporary suspension ………………………………………………………

(Please note three months’ notice must be given)

Please set out in the box below the reasons for the temporary suspension.

Signature …………………………………………………………………………………..

Name ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Position …………………………………………………………………………………….

Date ………………………………......

On behalf of …………………………………………………………………………………

(insert name of contractor)

Contact email address in case of queries …………………………………………………

Contact phone number in case of queries …………………………………………………


Application to change core opening hours

Name of contractor
Full address of premises to which the application relates
ODS Code
Address for correspondence (if different)

This is an application to:

  • permanently change core opening hours 
  • make a one-off change

(Please tick as relevant).

Please insert below the current core opening hours for these premises.

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday

Please insert below the proposed core opening hours for these premises.

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday

If this is a permanent change, please state in the box below the date from which you would like the change to take effect.

If this is a one-off change, please enter the dates for the change below.

Please provide information on the changes to the needs of people in the area of the Health and Well-being Board, or other likely users of the premises, for pharmaceutical services that have led to your application.

Signature …………………………………………………………………………………..

Name ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Position …………………………………………………………………………………….

Date ………………………………......

On behalf of …………………………………………………………………………………

(insert name of contractor)

Contact email address in case of queries …………………………………………………

Contact phone number in case of queries …………………………………………………


Notification of changes to supplementary opening hours

Name of contractor
Full address of premises to which the application relates
ODS Code
Address for correspondence (if different)

This is an application to:

  • permanently change supplementary opening hours 
  • make a one-off change

(Please tick as relevant).

Please insert below the current supplementary opening hours for these premises.

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday

Please insert below the proposed supplementary opening hours for these premises.

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday

If this is a permanent change, please state in the box below the date from which the change will take effect.

If this is a one-off change, please enter the dates for the change below.

At least 3 months’ notice must be given. If you are seeking to change the supplementary opening hours within a shorter timescale please set out your reasons below and NHS England will consider whether it can agree to a shorter notice period.

Signature …………………………………………………………………………………..

Name ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Position …………………………………………………………………………………….

Date ………………………………......

On behalf of …………………………………………………………………………………

(insert name of contractor)

Contact email address in case of queries …………………………………………………

Contact phone number in case of queries …………………………………………………


Monitoring return for pharmacy contractors subject to a condition under Regulation 65 of the NHS (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013

Certain pharmacy contractors may be required to open for more than 40 core opening hours. This form asks such contractors to provide information on their opening hours and should be completed on a 4 weekly basis and sent to the [insert name of contact] within the [insert name of AT] for verification in accordance with NHS England’s policy and procedure for monitoring opening hours.

The [insert name of AT] will check the information received and contact you if there appears to be any discrepancy between the declared and contracted opening hours. We will also be logging your data on our systems for future audit purposes.

Declaration by the contractor:

I declare that information provided in this return is accurate and that the persons were present as stated.

Signature ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Name …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Position ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Date ………………………………......

On behalf of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

(insert name of contractor)

Please complete the details below for each week.

Week beginning Monday (date/month/year) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Pharmacy name, ODS Code and address………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Day of week
WEEK 1 / Pharmacist name (PRINT) / Pharmacist signature / GPhC registration no. / Hours worked
From To / Total opening hours during which a pharmacist was available
Total weekly hours

Please complete the details below for each week.

Week beginning Monday (date/month/year) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Pharmacy name, ODS Code and address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Day of week
WEEK 2 / Pharmacist name (PRINT) / Pharmacist signature / GPhC registration no. / Hours worked
From To / Total opening hours during which a pharmacist was available
Total weekly hours

Please complete the details below for each week.

Week beginning Monday (date/month/year) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Pharmacy name, ODS Code and address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Day of week
WEEK 3 / Pharmacist name (PRINT) / Pharmacist signature / GPhC registration no. / Hours worked
From To / Total opening hours during which a pharmacist was available
Total weekly hours

Please complete the details below for each week.

Week beginning Monday (date/month/year) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Pharmacy name, ODS Code and address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Day of week
WEEK 4 / Pharmacist name (PRINT) / Pharmacist signature / GPhC registration no. / Hours worked
From To / Total opening hours during which a pharmacist was available
Total weekly hours

Please return completed form to



AT / Boroughs / Contacts / AT / Boroughs / Contacts / AT / Boroughs / Contacts
North Central & East London / Barking & Dagenham / T: 0203 182 3076
E: / North West London / Brent / T:02089661013 & 02089661040 -
E: / South London / Bexley / T:0208 298 6166 – E:
Barnet / T: 020 3688 1000
E: / Ealing / T:0208 962 6591 -
E: / Bromley / T:0208 315 8702
Kingston / T:0203 049 6305 – Waterloo Office
T: 0203 458 5839 – Wimbledon Office
Camden / Hammersmith & Fulham / Croydon
City & Hackney / Harrow / T:02089661013 &
02089661040 -
E: / Greenwich
Enfield / Hillingdon / Merton
Haringey / Hounslow / T:0208 962 6591 -
E: / Lambeth
Havering / T: 0203 182 3076
E: / Kensington & Chelsea / Lewisham
Islington / T: 020 3688 1000
E: / Westminster / Southwark
Newham / Sutton
Redbridge / T: 0203 182 3076
E: / Richmond
Tower Hamlets / T: 020 3688 1000
E: / Wandsworth
Waltham Forest



Thank you for enquiry to the London Market Entry Team.

Applicants will find the required application forms can be downloaded from NHS England website. Please ensure that you download and complete the correct form as these cannot be changed once they are submitted. A link to the website is found below; this website lists the different types of applications with the appropriate forms for each of these.

NHS Commissioning » Pharmacy application forms

If you would like to find copies of the new regulations, links to these and the guidance can be found on the PCC website. A link for these is below.

Applicants that have not previously completed fitness to practice (ftp) before, will need in addition to complete the relevant fitness to practice form, please ensure that you use the correct form for new fitness to practice. A web link to the forms for this is listed below:

NHS Commissioning » Pharmacy application forms

Applicants may also wish to view the PSNC market entry regulations pages to assist them, please find below the link to these pages:

Please select the correct application form(s), complete and return this to: Primary Care Support England, PO Box 350, Darlington, DL1 9QN.

When submitting an application you must include the appropriate fee and make the cheque payable to NHS England. Below is a table of fees payable for each type of application

Excepted Applications
Application for Distance Selling Premises (Regulation 25) / £750
Applications for relocations which do not result in a significant change (regulation 24) / £250
Application for Change of Ownership where the applicant is already included on the pharmaceutical list (regulation 26(1)) / £150
Application for Change of Ownership where the applicant is not already included on the pharmaceutical list (regulation 26(1)) / £250
Applications for change of ownership combined with a relocation that does not result in a significant change, where the applicant is already included on the pharmaceutical list regulation 26 (2)) / £250
Applications for change of ownership combined with a relocation that does not result in a significant change, where the applicant is not included on the pharmaceutical list regulation 26 (2)) / £350
Routine Applications
First Application / £750
Duplicate application submitted within 180 days of a previous outcome (this includes distance selling applications.) / £1,500
Subsequent application submitted within 180 days of a previous outcome for a duplicate application (this includes distance selling applications.) / £3,000

No fees are payable for the following applications:

Temporary listings arising out of suspensions (regulation 27)
Applications from persons exercising a right of return to a pharmaceutical list (regulation 28)
Applications relating to emergencies requiring flexible provision of pharmaceutical services (regulation 29)
Applications for change of core hours