10 March 2015 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Parma Village Council.
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM
Pledge of Allegiance is given.
Those Present:Pres. Jenkins, Clerk Cotey, Treas. France
Trustees Present: Dawson,Cooper, Carothers, Patterson, Burns
Guests: Linda Burns, Wendy Chamberlain
Jenkins moves, Carothersseconds,to approve the consent agenda, motion passes.
Treasurer Report:
Busy month. Moved $100K from General into Sewer to pay the Bond. $50K came out of Sewer to pay the bond. Water paid back Water Assessment $10K back so they now only owe $15K left to pay! Water Assessment bond is due next month. We have received almost 60% of people have paid their assessments. Sandstone Fire Millage has been collected. Line item adjustments presented. Dawson moves, Patterson seconds to make the presented adjustments to the 2013-2014 Budget, motion passes. Ordered filed.
Linda Burns – Son has some questions on the possible Eagle Scout Program. Discussion. Council would like to see a sketch of the idea. 20ft pole.
Wendy Chamberlain – Parma Township approved the Fire Budget. Board of review is this week. The property owner of the burned property is still in negations with the insurance company. It is zoned Mixed Commercial. Discussion on water and sewer service in the village.
Proposal 1 presentations by Earl Poleski discussed.
Terrisiom Coverage from the Insurance Agency – Decline
Leadership Day – Parma Elementary is having a Leadership Day on Wednesday, March 25 from 9-11 AM.
Spring Clean-up – Letter from Resident read. Discussion about letter. Sandstone’s is May 9 and Parma’s is May 2. We were informed that the Garage sales were planned for May 15-16, the weekend before is Mother’s Day and the weekend after is Memorial Day. Council, at this time, will keep the clean-up day as is but will take into consideration for next year, possible May 22, 2016.
80.83% of the budget spent so far. A set of new bunker gear was purchased. Body work on the Tanker for $5818.00. Correction stated about the purchase of the budget proposals. Wall paper and painting done at the station. DNR grant for a Pro Pack applicator. Insurance Recovery paid for new LED light $4926.00. Line items totalling $2306.74. Budget submitted to Townships of $223025.00. It is a 1.64% increase. Currently $7455.27 less then this time last year. Expected based on past budgets that the department will come in about 12% under budget. Village does not approve the budget, it is the Township’s responsibility. See attached report. Village – 7, Parma Township – 15, Sandstone Charter Township – 24. 50 runs this month, 109 YTD.
Street Report:
Chevy – 2P88, Ford – 0, Freightliner - 185
Working on filling holes and the dirt at the tracks is being addressed. The Ice Rink will most likely be finishing up this week. Ticket was issued for overnight parking at the Park. Going to work on clearing out the weeds at the ponds. Guardrail is behind the building for the S. Union lift station. Contact owner to get it put up. Parma Sign is ready to go to Olema for painting but she hasn’t contacted us back yet. New phones will be ordered.
New Sewer project should start in April. Patch will be done on N. Union when the plant opens.
Due to the weather the baseball improvements are on hold. Working on the pavilion for roofing. Received 3 bids all for singles: CS Roofing – $11077.00, with tear off, Tyler’s - $11999.00, not tear off, Alpha Omega - $14997.00, with tear off with the better shingles (40 years). Patterson moves, Dawson seconds, to accept the the Alpha Omega bid for $14997.00 including a tear-off and the better 40 year shingles and underlayment, Discussion: This is a pavilion, not a home. Many times we don’t have the money to buy what we want and it is $3000.00 more for the underlayment…is it worth it? Roll call vote: Patterson – Y, Dawson – Y, Burns – Y, Carothers – Y, Cooper – N, Jenkins – N, motion passes 4-2. April 25 is clean-up day!
Planning Commission:
Champney stepped down as Secretary due to personal reasons. Stone is now the Secretary. Discussion on siding, etc. To check with legal. Discussion on 5 year plan. Crowd funding for municipalities, grant available only to Villages and Cities with a downtown. It is a 50/50 match.
Burns – Any particular way you want the sketch? Just so we can see what it will look like.
Cotey – Jenkins moves, Patterson seconds, to approve Cotey’s reservations for the MAMC conference, motion passes.
Councilperson Jenkinsmoves, Councilperson Patterson seconds, motion passes.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:25 PM.
Respectfully submitted,Katie M. Cotey, Clerk