November 1st, 2017 7:30pm

Call to Order/Flag Salute/Welcome

Executive Board Reports

Not Present - President – Meredith Nelson

Not Present - Vice President – Kerry Halligan

Present - Treasurer – Michele Avella : Vote to increase budget for Enrichment Programs. Increase will allow Project Write Now to come & work with Teachers; Writing Workshop with every Middle School student; 6 week after school program for 20 2-4th graders. Vote PASSED

Not Present - Secretary – Dan Scaggs

Present - Social Media Coordinator – Kelley Stiles : no report

Present - Fundraising Coordinator – Lauren McNeace : no report

Present - News Flash – Heather Freeman : no report

Present - Web Design – Jocelyn Berkelaar : no report

Superintendent Report - Brent MacConnell :

1.  Thank you for support of SBS disaster relief efforts. Currently have 2,000 books to donate to the Collier County FL Boys & Girls Club. Will need assistance paying for shipping. More disaster relief efforts forthcoming.

2.  11/8 Veterans Day Assembly & Breakfast. Expecting 70-80 Veterans. Very proud of our SBS efforts to honor veterans.

3.  Congratulations to our SBS Boys Soccer Team. Liberty Conference Champs. Girls to play 11/2.

4.  Look for information RE: Rivalry Series at Count Basie. Football games for Men, Women & Kids 11/24

5.  Thank you to the SBS community for their patience at the Halloween parade. Student council lead the efforts to change the process and he applauds their efforts. He will continue to support students in these real-world endeavors to promote problem solving skills, critical thinking & 21 century learning.

Teacher Liaison Report - Jill Davis – not present

Foundation for Shrewsbury Education Report - Betsy Higgins : The Race is over, thank you to everyone for their support. Final numbers not in yet, but it looks good.

New Business

Vote on SPTG Becoming a PTA - PASSED At our last meeting, which served as the introductory meeting on whether SPTG should become a PTA, we heard from NJPTA President Rose Acerra on the benefits of becoming a PTA, and it was decided that the vote would happen at the November 1st meeting. The benefits of becoming a PTA include:

·  NJPTA provides training to all officers on policies and procedures and how to operate as an effective PTA.

·  NJPTA will file and maintain all proper paperwork

·  NJPTA will provide all the necessary insurance, such as Directors and Officers insurance.

·  A Shrewsbury PTA (SPTA) would have Tax Exempt status

·  A Shrewsbury PTA would remain autonomous in fundraising efforts as well as our website content and design.

The cost of becoming a PTA is $4.00 out of each individual dues, which will go to NJPTA.

Vote to Change Budget for Project Write Now

We are going to be voting on increasing the budget line by $1,725.00 for Enrichment. We will be bringing Project Write Now to SBS! We will be doing an after school program for the elementary grades and an in-school program for the middle school. The entire cost of the program is $4,725.00.

Upcoming Events:

·  Nov 3 - Father/daughter “Ties and Tiaras” Dance - Open to grades 1-5 : Volunteers still needed, see SignUp Genius. Tickets sales extended through 11/2.

·  Nov 8 - Veteran’s Day Assembly at SBS : Breakfast is receiving lots of community donations. Set up begins at 4:00 11/7. Reach out to Carolyn Sena.

·  Dec 7 - Barnes & Noble SBS Day : Plans are moving forward. Kelley Stiles is meeting with store rep 11/9 to finalize ideas. Reaching out to teachers via Parent Liaisons for Teacher Wish Lists. Looking for Volunteers – SignUp Genius to follow. Activities will include Guest readers, student author readers, art show, chorus performance, and science demos.

·  Nov. 25 Shrewsbury Tree Lighting. Permission slips went our for Kindergarten & 1st grade performers. Volunteer meeting at Karen Goldberg 11/2

Save the Date

·  Feb 8 - Harlem Wizards at SBS

·  Feb 23 – Child ID cards for PreK, K, 1st & all students new to SBS

·  April 15- SBS Day at the Lakewood BlueClaws

·  April 28 - SBS Gala at Blue Grotto

·  Class Liaison Report:

·  Middle School Report:

1.  6th Grade has filled slots for Pizza Day volunteers

2.  8th Grade : Flag Sales until 11/8; 8th Grade Carnival 11/17, need donations of nut free candy; Car Wash sales sold during conferences or see an 8th grader.

·  Board of Education Report: Carolyn Sena – next BOE meeting 11/21 at 7:30

·  Community Alliance Report: Next Meeting is 11/13 – new members welcome. 11/6 “Under the Influence” parent presentation, Shrewsbury police will play games with children in gym while parents attend.

·  Old Business: none