Maxine L. Silva
Magnet High School
for Health Care Professions
121 Val Verde Street, El Paso, Texas 79905
Office: (915) 496-8100 FAX: (915) 533-3695
Coordinator: Ms. Donna Serna
Office: (915) 496-8113
10th Grade Application Packet
Application deadline is February 28, 2014 by 4:00 p.m.
Applicants will be filling any vacant seats.
Mission Statement
To provide a progressive and academically rigorous curriculum in a multicultural and technologically advanced environment for students pursuing a career in health care professions.
School Prestige
Among El Paso schools (private and public), Silva Magnet High School has consistently rankedacademically at or near the top in various categories in receiving awards honoring its outstanding academic successes.
- U.S. Department of EducationBlueRibbonSchoolAwardrecipient in 2003 and 2011.
- US News and World Report Best High Schools Gold Medalist Award 2012 Ranking.
Silva Health Magnet High School is ranked 44th within Texas and 361 nationally
- Texas Education Agency EXEMPLARY SCHOOL for over 5 years.
- Texas Business and Education Coalition Honor Roll for over 8 years.
- Texas Monthly Five Star Rating
- Newsweek Magazine’s “List of America’s Best High Schools—Top 1000 schools
Future Health Professionals (HOSA)
Silva students take particular pride inparticipating in the largest school organization,
Future Health Professionals (HOSA). Silva students haveparticipated at HOSA conferences and placed in Area 4 Regional, State and National level competitions on a yearly basis.
Certifications Programs Available at Silva Magnet
- Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN)
- Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
- Pharmacy Technician
- Physical Therapy Assistant
Maxine L. SilvaMagnet High School
for Health Care Professions
121 Val Verde, El Paso, Texas 79905
(915) 496-8100 FAX (915) 533-3695
Sophomore applications are to be submitted to the Magnet Coordinator
No later thanFebruary 28, 2014at 4:00 PM
Applicants will be filling any vacant seats.
Only complete applications will be reviewed.
The responsibility of meeting the application and documentsubmission deadline is the responsibility of the applicant.
Submission of documents does not guarantee acceptance.
*Due to course prerequisites, only students entering the 9th or 10th grademay apply to the program.*
Conditional acceptance forentering sophomoreswill be based on meeting the minimum standards and receipt of the documents outlined below to Silva Magnet whether in person, by email, or FAX byFebruary 28, 2014:
- ___page 1Packet Checklist
- ___page 2 Completed Student/Parent Information Sheet
- ___ page 3Student/Parent Commitment Form signed and dated by applicant and parent
- ___ page 410th grade Course Request Form indicating choice of Core Courses and Electives
- ___ page 5Statement of Interest and UIL Agreement signed and dated by applicant and parent
- ___page 6Notification Statement signed and dated by applicant
- ___page 7Academic Guidelines signed and dated by applicant
- ___page 89TH-12TH Grade Academic Probation Guidelines signed and dated by applicant and parent
- ___CopyMost recent utility bill (water, gas or electric bill only) with parent’s name and address for proof
of residency in El Paso County ORNotarized Residential Affidavit.
- ___ Copy Student’s academic records:
- ___ Fall semester 9th grade Report Card (not Progress Report)with an 85% or higher
in Math, Science, Social Studies andEnglish
- ___ 9th Grade STAARTest (End of Course Assessment) results with passing scores
- Algebra I
- English IReading
- English I Writing
- Biology
- ___ Copy Immunization Records
- ___FormPupil Transfer Request completed and on file with application.
Final Acceptance to the program will be based on the submission of all items above AND
- ___ Copy9h grade Final gradeswith an 85% or higher in Math, Science, Social Studies andEnglish
by June 30, 2014
****************************************Below For Office Use Only****************************************
___ Documentation is missing and has beenhighlightedandclassified as incomplete.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all missing documentation has been filed.
___ All documentation has been submitted on ______(date)
___ Placed on the Waiting List
___ Submitting Applicant given a copy of Application Checklist and Notification statement
Submitted by: ______Date: ______
Received by: ______Date: ______
Page 1
Maxine L. Silva
Magnet High School
for Health Care Professions
121 Val Verde, El Paso, Texas 79905
(915) 496-8100 FAX (915) 533-3695
Applying forFall Semester Year 2014-2015Grade 10th
Legal Name: ______
Last First Middle
Birth Date: ______
EPISD ID #: ______
Address: ______
Street City State Zip
Student E-mail Address: ______
Home Phone: ______Student Cell Phone: ______
Current School: ______
If your current school is NOT an EPISD school, have you ever been enrolled in an EPISD School?
□YES □NO Last EPISD school attended: ______
EPISD ID #: ______
Student lives with:_____Mother_____Father _____Both_____Guardian
Mother or Guardian: Father orGuardian:
Place of Employment: Place of Employment: ______
Work #: ______Work #: ______
Email: ______Email: ______
Home Address: ______Home Address: ______
Home Phone: ______Home Phone: ______
Cell Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______
The El Paso Independent School District does not discriminate in its educational programs or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, military status, or on any other basis prohibited by law. Inquiries concerning the application of Title VI, VII, IX, and Section 504 may be referred to the District compliance officer, Patricia Cortez, at 230-2033; 504 inquiries regarding students may be referred to Cecilia Whiteman at 230-2836.
Silva Magnet High School for Health Care Professions
- We, the student and guardian, understand that students apply to attend Silva as an optional program because
of the unique opportunities at the school and those students must meet the minimum standards for acceptance.
- We recognize that attendance at Silva is a PRIVILEGE NOT A RIGHT.
- We recognize that standards at Silva may be higher than those required by other schools in the district.
- We recognize that compliance with those standards is a requisite part of attendance and continued enrollment at Silva.
- We understand that admission to Silva is competitive and that admission is based upon interest as indicated in the application, satisfactory academic achievement, satisfactory attendance, and satisfactory citizenship.
- We understand that satisfactory behavior, academic progress, and regular attendance are mandatory forcontinued enrollment at Silva.
- We understand that, due to the unique opportunities and curriculum of Silva, students MUSThave EXEMPLARY attendancein actual class at least 90% of the time.
- We understand that students have the responsibility to maintain a mature professional appearance due to contact with the medical centers and health care professionals.
- We understand that a higher standard of appearance is expected at Silva than at the traditional high schoolregarding hair length and style of grooming, dress and footwear, piercings and tattoos.
- We understand that teachers, counselors and administrators will advise students on their appearance.
- We agree to abide by all EPISD policies to include that being involved with gangs or gang activities, including exhibiting gang graffiti, gang clothing, or gang insignias, is prohibited.
- We understand that because of the health/medical focus of Silva, students may work directly with blood and body fluids and that they will study sexually transmitted diseases as a part of the curriculum.
- We understand that EPISD will provide transportation for Silva Health Magnet students to and from most home school campuses and some outlying school districts.
- We understand that students are admitted to Silva regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, gender or physical handicap.
- We understand that all students are required to participate yearly in community service projects.
- We understand that students who attend Silva are involved in activities at school and at health care facilities such as hospitals that require handling of highly confidential patient information, assisting with patient care, transporting patients in beds or wheel chairs.
- We understand that students involved in such activities will be required to abide by the standards set at such facilities.
- Health care facilities may have RIGID requirements concerning the aforementioned.
Distinguished Achievement Program (DAP):
- Students accepted into Silva Magnet program are encouraged to graduate under the Distinguished Achievement Program as set forth by the Texas Education Agency.
- Under DAP, students must earn 26 credits that includes three (3) credits of foreign language (same foreign languagefor three credits) and achieves any combination of four (4) specific advanced measures.
- We understand that electives are scheduled at Jefferson High School.
- Students may be assigned Advanced Placement classes at Jefferson High School depending on availability and possible conflictswithin a student’s schedule.
- All Health Science Technology classes are held at Silva Magnet.
- We agree to all of the terms and conditions stated above.
______Print Student Name ID# Student Signature/Date
Print Parent/Guardian NameParent/GuardianSignature/Date
Silva Magnet High School for Health Care Professions
Student Name ______EPISD ID# ______
Students are strongly encouraged to take Pre-Advanced and Advanced Placement courses. Pre-AP/AP classes are taught at a more advanced level and are designed to prepare students for Advanced Placement courses, college articulated courses, as well as Dual Credit courses that may be taken during the high school career. It is recommended that students register for a minimum of two Pre-AP/AP courses. For example, a student may choose a combination of Pre-AP science with Pre-AP math OR a combination of Pre-AP English with AP World History. Students may be assigned Advanced Placement classes at Jefferson depending on availability. Please mark at least three (3) electives in order of preference that you wish to take. Electives are scheduled at Jefferson High School.
Completion of Curriculum choices helps us to project student course preference and is not an official request for classes nor should the completion and submission of the document be thought of as acceptance to the Silva Health Magnet program.
Required Classes:
(___) English II (HE2000Y1) / OR / (___) English II Pre AP (HE20GQY1)Math
(___) Geometry (HM2000Y1) / OR / (___)Geometry Pre AP (HM20GQY1)(___) Algebra II (HM3000Y1) / OR / (___)Algebra II Pre AP(HM30GQY1)
(___) Chemistry (HC2000Y1) / OR / (___)Chemistry Pre AP (HC20GQY1)Social Studies
(___) World History (HS2000Y1) / OR / (___)World History AP(HS20GPY1)Health Science Technology (HST) Requiredof all sophomores
(___) HST (Health Science Technology) I (HT3H3AY1) Requiredof all sophomores(___)HST Intro (HT1H2ASH) / Medical Terminology (HT1H1ASH) Requiredof all sophomores
Foreign Language I or II (Previously not received credit).
(Minimum of 2 credits of the same language required) (3 credits required for the Distinguished Achievement Program)
(___) Spanish I (HF1110Y1) / OR / (___) Spanish I (HF1100Y1)(for Spanish Speakers)(___) Spanish II (HF2210Y1) / OR / (___) Spanish II (HF2200Y1) (for Spanish Speakers)
(___) Spanish III PAP(HF330QY1) / (___) Spanish IV AP (HF440PY1)
(___) French I (HF1120Y1) / (___) French II (HF2220Y1)
Fine Arts (1.0 credit of the same Fine Arts course required)
(__)Art I(HA1A00Y1) / (_)Theater Arts I
(HA1T00Y1) / (__)Band I (HA1B00Y1)
Instrument ______/ (__)Piano I
(__)Choir I
(HA1C00Y1) / (_)Theater Production
(HA1T0Y1) / (__)Orchestra I (HA1S00Y1)
Instrument ______/ (__)Guitar I
Technology Applications (1.0 credit of the same course required)
(___) Business Information Management (HT2D00Y1 ) Required if not taken in 9th gradeSpeech (0.5 credit required) Grades 10-12
(___) Communication Applications Paired with (___) A.C.T. Prep(HK3300SH)(0.5 credit ) (HE3P00SH) (0.5 credit)
P.E. (Physical Education):(1.0 credit required). (Please refer to Major Sports Listing in High School Course Catalog)
(___)Major Sport: Fall- / Major Sport: Spring-(___) PE Aero
( ) Child Development (HT2J10Y1) / ( ) Adv. Broadcast Prod. (H2200Y1)( ) Life Nut. Wellness (HT2J00Y1) / ( ) AJ Y/M P 1 (Yearbook) (HJ2300Y1)
( ) Human Growth & Dev (HT2E00Y1) / ( ) Adv J NW 2 (Newspaper) (HJ300Y1)
( ) Intro to Law Enforcement (HT2L10Y1) / ( )Dance (HP1400SH)
( ) Criminal Justice (HT1L00Y1) / ( ) ROTC I P.E. (HR11P0Y1)
( ) Interior Design (HT2B10Y1) / ( ) ROTC II (HR2200Y1)
( ) Spanish III Pre AP (HF330QY1) / ( ) ROTC III (HR3300Y1)
( ) Spanish IV AP (HF440PY1) / ( ) ROTC IV (HR4400Y1)
( ) French III Pre AP (HF332QY1) / ( ) Drawing II (HA2AD0Y1)
( ) French IV AP (HF442PY1) / ( ) Drawing III (HA3AD0Y1)
( ) Student Council/Leadership (MZ400LY1) / ( ) Theatre Arts II (HA2T00Y1)
( ) Academic Decathlon (HE4500Y1) / ( ) Band II (HA2B00Y1)
( ) Debate I (HK1100Y1) / ( ) Piano II (HA2P00Y1)
( ) Debate II (HK2100Y1) / ( ) Guitar II (HA2G00Y1)
( ) Debate III (HK3100Y1) / ( ) Orchestra II (HA2S00Y1)
( )Web Tech (HT3K00Y1) / ( ) Choir II (HA2C00Y1)
( ) Journalism (HJ1000Y1)
Silva Magnet High School for Health Care Professions
In the space allotted below, please write a brief statement as to why you wish to be considered to the Magnet Program.
We are applying to attend Silva Magnet High School because of the unique educational opportunities offered there and not in order to participate in any specific extra-curricular activities.
We understand that eligible Silva students may participate in extra-curricular activities at Jefferson High School. These activities are governed by the University Interscholastic League, and we agree to follow all UIL, State, and Local regulations regarding participation. Students residing outside EPISD may participate as freshman or JV but are not eligible for varsity the first year at Silva.
Rules of the University Interscholastic League as Pertaining to Sports
As outlined in Section 440(B) (2) (B) of the University of Interscholastic League Constitution
and Contest Rules:
Students are eligible for varsity athletics the first year they have the opportunity to transfer to
a Magnet School. If a student leaves the Magnet School and returns to the school of his/her
parent’s residence, the student is not eligible for varsity athletic competitions for at least
one year from the date of enrollment in the home school.
Student and parent/guardian signatures indicate that the parties understand and agree to support and
adhere to the rules and regulations now in existence and those that may be established in the future.
______Print Student Name ID# Student Signature/Date______
Print Parent/Guardian NameParent/GuardianSignature/Date
Notification Statement
10th Grade Application
- Students will not be considered if the application is incomplete.
- Conditional Acceptance documentation submitted past the February 28th deadline will result in the application beingplaced on a “waiting list” status.
- Review for acceptance will be based on meeting the established criterion as outlined on page 1 and the receipt of complete documentation byJune 30, 2014.
- Late applications will be reviewed and considered in theorder they were received if any vacant seats are available.
- Applications will continue to be taken until allthe available seats have been filled with qualified applicants meeting all criterion.
- The responsibility of meeting the application and document submission deadlines are the responsibility of the applicant.
It is the responsibility of the APPLICANT to submit the application.
If the application is not submitted in person it is the applicant’s responsibility
to confirm that the application has been received by the Magnet School Coordinator.
Maxine Silva Health Magnet High School
121 Val Verde, El Paso, Texas 79905
(915) 496-8100
FAX (915) 533-3695
Donna Serna, MEd
Silva Magnet Coordinator
(915) 496-8113
- Completion of Curriculum Choices helps us to project student course preference and isnot an official request for classes nor should the completion and submission of thedocument be thought of as acceptance to the Silva Health Magnet program.
- Submission of documents does not guarantee acceptance.
- The applicant will receive an official letter stating the applicant’s status:
1. Not Accepted– student has not been accepted to the magnet program
2. ConditionalAcceptance – student is accepted pending final grades for the current year
3. Accepted – student is formally accepted to Silva Magnet High School.
- Students may not join any Jefferson/Silva summer academic, athletic or fine arts programs without presenting an official ‘Accepted’ Letter to the coach or sponsor.
- Questions regarding the Registration and Acceptance Process are to be directed to the Magnet Coordinator.
- Questions regarding Final Acceptance are to be directed to an Administrator.
______Print Student Name ID# Student Signature/Date______
Print Parent/Guardian NameParent/GuardianSignature/Date
Maxine L. Silva Magnet High School for Health Care Professions
Academic Guidelines
Silva Magnet High School for Health Care Professions is a school which provides students with career pathway opportunities to accelerate in areas of health care professions. It provides a challenging curriculum with expectations for high effort and performance. The goal of the campus is to ensure that all students are prepared for the rigor of college/university settings. A continuous and successful academic performance is therefore required from all students. Students accepted to Silva Magnet’s Health Care Professions Program are on pupil transfers and therefore must abide by all of the rules outlined in the Student Code of Conduct Handbook as well as by EPISD’s transportation department.
The Health Science Technology (HST) courses are unique from any other EPISD high school and offer all students the opportunity to gain experience, knowledge and skills for pursuing a career in the health care field. Students are required to obtain a passing grade in each and every HST course. Failure to do so may result in the student transfer being revoked. In addition, all students are expected to follow the Health Magnet curriculum and/or chosen career pathway for continued enrollment. Students who fail to follow the curriculum and/or chosen career pathway will require the student to be removed from Silva Health Magnet and returned to their home campus.
Due to guidelines established by the medical affiliations, students are required to be immunized while attending Silva Magnet for their rotations practicum during the students’ junior and senior years. To participate in rotations/clinical/certification programs,students mayneed to submit a Birth Certificate and Social Security Card to the established medical affiliations as a part of the Health Science Technology courseworkin order to get the full health magnet experience.
The faculty and administration at Silva Magnet High School look forward to serving you and assisting you in the success of your child’s education. Students are also encouraged to take advantage of our support services as they involve themselves in four years of challenging work with outstanding educational benefits.Therefore, students must attend additional tutoring sessions if recommended by their teacher.
In addition, students will…
- Maintain the highest degree of academic and professional integrity.
- Meet the expectations set forth in each class.
- Submit work in a timely fashion.
- Take an active role in class participation and learning by:
- Being prepared
- Listening attentively
- Offering relevant comments
- Posing insightful questions
- Taking notes
______Print Student Name ID# Student Signature/Date______
Print Parent/Guardian NameParent/GuardianSignature/Date
9th -12th Grade Academic/Probation Guidelines
Students will remain in the program unless released by recommendation or approval from administration.