14th Sunday of Ordinary Time
July 9, 2017
Gospel: Matthew 11:37-42.
Reflexión Personal:
In this reading, what word or phrase stands out? Why?
Are you attracted to something in the reading? Why?
Do you feel any resistance? Why?
(Use your journal)
The little ones are the ones without culture (so they say), without religious competence, without dialectical ability, without ease of speech. Specifically, in the time of Jesus they were the so-called men and women of the earth, the poor villagers of Galilee, whom the doctors of the Law and the Pharisees despised. They said: "An ignorant person can not avoid sin, and a farmhand can not be of God." And in the historical context of the time of Jesus, the tired and the oppressed were the ones who were penalized under the intolerable and complicated prescriptions of the Pharisaic law and felt lost before the subtle and difficult doctrine of the rabbis.
Jesus invited them to look elsewhere, namely, in the Gospel and in his example, for the true will of God; an undoubtedly demanding will, but straight and simple and within the reach of all. To motivate his invitation and offer his example, Jesus is defined as "meek and humble of heart." Humble indicates the attitude of Jesus, docile in everything to the will of the Father; an interior docility, free and dear ("from the heart"). Meek indicates Jesus' attitude towards others: a straightforward, courageous, non-violent attitude; Merciful, tolerant, ready to forgive, but also demanding.
Life Connections:
1. From your personal reflection today, how have you connected to this Gospel passage? How is it good news for you?
2. What fatigues you? What causes fatigue: work for the Kingdom or your personal interests, your selfishness? Where and how do you seek relief from your fatigue?
3. What is your assessment of the wisdom of the small, the simple ... the workers, the peasants, the natives...? Do you think God has a special relationship with them?
4. How can you be one of these simple ones?