112 American Literature Research Paper Guidelines
- The paper must be a minimum of 3 full typed pages- no more than 5 typed pages. This does NOT include your Works Cited page.
- You must use three sources. Your Primary Source will count as one of the three sources.
- All prewriting assignments are due as per the calendar. Points will be deducted for each day an assignment is late.
- The paper MUST follow current MLA guidelines
- You will turn in the completed paper in a two-pocket folder. On the left you will place all preliminary work; on the right you will place your completed paper. Please note: copies of all research used in your paper must be included in your research folder and turned in on the due date. Highlight what you quote or paraphrase! Remember, your primary source is part of your research, and you should include a copy of that as well.
- Because of the amount of time given for this assignment, it is expected to be in on time. A paper turned in late for any reason will be penalized ten points per day (this includes weekends).
1-Pick topic/have a copy of your primary source
2-Working thesis statement
3-Preliminary outline
4-4 scholarly sources
5-Annotated bibliography covering those 4 sources (typed, submitted in hard copy and to blackboard)
6-Full sentence outline with textual evidence from at least 3 sources (including your primary source)-typed
7-Rough draft with works cited page-typed
8-Final draft with preliminary work (typed, submitted in hard copy and to blackboard)
Grading Scale for research paper - The research category is worth 15% of your grade.
Within that category, the assignments will be weighted as follows:
- Thesis statement and Preliminary outline – weighted 1 time
- Sources and annotated bibliography- weighted 2 times
- Full sentence outline- weighted 2 times
- Rough draft with works cited page- weighted 1 time
- Final draft with preliminary work- weighted 4 times (2 times for content/ 2 times for mechanics)
Hafner-112B American Literature Research Paper
*All assignments are due on the due date EVEN IF YOU ARE ABSENT/SICK/AT THE DOCTOR, etc. A penalty of 10 points a day will be deducted from the assignment grade for every day that the assignment is late.
Assignment / Due Date- Pick your topic-Pick the story you would like to study.
- Thesis statement-handwritten
- Highlighter, Research Folder, and change for copies in the media center
- Preliminary Outline-handwritten
- 4 annotated, scholarly sources (must print or make a copy of the source and annotate the sources )-handwritten annotations
- Annotated Bibliography covering 4 sources, typed, submitted in hard copy and to blackboard
- Final Full Sentence Outline-typed
- Must include at least 3 sources (one of these sources will be your primary source)
- Rough Draft with Works Cited Page-typed
- Final Copy of Research Paper-typed, submitted in hard copy and to blackboard
- Minimum of 3 pages
- Minimum of 3 different sources used
- Final copy should be turned in WITH YOUR RESEARCH FOLDER-Your research folder should contain the following
- Primary Source (story)
- Thesis Statement
- Preliminary Outline
- 4 Annotated Sources
- Annotated Bibliography covering 4 sources
- Full Sentence Outline
- Rough Draft
- Final Copy of Research Paper