I want to thank ______[Hostess name] again for hosting our party this evening. I appreciate that you invited me to your home, and it was a pleasure meeting all of you.
Now, let’s pull out your Customer Connection Card. We’re going to complete the back together. Please rate your interest in hosting your own party:
- One means you’re a party goer, not a party thrower
- Five means that you’d like to book a party but you’re just not sure of a date yet
- Ten means that you’re ready to get the party started
Remember, it’s not too late to book your party and get an extra gift.
If you found yourself thinking throughout the party that I must really love my job – you’re right! I’m so glad that I decide to join Pure Romance and would love to share with you some information about the many benefits of running your own business.
So, let’s rate your interest in receiving more information about becoming a Consultant and earning great money for partying
- One means that it’s just not for you.
- Five means that you’d like to take some information home with you
- Ten means that you would like to meet up with me for coffee or an appetizer to talk about if Pure Romance is right for you
If you would like to join my preferred email list, please check that box.
You’ll also notice a comments section about the party. I’m always looking for ways to improve, so I would love to hear any comments you may have.
I will be moving into the private shopping room, which will be ______[state the location]. In the shopping room I will have order forms and will help you complete your order. On your order form you will see a shipping and handling fee that I pay to have the product delivered to you. You will pay the same charge for shipping and handling no matter what you purchase tonight.
The sales tax is ______. I accept cash, check and major credit cards. If you are paying by check, please make it out to me – my name is listed on the back of your catalog. When you come into the private shopping room, please come in one at a time. This ensures that you have a safe and confidential place to order and ask questions. Thank you!