Welcome to issue 10, April 2017, of the e-Newsletter from the COT Scottish Western Regional Committee.
This issue includes: details of our forthcoming Annual General Review (AGR) and COT Regional Roadshow 2017; social media developments; a report from the recent COT Specialist Section on a Neurological Practice study day; information on the Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) student awards; and careers promotion; committee vacancies; information on the Active and Independent Living improvement Programme (AILIP).
Dates for your diary:
- Our 2017 Annual General Review (AGR) “The Road Forward” will take place on Wednesday, 10th May, from 17:15 to 21:00, at the House for an Art Lover, Glasgow. Julia Scott, COT’s Chief Executive Officer, will present on “professionalism” and “strategic plan 2018-2023”. This event is free to members; non- members pay £15. A light supper will be provided.
- The next Regional Roadshow will be held in September 2017 and will be entitled “Championing Occupational Therapy”.More details on this to follow.
- Our next committee meeting is: Wednesday 12th April at 5.30pm.
Keep up to date on social media:
The Scottish Western Region is now on Facebook and Twitter where you can find more information on local CPD events, the latest occupational therapy news and developments from around the Region, plus a range of current articles on topics of interest to occupational therapists. The link to the Facebook page is can also “follow” the page, resulting in you being automatically notified when new information is posted.
For the Twitter link look for “@COTScottishWEST” and keep up to date with all the occupational therapy news.
COT Specialist Section - Neurological Practice (SSNP) Scottish Western Region:
The recently reformed COT SSNP Scottish Western Region held its second group event on Friday, 10th February 2017 entitled “Brain Injury Rehabilitation: The Patient Journey.
Around 40 delegates attended the event at the Glasgow Youth Hostel. The programme followed the typical journey of someone with a brain injury and covered neuroanatomy, multidisciplinary standardised assessments with the opportunity to try these out, assessment within the emergency department, acute and post-acute inpatient and community rehabilitation, the voluntary sector, and the patient’s perspective. The day was very well received, and we look forward to the next one.
Dr Adam Burnel, Neuropsychiatrist, presenting to a very enthusiastic audience.
To find out more about COTSS-NP within Scottish Western, please contact Lauren Henderson at
Glasgow Caledonian university student led awards:
The first COT Scottish Western Region student led award, ‘Engagement in the Common Good’ for GCU Occupational Therapy Masters Students, was presented to Kaitlyn Van Eneelen for her community work with an occupation focus which she undertook in her own time This award, sponsored by the Regional Group and hopefully the first of many, was presented by Mary Ann Smith, the Committee’s Membership Network Lead. Certificates were also presented to the runners up. It was a lovely evening, hosted by Fiona Kennedy of GCU and attended by staff, students and members of the Regional Committee. Refreshments were served and there was time for networking. The next such award, taking place in April, will be open to GCU undergraduates on the BSc programmes.
Careers Promotion Event:
2 Committee members recently attended a careers promotion event for 5th and 6th year pupils of Bearsden Academy, plus their parents. Whilst most of the other delegates were from universities across Scotland, many of the pupils had not yet decided on a clear career pathway, therefore we were in a strong position to have some influence. Some parents were even inspired to consider a career change following a chat with us! If you know of a local school organising a careers event and interested in having occupational therapy represented, please let us know.
CPD Opportunity:
We currently have 2 vacancies on our Committee, and we would be delighted to hear from anyone interested in joining our happy band! All the Committee roles are under review by COT just now, so we do not have exact job descriptions. One of the vacancies takes the lead on careers promotion activities, and the other on developing links with the membership. Although there is a named person for various roles on the Committee, we do share out the tasks, and there is support available. If you are interested, please email us. You are very welcome to come along to observe a Committee meeting to find out what is involved, without committing yourself to anything more. Look forward to hearing from you!
What is AILIP?
Hannah Cairns, Chair of Scottish Eastern Regional Group Committee summarises as follows: -
“AILIP stands for the Active and Independent Living Improvement Programme. It was developed after the Scottish Government announced a £3 million fund for Allied Health Professionals (AHP) to deliver a programme designed to find new ways of helping people who are recovering from illness or injury to remain in their own homes.
3 AHP improvement advisers have been appointed to the programme, with a remit of ensuring that best practice examples are adopted across Scotland.
The programmel has a very clear commonality with occupational therapy.A logic model has now been developed to outline and detail the work, and the link to this is attached below –
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information. I will do my best to answer any questions and/or queries you may have or point you in the direction of someone who can".
New Graduate Group:
The next new graduate group get together has been scheduled for 27th April at the Walkabout pub ,128 Renfield Street, Glasgow. G2 3AL at 7.30pm . Anyone who has graduated in the last 2 years iswelcome to come along for a good social night out and mutual support! For more details contact .”
Northern and Yorkshire CPD Event - Held in Cumbria
Theme: "Realising Occupational Potential"
Date: Wednesday 17th May 2017
Venue: University of Cumbria
Tickets - £25 for COT members; £35 for non-COT members (includes lunch)
See poster or click on link for tickets and more information:
BAOT Steward Survey:
Tell us about your BAOT steward experiences and be entered for a prize draw to win £100 to spend in John Lewis.Take the opportunity to give UNISON your views on your personal experiences of BAOT stewards in your workplace by completing a short online survey. Your feedback will help to ensure that members are properly supported in the workplace. The survey will open from the 15 March to the 14 April 2017. All members who complete the survey will be entered into a prize draw to win £100 to spend at John Lewis. To complete the survey visit:
Revised joint position statement on occupational physiotherapists - use of the term occupational physiotherapists
The use of the term occupational physiotherapist’s joint position statement has been revised and is available from the college’s website..
The statement clearly defines the distinction between what occupational therapists deliver and the role of physiotherapists working in occupational health and vocational rehabilitation. This is necessary to avoid service users and commissioners gaining the impression that occupational physiotherapists are qualified as both physiotherapists and occupational therapists. Please feel free to circulate this joint position.
COT Annual Conference 2017:
The Annual Conference website now available and is excellent and easy to navigate. Thanks to all who were involved in developing the site. Visit:
The new responsive design and structure will help users access information on all the exciting Conference programme developments and will enable visitors to comment on the news stories.The website will also include speakers and sessions details; useful tips on how network and exchange views with some of the country‘s leading occupational therapists; advice on how to make a business case to attend Conference and general logistic information to help with planning and organising attendance.The Communications and Marketing Team will welcome your thoughts on the new website, so please take some time look at it and tell us what you think.
Occupational Therapy - Improving Lives, Saving Money Campaign:
The Occupational Therapy: Improving Lives, Saving Money campaign report has just been published - Reducing the Pressure on Hospitals - the value of occupational therapy in each of the four nations of the UK.
You can download the reports from our campaign microsite
Occupational Therapy Evidence Fact Sheet - Free Download:
This publication is now available: "Entry Level Occupational Therapy Core Knowledge and Practice Skills"
Description: This publication takes forward aspects from COT’s Learning and Development Standards (2014) through a more detailed analysis of the skills of the occupational therapy graduate and their delivery of the occupational therapy process.
Available at:
Please see COT at Facebook and TwitterGet tweeting!
Committee Chairman: Rena Findlay
(c) Copyright 2017
College of Occupational Therapists.
All rights reserve