100 Club and Application Form

An Invitation to Join

The Fieldfare Trust 100 Club

The Fieldfare Trust’s 100 Club is a private lottery and is open to all supporters of Fieldfare and their family and friends. As a private lottery you have to be invited to join, you will be allocated a number andyour tickets are not transferable.

You have to be 16 or over to join.

Every 3 months:

*There will be a draw for 50% of the income. This amount is divided between 4 lucky winners

The fund is made up as follows :

*For example, if we have 100 members theincome for each quarter will be £500.

*50% will be used as the prizefund e.g. £250 split into four prizes

*The 1st prize will be £100(if 100 members)

* There will be a further 3 prizes of £50 (if 100 members)

* You may buy more than one number per quarter

* We would prefer for you topay for 12 months (4 draws) in advance (£20 per number)Draws to take place in June, September, December and March.

* The morepeople who buy a subscription – the higher the prize money!

*All winners shall be paid by cheque, and sent to their registered address

* As soon as your money has registered, you will receive your number (1-100)


Print out and fill in the attached form with your details and you will be allocated a number.

The Fieldfare Trust 100 Club Application Form

Name: ______

(Applicants must be over 16)

Address: ______


Post Code: ______

Telephone: ______

Email: ______

Quantity of numbers required ______at £5 per quarter,preferably by a minimum period of 12 months which equals £20 per number. (Minus £5 per number per draw missed if you are applying later in the year.) PLEASE NOTE: Subs for each draw need to be received one month prior to each draw.

Total Payment : £ ______

We would appreciate for people to split their payments in two if you are a UK taxpayer. We would be very grateful if you would consider paying half of your subscription via MyDonate, with gift aid. We are only able to accept half with gift aid as the other half of your subscription is for prize money. Full subscription can be paid via PayPal or Direct Bank Transfer if you prefer, or if you are not a UK taxpayer.

E.g. £20 annual subscription with £10 paid through our paypal account or Direct bank transfer, and £10 to be sent through our mydonate account. Both can be accessed through and follow the link to our 100 club.

Bank transfer details: Name: The Fieldfare Trust A/C: 65153691 Sort: 089299

Please highlight with a cross your preferred method of payment (Paypal/bank transfer)

Paypal Bank transfer My donate donation

Please return completed slip by email to:

Office use only