Приложение 3

№1. Lollipop Am. E. – a hard sweet made of boiled sugar and fixed on a stick, which is eaten by licking. Br. E. – frozen juice, ice cream etc. on a stick. Lollipop man, lollipop woman, lollipop Lady – n. Br. E. – a person whose job is to stop traffic (so that school children can cross) by turning towards the cars a stick with a sign on top showing that they should stop.

№2. My Heart’s in the Highlands.(R. Burns)

My Heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here,

My Heart’s in the Highlands a-chasing the deer,

A-chasing the wild deer and following the roe -

My Heart’s in the Highlands, wherever I go!

№3. Romeo and Juliet

Benvolio: Good morrow, cousin.

Romeo: Is the day so young?

Benvolio: It struck nine.

Romeo: Ay me! Sad hours seem long.

Benvolio: What sadness lengthens Romeo’s hours?

Romeo: Not having that which makes them short.

Benvolio: In love?

Romeo: Out.

Benvolio: Of love?

Romeo: Out of her favor

Benvolio: Alas that love should be so tyrannous!

№4. Domesday Book.

Having conquered England , William wanted to know just how much it was worth. In 1086 he ordered a detailed description to be made. In the words of the Anglo- Saxon Chronicle, ‘so very thoroughly did he have the enquiry carried out that not even one ox or one con or one pig escaped notice’ All this information was written down in Domesday Book.

Thanks to Domesday Book we know much more about England than about any other part of eleventh- century Europe. It shows, for example, that by 1086, twenty years after the Norman Conquest, there were hardly any rich landowners of English birth left in England. It was a land ruled by Frenchmen, especially by William’s favourite Normans.

№5. A way to success.

In the United States young actors usually go to Hollywood because most of the movies are made there. I didn’t go to Hollywood – it was my home, my family moved from New York to California before I was born. There are beautiful houses in Hollywood, but it isn’t all beautiful. My mother and I lived in a bad street where drugs and criminals were no surprise. My father moved away from home shortly after my birth but he often visited us and I was happy. I was not always a good boy, school didn’t interest me much. I liked playing and having fun. My first time on TV was at five but since I always wanted to play the show’s produces got angry with me and I had to wait for about nine years before my next chance. But TV wasn’t the only interesting thing, there remained books and movies, animals and the ocean.

Autobiography / Play / History / Dictionary of English Language and Culture / Poetry