Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information:

Name: Nadia Safwat Ahmed Elkhamisy

Date of birth: August 27th, 1962

Place of birth: Talkha, Dakahlia, Egypt

Social status: Married, with two children

Nationality: Egyptian

Present occupation: Lecturer of Curricula and Methods of Teaching EFL

Place of work: English section, Department of Curriculum & Methods of Teaching, Mansoura Faculty of Education, Mansoura University

Degree: PhD of Philosophy in Education, TEFL

General area of specialization: Education

Specific specialization: Curriculum & Methods of TEFL

Work address: Curriculum Department, Mansoura Faculty of Education, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Dakahila, Egypt.

Home address: 4 Elsabahi st. from Gehan st., Mansoura, Dakahlia, Egypt.

Telephone No.: Home: 050-2379596

Cell phone: +0101017061


Degrees and certificates

1.  PhD of Philosophy in Education,

Specialization: Curriculum and Methods of TEFL, with a degree of Excellence, 2001.

Granting University: Mansoura University via Channel supervision with the University of Alabama, USA.

Title of Dissertation: "The Effectiveness of Self-Directed Learning in Developing Language Skills and Autonomy of Student Teachers of English".

2.  MA degree in Education,

Specialization: Curriculum and methods of TEFL, with Very Good, 1993.

Granting University: Mansoura University.

Title of Thesis: "A Proposed Remedial Program for Developing Oral Questioning Skills of Student Teachers of English".

3.  Special Diploma in Education,

Specialization: Curriculum and Methods of Teaching, with Very Good, 1987.

Granting University: Mansoura Faculty of Education, Mansoura University.

4.  License of Arts and Education,

Specialization: English, Very Good with Honors, 1983.

Granting University: Mansoura Faculty of Education, Mansoura University.

Supervising Masters and PhD Theses:

Supervised the following theses:

1.  "The Effectiveness of A Suggested Phonics Program In Developing Reading Skills Among Primary Stage Pupils", An MA Thesis, Mansoura Faculty of Education, Mansoura University.

2.  "A Proposed Training Program Based on the Contemporary World Standards for Developing Some EFL Teaching Skills for the Student Teachers at the College of Education", MA Thesis, Mansoura Faculty of Education, Mansoura University.

Currently supervising the following theses:

1.  "The Effectiveness of Learning Strategy Training on Developing Reading Comprehension Skills and Style Stretch of Secondary Students of English", An MA Thesis, Mansoura Faculty of Education, Mansoura University.

2.  "Using Total Physical Response storytelling Technique for Developing Listening Comprehension among Primary Stage Pupils with Attention deficit Disorder"

Academic Studies and Activities

·  International Visitors Program, USA, September 2003,

Granting Party: US Ministry of State.

Activities: Visiting US Ministry of Education, Educational Standards and Teacher Accreditation Institutions and Universities at Washington DC, and the states of North Carolina, Ohio, Michigan, and California.

·  Primary Methodology Workshop, 2002.

Organizing Party: The Integrated English Language Program II (IELP-II).

·  A Three Workshop Teaching Practice Project, February, July & October 2002.

Organizing Party: The Integrated English Language Program II (IELP-II)

·  Pre- Doctorate Courses, 1994: 1. Methods of Teaching EFL, Excellent. 2. Testing and Statistics, Good

·  TESOL Summer Institute, California, USA, June- September 1989,

Granting University: School of Humanities, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California, USA

Courses: 1. Classroom Research TEFL/TESL Degree: B+

2. Testing TEFL Degree: A

University Staff Development Courses

1.  Modern Approaches in Teaching.

2.  Ethics of University Teaching.

3.  Financial Aspects of Universities.

4.  Credit Hours System.

5.  IT in University Teaching.

6.  Scientific Publishing.

Working party member


Education reform program/ USAID

2008. Participated in the preparation of a training package for primary supervisors in the light of comprehensive assessment and active learning strategies.

Cairo university/ Beni-suef Branch/ faculty of education

2009. participated in the preparation of a scope for the faculty quality assurance and accreditation plan.

In Service teacher Education and Training

Education Reform program/ USAID

2009. Conducted a 12-days training session for primary supervisors in comprehensive assessment and active learning strategies.


EgypTesol 2002-2007 Presented 3 times

Membership in Scientific Societies and Institutions

·  Member of the faculty of Education/ Mansoura University Committee for quality assurance and accreditation

·  Member of TESOL International (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)

·  Member of Executive Office of the Center of Values and National Belonging, Mansoura University.

·  Member of Executive Committee of The Child Care and Development Journal, Center For Child Care and Development Journal, Mansoura University.

·  General supervisor of the English Language version of the "Mansoura University Website".

·  Member of the Teaching and Training Committee of the TEMPUS Project at Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, for Language Teaching and Translation.

Courses taught or is currently teaching

·  English for Primary and Preparatory Stages in Public and Language Schools

·  English Teaching Skills, 3rd & 4th years, English and Primary English Majors, Faculty of Education

·  English Curriculum, 4th year, English Majors, Faculty of Education

·  Methods of Teaching, 3rd year, Primary English Majors, Faculty of Education

·  English Curriculum, 1st & 2nd years, General Diploma in Education, Faculty of Education

·  Methods of Teaching English, 1st & 2nd years, General Diploma in Education, Faculty of Education

·  Methods of Teaching English Vocational Diploma in Education, Faculty of Education

·  Introduction to Instruction, 2nd year English Majors, Faculty of Education

·  Micro-teaching, 2nd year English & Primary English Majors, Faculty of Education

·  Supervising student teachers of English during Practical Teaching in Public schools

·  ESP, In-service Kindergarten Teachers, Center for Child Care and Development.

·  Reading, Writing and speaking In English Courses, Kindergarten student Teachers, Faculty of kindergarten.

Experience in Translation


·  Took part in the translation of many books and resources from and to English.

·  Consultant of the TEMPUS Project, Mansoura Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University for Translation Purposes.

A List of Published Research

Elkhamisy N. & Sahakian, S. (2008). A Humanistic Approach to Reduce Student Teacher Negative Anxiety. International Journal of Social Sciences, 12 (20) .


Dr. Nadia Safwat CV