1)What Is Scout S Real Name?

1)What Is Scout S Real Name?

Mid-Year Exam

Sr. Farhana

English – 9G 2


To Kill a Mockingbird

1)What is Scout’s real name?

a)Jean Louis Finch

b)Scout Finch

c)Janice Carol Finch

d)Caroline Jane Finch

2)Who taught Scout to read?

a)Miss Caroline Fisher




3)Who is Atticus defending?



c)Tom Robinson

d)Tim Johnson

4)What is tom Robinson being charged for?





5)Why could Tom Robinson not have beaten up MayellaEwell?

6)What city does the novel take place in?

a)New York City


c)New Rochelle


7)Who is the narrator of this story?

8)How much time do the Ewell’s spend in school each year?

a)Through college

b)Through the 6th grade


d)First day of every school year

9)The Ewell family is

a)A family of both black and white

b)One of the poorest, least educated white families in Maycomb

c)Highly respected in town

d)Supportive of equal rights

10) When Jem and Dill start to not include Scout from their activities, who does Scout begin to spend more time with?


b)Boo Radley


d)Miss Maudie

11) Which two characters are considered the “outcasts” of the novel, according to Maycomb society?

a)Boo Radley & Miss Maudie

b)Calpurnia & Aunt Alexandria

c)Jem & Scout

d)Boo Radley & Tom Robinson

12) After Atticus agrees to defend Tom Robinson, what does Scout hear at school?

a)Atticus is “a coward”

b)Atticus is “a racist”

c)Atticus is “a nigger lover”

d)Atticus is “an immigrant”

13) What does Scout mean when she says that Mayella is lonelier than Tom Robinson?

14) Summarize Tom Robinson’s side of the story about the “rape case.”

The Odyssey

1)Who wrote the Odyssey?

2)Which best describes Odysseus-intelligent or cowardly?

3)Circe and the Sirens can both do what-tempt and destroy men or predict what will happen in the future?

4)Teiresias and Circe think that Odysseus will tip over in his boat or survive but return home alone?

5)Odysseus saved his men from the Siren’s songs by plugging their ears with beeswax or by telling the men to row faster?

6)Odysseus blinds the Cyclops Polyphemus instead of killing him because he is told to or because only Polyphemus is strong enough to move the boulder that is blocking the cave?


How is education portrayed in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird?Does the author argue for education at home or institutionalized education? & what evidence does she provide? Please be specific.