This is an example test for the course for you to use to develop your test for training Answers are in red. Create a test with a minimum of 30 questions.
1. What are the two (2) processes involved in the inspection process?
A. Contractor, Operator
B. Checklist, Situational Observation
D. None of the above
2. True or False
(Poster) Check for OSHA poster if required.
Remember, pallets are acceptable for bridges over ditches or as flooring.
3. True or False
The first section of the Inspection checklist for both the Drilling and Workover is a validation of items and procedures “discussed and confirmed” before starting work on a Inspector location. In Short,(it is) a Safety Audit to validate these items and procedures have been performed.
4.True or False
In using a Drilling or Workover Checklist you should inspect all items on the checklist and fill it out in its entirety.
5. True or False
The effective Site Inspector is not a “safety cop” of any kind. The Site Inspector is present to provide help, suggestions and a measurement of safety, equipment condition, and environmental performance.
6. True or False
This does not mean the Site Inspector should not immediately address an unsafe condition- even to the extent of “Shutting it Down” (the entire job).
7. True or False
In a Checklist centered Observation, the work area guides the Site Inspector. In the Situational Observation the checklist is used to guide the Site Inspector.
8. True or False
In a Situational centered Observation, the work area guides the Site Inspector. In the Checklist Observation the checklist is used to guide the Site Inspector.
9. What are the obstacles the Site Inspector must overcome to truly be an effective inspector of equipment and processes?
A. Be properly Trained
B. Be knowledgeable of all the training, processes and procedures that INSPECTOR requires of the contractor and their employees.
C. Do not let friendship or “wanting to be the nice guy” interfere or compromise your inspection.
D.Things happen fast”- Be aware
E. All the Above
11. True or False
Little thing are unimportant. Stay focused on the main work that is going on in order to give your customer the best inspection and validation process possible.
12. True or False
If you see a Contractor's employee doing an unsafe act, stop the work and instruct the employee on the proper method of performing the task.
13. Which of these are involved in the inspection process?
A. Looking for posted speed signs
B. Looking for absence of trash on your way to the site
C. Lease & Rig signs easily identifiable
D. Appropriate Warning signs
E. All the above
14.True or False
You should be prepared for unexpected events such as changes in the weather as well as having all relevant inspection materials in your vehicle before going on an inspection.
15.True or False
You do not have to introduce yourself or explain what you are doing at the site.
16. When is the best time to check the sewer system and sanitation facilities?
A. While checking the trailers and camp equipment for proper grounding
B. While walking the perimeter
C. While on the Rig
D. Both A & B
E. None of the Above
17. True or False
(While doing an inspection) Observe and note behaviors as well as equipment condition that may result in an incident no matter how apparently insignificant.
18. True or False
During the closing meeting the Site Inspector provides verbal feedback and discussion following an inspection. This amounts to talking with the employees observed about what you have seen and noted. The technique for providing this feedback follows a proven sequence. Positive feedback is given first.
19. Which of these "Tips" should be followed during a closing meeting?
A. Respect the people being observed
B. Prevent the Accident
C. Stick to the facts
D. Be specific and Discuss and Ask
E. All the above
20. True or False
Many of the items in your suggested inspection process are covered in the Inspector Drilling|Workover|Well Service Safety and Environmental Guidelines that were condensed from the Inspector Contractor Safe Work & Environmental Policies and Procedures Handbook that is provided to the contractor for use. These have been condensed into the "Basic Safety & Environmental Requirements" and the "Basic Operational Requirements" handout given to our employed contractors.
21. (As a Contract supervisor for INSPECTOR) Supervisor shall not exceed ___ rigs per supervisor in a ______area unless there have been an approved ______.
A. 2, geographic, plan
B. 2, geographic, variance
C. 1, geographic, variance
22. True or False
Documented pre-job safety meetings that cover job scope, well information and HAZCOM data shall be held daily before work begins and whenever there is a change in scope for the work being performed.
23. The ______1.______shall be reviewed before each hazardous task is started. If a _2.__ is not available then a _2.__ shall be prepared before task begins. Check _2.__ books and ask if they are being used and/or changed if not correct
A. 1.Site Safety Plan 2.(SSP)
B. 1.Job Safety Analysis 2.(JSA)
C. 1.Short Service Employee 2.(SSE)
24. Which of the items below are examples of a Behavior Based Safety program?
D. All the above
25. Rig Inspections are done______.
A. Yearly
B. Daily (Workover)
C. Weekly
D. After being completely rigged up and before the rig is allowed to start drilling
D. Only B & D
26. True or False
Anchors, pull tested within the last two years, or a professional engineer approved beam shall be installed prior to installing guy lines on workover rigs. These should be tagged.
27. True or False
Every Derrick and substructure shall be inspected every two years per API RP3G Level III guidelines.
28. True or False
All lifting equipment shall be inspected every year per API RP 8B Level III criteria.
29. True or False
Double fast lines will not be allowed while pulling full gauge tools from the well without a INSPECTOR approved variance.
30. True or False
Any crew with Short Service Employees requires the INSPECTOR representative's approval. If there are 40% or more Short Service Employees the INSPECTOR Area/Functional Manager's approval is required. Approvals shall be documented in the same manner as for variances
31. True or False
A field tested hydraulic or manual Blow-Out preventer, with all sets of rams and blinds field tested, shall be used whenever tubing is pulled from well.
32. True or False
BOP drills shall be held and documented once per week and one emergency drill such as a fire or spill drill shall be held and documented once per month. Check for documentation.
33. True or False
Contractor shall orally report all incidents and severe near misses IMMEDIATELY to the operator representative and conduct an investigation as required, providing documentation of investigation, Root Cause Analysis and action items.
34. True or False
Spill Reporting: Only spills from diesel equipment shall be reported immediately to the operator representative
35.Smoking is absolutely prohibited on operator premises except in designated smoking areas which are to be a minimum of ___ feet from the wellbore.
A. 100
B. 150
C. 200
36. True or False
All containers of chemicals, products or field treating fluids brought onto operator premises shall be properly labeled with Hazard Warning labels and labeled or marked to indicate the contents and owner of the product.
37. Derrick escape lines (Geronimo lines) and escape line anchor shall be installed as specified by manufacturer and the anchor must be capable of a ______LB pull test.
A. 2000
B. 3000
C. 4000
38. What can prevent a proper seal when using a respirator.
A. Facial hair
B. Oily skin
C. Both of the above
39. True or False
Where Hydrogen Sulfide is likely to be present a Hydrogen Sulfide Detection System which is specified in the Contingency Plan must be available along with proper Respiratory protection and medical clearance for the personnel who will use the respirators,documented training and emergency drills are required.
40. True or False
Individuals not associated with the operation and personal pets are allowed on location.
41. True or False
When using freestanding ladders both ladder feet must be on a stable surface, the top of ladder must be tied off to something stable or the base must be held by another person.
42.True or False
Rotating equipment can be engaged while a person is riding a hoist. The operator of a hoist shall remain at the controls at all times while someone is suspended by the hoist and direct communication must be maintained at all times between the rig operator/driller the hoist operator and thesuspended person.
43. True or False
Blocks, cat-heads or cat-lines are not be used to lift personnel.
44. True or False
Tools and equipment shall be kept in good condition. Defective tools shall be repaired or replaced!
45. True or False
If it is necessary to have a vehicle inside the guy wires, the vehicle shall be carefully monitored while it is being spotted. See if the vehicle can be relocated.
All frame/skid mounted electrical equipment shall be grounded to the earth. During wire-line operations, ground lines shall be properly installed and connected to the rig or wellhead.
46. True or False
All trucks are properly maintained including the associated lifting and rigging equipment. Spotters and tag lines are used while loading, unloading or hoisting equipment.
47. No trucks are within ____feet of the Wellhead (Hydrocarbon). Vacuum trucks are at least ____ feet away from any tanks.
A. 100, 50
B. 150, 75
C. 175, 50
D. None of the above
E. All the above
48. What is historically the most critical and hazardous operation performed at a site as it involves a variety of hazards.
A. Rig Move
B. Drilling Operations
C. Wireline Operation
D. None of the above
49. True or False
Vehicles shall be parked so the driver can exit by driving forward, preferably toward the exit.
50. True or False
Hot Work Permits requires a INSPECTOR representative's authorization and signature. A fire-watch with extinguishing equipment shall be required whenever welding, cutting or open flames are being performed within 35ft. of combustibles, within 100ft. of a well bore, or within 50ft. of heavily vegetated areas.