May 8, 2017
Council President Clentin Martin called the meeting to order at 630P.M.
All those present repeated the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
PRESENT: Fajt, Costello, Bartley, Martin, Rosensteel, Yarnell
PRESENT:Mayor Dobies, Engineer Regola
ABSENT: Solicitor Fedele
CITIZEN'S REMARKS:Brenda Wright, Greensburg Hempfield Library, present to answer any questions.
Rose Foschia, in regards to participating and buying in with the Westmoreland Planning Commission for help on building our own plan. “Whenever we go in with someone else, we get screwed”
APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING'S MINUTES: A motion was made by Yarnell/ Bartley toaccept the April 3, 2017 minutes.
VOTE: Yes5,No 0, NotPresent 0, Abstain0
CORRESPONDENCE: Mrs. Dusch reviewed the correspondence and copies were provided via Moodle.
MAYOR: A copy of the March police report was made available to council on Moodle: 108incidents, 42 citations, 0parking notices, 3 arrests, 1801 miles logged on the cars and $1506.42collected in fines and reports.
POLICE & EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: No further police report: Mr. Furin presented his report, stated all was good after the hard rain, a copy is available on Moodle.
STREETS & SANITATION: Report available on Moodle. Equipment is being stored briefly, waiting on a drill.
FIRE & WATER: March and April Report read.Mr. Rosensteel stated that the department is going back to the older version for reporting.
PARKS & RECREATION: Baseball has started. Football and Cheer will be having registration starting the weekend of May 6th.
PLANNING, ZONING & CODE ENFORCEMENT: Mr. Bartley presented the Zoning Officer’s report for April: 8permit issued.2 Demolition Permits and 6 Sign Permits.
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Mr. Regola reported he was meeting with the municipal authority in regards to our paving project.
SEWAGE AUTHORITY REPORT: Mr. Petroy presented the Sewage Authority Report. They are still limbo regarding the buyout. All states there is still a problem with the tap-ins at Lynch Field.
FINANCIAL REPORT: Mrs.Duschpresented the financial reports. Motion to accept March 2017 Financial Report made by Fajt/ Rosensteel
Vote Yes5. No0, Not Present0, Abstain0
Developer’s Agreement with Dollar General. As per Mr. Fedele it is okay to sign and pass, based on the Developer making the changes as instructed by Mr. Fedele.
- Motionto put Library Referendum requesting a separate tax levy of 1 mill on the dollar of all taxable real estate within the Borough of South Greensburg to fund and aid the Greensburg Hempfield Library. Referendum would be place on the general election ballot, November 7, 2017. Contact information for any additional questions or comments regarding the referendum is Jeanne Smith, . Tom Yarnell commented he felt we should wait and see what other boroughs are doing. Motion Tabled and will be revisited in June 2017.
- Motion was made by Fajt/ Yarnell to approve Lee Demosky as Solicitor for the Borough of South Greensburg.
Vote: Yes 2, No 4, Not Present 0, Abstain. – MOTION DID NOT CARRY
- Motion was made by Rosensteel/ Costello to approve the law firm of TKG&K as Solicitor for the Borough of South Greensburg.
Vote: Yes 4, No 2, Not Present 0, Abstain 0 – Motion carried.
- Motion was made Rosensteel/ Bartley to approve the Resident Survey and distribute at primary election on May 16, 2017.
Vote: Yes 5, No 0, Not Present 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried.
- Motion was made by Rosensteel/ Costello to approve the purchase of the QuickBooks update for $379.95.
Vote: Yes 5, No 0, Not Present 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
- Motion was made by Fajt/ Yarnell to approve the $1000 donation to the Greensburg/ Hempfield Library.
Vote: Yes 5, No 0, Not Present 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
- Motion was made by Costello/ Bartley to approve appointing Kathy Logan to the vacant council seat with a term ending 12/31/2017.
Vote: Yes 5, No 0, Not Present 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
- Motion was made by Costello/ Bartley to approve appointing Kathy Logan to the vacant council seat on the Park Committee.
Vote: Yes 5, No 0, Not Present 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
- Motion was made by Costello/ Rosensteel to hire Kelsey Campbell as a summer recreation director at the rate of $9.00 per hour.
Vote: Yes 5, No 0, Not Present 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
- Motion was made by Costello/ Bartley to hire Joseph Maier as a summer recreation director at the rate of $9.00 per hour.
Vote: Yes 5, No 0, Not Present 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
APPROVAL OF BUDGET TRANSFERS: Motion was made by Yarnell/ Bartley to approve the following transfers:
$21352 to VFD Capital Reserve Fund, 2017 1 mill tax
$65208 to Streets Improvement Fund, 2017 3 mill tax
Vote: Yes 5, No 0, Not Present 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
APPROVAL OF BILLS: Motion to Approve Payment of Bills made byFajt/ Costello.
Vote: Yes 5, No 0, Not Present 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Fajt/ Costello to adjourn the meeting at 7:20pm
Vote: Yes 5, No 0, Not Present 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
Respectfully submitted,
M. Michele Dusch