November 2017

Dear Parents/Carers

There will be a consultation evening at College on Wednesday 13th December from 5.00pm to 8.30pm for parents of students in the second year of Advanced Level courses. This is an important stage in your daughter/son’s course and we would welcome the opportunity to discuss her/his progress with you. Progress grades will be on Parent Voyager in advance of the evening.

As usual, an appointment system will operate and students are asked to arrange times for their parents/carers with the teaching staff. Overleaf is a list of rooms being used on the evening and it would be helpful if students informed you of the names and rooms of their subject teachers. Students are also encouraged to come along and discuss their progress with staff and parents/carers.

Representatives from universities will be in the Library during the evening to give further guidance about university entrance to students who are still uncertain about their future career plans.

I do hope you will be able to attend.

Yours sincerely

Tim Fisher


Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College

Second Year Parents’ Evenings – Wednesday 13th December 5.00 – 8.30pm

Room / Room
Andrew Adams / 270 / Simon Fleming / 012 / Ian Perrier / 252
Ed Anderson / 254 / Caroline Gell / 133 / Kathryn Pole / 110
Julie Ashmore / 050 / Darryn Gordon / 205 / Vicky Raine / 196
Julia Atkinson-Tait / 183 / Steve Green / 220 / Lesley Raw / 277
Michelle Avery / 119 / Simon Gregory / 375 / Steve Regan / 206
Meirion Baker / 171 / Marie Hedley / 174 / Maggie Roper / 151
Lisa Bates / 184 / Mike Hepple / 190 / Vicky Russell / 077
Jason Batty / 212 / Paul Heselton / 053 / Helen Salvage / 129
Giles Bayliss / 133 / Gemma Hillyard / 153 / Alan Scaplehorn / 272
John Beilby / 172 / Steve Hunnisett / 104 / Yvonne Sewell / 371
Natalie Blair / 153 / Laurence Job / 103 / Vicky Snowball / 010
Elizabeth Best / 212 / David John / 176 / Beccy Stannard / 019
Emma Bloxsome / 254 / Jane Lawson-Goldberg / 119 / Sarah Steel / 373
Vicky Boyle / 131 / Learning Support / 078 / James Stubbs / 173
Emma Carney / 010 / Brian Lee / 371 / Jackie Suter / 205
Paul Carroll / 172 / Helen Lunn / 054 / Stephanie Thompson / 053
Helen Carvill / 255 / Anthony Lupton / 009 / Dan Trodden / 270
Joy Colthup / 156 / Dean MacDonald / 050 / Julie Vickerman / 172
Lou Cockerill / 118 / Julia Magnall / 278 / Roswitha Wagenknecht / 125
Chris Crozier / 157 / Laurie March / 255 / Nancy Wall / 175
Tony Dabb / 258 / Mark McAdam / 252 / Brian Wardle / 215
Gary Darby / 131 / Dominic McArdle / 155 / Sven Wardle / 273
Emma Dinsdale / 292 / Janet McRae / 272 / Chris Watson / 373
Mark Dodsworth / 077 / Mike McTimoney / 213 / Deborah Waugh / 214
Liz Dryden / 152 / Nicola Naisbett / 009 / Paul Wearmouth / 205
Cressida Eastwell / 051 / Kate Neild / 122 / Arwen Webb / 195
Louise Farnell / 180 / Louise Nicholson / 122 / Kath Wiper / 375
Kevin Fields / 179 / Edward Nolan / 154 / Fay Wray / 133
Sara Fisher-Stout / 125 / Danielle Payne / 291