1º / Médio / P1,P2,P3
Disciplina / Professor / Natureza / Código / Tipo / Trimestre / Ano / Data
Inglês / Alexandra, Caco,giovanna / Atividade Férias / A1 / 1o / 2012 / 2012
1- We will visit Australia ...... New Zealand during our next vacation.
(a) and (b) but (c) so
2- Thank you very much ...... the kind letter you sent me
(a) of (b) to (c) for
3- People commonly buy ...... at supermarkets.
(a) groceries (b) vehicles (c) withdrawals (d) banks
4- Once a shopper pays for his/her groceries, the groceries are put into either plastic or paper ...... .
(a) nets (b) vessels (c) bags (d) wallets
5- A person should wear a scarf around his/her ...... in the winter time to keep warm. A scarf is a long, knitted accessory.
(a) wrist (b) waist (c) neck (d) back
6- When my husband wears a shirt and tie, he tucks his tie into his ...... . This part of a shirt goes around his neck.
(a) gloves (b) bracelet (c) collar (d) earrings
7- My father is a master ...... . He constructs houses and works with many tradesmen and architects on different job sites.
(a) dancer (b) builder (c) driver (d) conductor
8- ...... are farm animals that lay the eggs we normally eat.
(a) Chickens (b) Cows (c) Rabbits
8- Man: ...... are you leaving?
Woman: I leave at 6 am tomorrow morning.
(a) What (b) When (c) Where (d) Why
9- ...... is the girl in the blue dress?
(a) Who (b) Whom (c) What (d) Which
10- Man: I don't feel well tonight. I have an upset stomach.
Woman: Maybe it was the food at the restaurant. It didn't taste right.
Narrator: What does the man mean? ......
(a) He believes that his stomach is angry.
(b) He has a stomach ache.
(c) He is still hungry.
11- Waiter: Hi. Are you ready to ...... ?
(a) bring (b) stick (c) like (d) order
12-Man: Hi, I'm ...... for Metallica's Greatest Hits.
(a) finding (b) looking (c) running (d) changing
13-Complete with the right PREFIX
14-Make the appropriate adverbs to complete the sentences
a)She plays the piano ______(bad)
b)They laughed ______(happy)
c)They studied ______( hard)
d)She behaved ______(strange)
e)He fought ______(brave)
f)A number of birds ______wait for the eggs (anxious)
g)Sea turtles can ______be captured by people (accidental)
h)John speaks Spanish ______(fast)
i)She sings ______(beautiful)
j)Mary cooks very ______(good)
k)I looked for it ______(desperate)
l)Joan drives ______(careful)
15- (Unesp) Assinale a alternativa que preenche a lacuna da frase a seguir corretamente
He will ______almost everything you ask him.
a) do b) to do c) doing d) does e) did
16- (Unesp) Assinale a alternativa correta.
I expect that she ______arrive at about midnight.
a) is b) will c) going to d) must e) goes
17- (Cesgranrio) Mark the word that can appropriately be used to fill the blank and expand the sentence "Men not only cry less frequently,______they also do it somewhat differently."
a) yet b) but c) and d) although e) however
18- (Cesgranrio) The word WHEREAS in "Whereas before tattoos were virtually impossible to remove without considerable difficulty and pain," ... means ...
a) as. b) when. c) while. d) where. e) because.
19- (Fuvest) Complete usando if, unless ou so that:
a) She will hurt herself ...... she is careful.
b) John is going to drown ...... nobody jumps into the river to save him.
20- (Fuvest) Complete com although, nevertheless ou in spite of:
a) They think the information they've got is accurate; ...... they'll check it again.
b) ...... the fog, the train arrived on time.
21- (Fuvest) Reescreva as frases empregando na forma do futuro as expressões verbais entre aspas..
'Must you stay' there? ………………………………………………………………………………..
'Can you do' it alone! ………………………………………………………………………………
22- (Fuvest) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas:
I..... you as soon as my work.....
a) will call..... is finished.
b) called..... will finish.
c) was calling..... is finished.
d) had called..... finishes.
e) have called..... finish.
23- (Fuvest) Transcreva na forma negativa:
a) John made many mistakes in his examination. ……………………………………………………..
b) John also likes to play tennis. …………………………………………………………………………
24- (Fuvest) Escreva em inglês:
a) Maria leu o livro e João também......
b) Maria nao leu o livro, e João também não leu......
25- (Fuvest) Qual a pergunta a atenceder a resposta "yes, I did"?
a) Did you buy a car?
b) Will you buy a car?
c) Didn't you have a nice car?
d) Have you bought it?
e) You didn't.
26- (Fuvest) Transcreva, usando o adequado tempo verbal:
a) He lay awake for a while and then (sleep) again. …………………………………………………………….
b) If he (be) rich, he would pay' us well. …………………………………………………………………………..
27- (Fuvest) Coloque as orações no futuro:
"He (can) spend thousands of reais, but then he (must) choose his friends."
28- (Fuvest) Qual a sentença correta:
a) We were deprived from playing games for a week.
b) We were deprived of playing games for a week.
c) We were deprived of playing games through a week.
d) We were deprived at playing games for a week.
e) We were deprived from playing games by a week.