Email Vote

June 20,2017

1) Unfortunately we didn’t have enough attendance last night to constitute a quorum, so I am going to have a few items that we’ll need to hold an email vote on in order to complete them according to the by-laws. You’ll see a few emails from me over the next week or so as from my count we have at least four items that need to be discussed and voted on.

The first one is the contract of the proposed new high school boys assistant coach. Tyler, Kristi and Jessie interviewed Paul Smith weekend before last and Tyler is recommending Paul to the Board for consideration as the new assistant coach. Paul comes adequately experienced and according to Kristi and Jessie interviewed well, demonstrating what seems to be a good relationship between himself and Tyler. I’ve attached Paul’s resume to this email, and Kristi and Jessie could answer any questions about how the interview went and their take on Paul.

With the contract that Christine Sundberg signed to become the HS girls assistant coach this past spring as a guide, Paul should be looking at an income in the range of $1,850 to $1,950. Christine’s salary is $1,950. I’ve attached a copy of the Christine’s unsigned 2017 contract as a reference as well. I would recommend offering Paul a contract at $1,850 for his first year as the HS boys assistant coach and also removing the language from this particular contract requiring additional coaching education, due entirely to the late point in the year and the proximity to the upcoming high school season.

So to go forward I will need a motion and a second. Once those are recorded a majority vote one way or the other would constitute 8 votes. Jessie, if you would please keep a tally of the incoming votes and let us know when a majority has been reached I would appreciate it. If someone would like to amend the motion that is made please cite that in your response and we will need a second to the amendment to carry it to vote. The initial motion does not have to match my recommendation. If everyone would please vote by tomorrow at 5:00 I would appreciate it. Also, where this motion is regarding a potential employee’s contract, if everyone would refrain from sharing this email with others I would appreciate that as well. Thanks!

President Bryce Richter

-Krist Ortiz made a motion. 8 votes “yes” Motion carries.

2) Our second item for discussion and vote is the updated Sponsorship Policy that Lindsey is bringing to present. Lindsey presented this at the May Board meeting and was provided with input from the Board. She has allowed for that input and is bringing it back to the Board for decision. The updated policy proposal is attached to this email. I’ll let Lindsey answer any questions in regards to the particulars to the Sponsorship Policy being presented.
As with the previous vote I will need a motion and a second. We can then open up for discussion and questions. Please refrain from voting until time has been allowed to provide for discussion. As of tomorrow morning at 8:00 AM I will call the motion to a vote at which time we will proceed accordingly. Thanks!

President Bryce Richter

-Motion was made. Kristi O. second the motion. 8 votes “yes” motion carries.

3) Next up on the agenda, Don & I received an email from Jenny Ness with Spearfish Soccer asking when our Harvest Days Tournament would be scheduled. I took a quick look at the calendar and responded back to her to tentatively schedule the weekend of October 13 – 15 as our date. I informed her however that this date was an estimate and that the Board would have to ultimately decide the dates.

So, I am proposing a date of the Harvest Days Tournament of October 13th – 15th. The state high school finals would be the weekend prior, and although that may or may not have a direct effect on Sturgis Soccer, they may have an effect other teams that may potentially attend, limiting our overall attendance. The other, potentially larger effect, would be that it may limit the number of referees that we would have available from West River Referees to work our matches. The weekend after is the weekend of the BH Rapids FrightFest Tournament, so if we want to be sanctioned that weekend is out as well.

-Mark made a motion for the dates of the Harvest Days Tournament to be October 13th-15th. Justin seconded the motion. 10 votes “yes” motion carries.