1st Davao Catholic Evangelization Weekend
“Why be Catholic if you can be anything else?”
Whether you’re a Catholic or a non-Catholic,
a convert or fallen away,
if you want to learn about True Christianity in
Roman Catholicism:
What we really believe
Why we believe
Why you should believe
How to live our belief
Know about the real Roman Catholic Faith,
straight from the Church’s teachings, and not from distorted, unreliable, and unhistorical sources.
Know the Truth about the real teachings of the Bible, a truly Catholic Book.
Know about the real Faith handed down for almost 2,000 years from our Lord Jesus Christ to His Apostles, from His Apostles to the entire world through His only Church, the Roman Catholic Church.
January 28-30, 2005
NCCC Mall Davao Convention Hall
Jan. 28 - 6 P.M. to 10 P.M.
Jan. 29 – 8 A.M. to 6 P.M.
Jan. 30 – 8 A.M. To 4 P.M.
1st Davao Catholic Evangelization Weekend
Speaker's Profile
After being Protestants for 37 years and involved with various Fundamentalist and Evangelical Protestant churches, Steve Ray and his wife, Janet, converted to the Catholic Church on Pentecost Sunday, 1994. Steve and Janet are currently producing a 10-video series through Ignatius Press called The Footprints of God: The Story of Salvation from Abraham To Augustine on location in the Holy Land and surrounding countries. The first video, "Peter, Keeper of the Keys" was released in November, 2001. The second, "Mary, Mother Of God" was launched in summer 2002; and "Moses: Signs, Sacraments & Salvation" was released in March 2003. "Jesus: The Word Became Flesh" November, 2003 and “Paul, Contending for the Faith” September 1, 2004.
Raised by parents who had become Christians through a Billy Graham Crusade, Steve "asked Jesus into his heart" when he was four years old, and was "born again" according to the Baptist tradition. As he grew older, he often did `street evangelism,' taught Bible studies in various churches, and conducted classes in his home and in local churches.
Steve married Janet in 1976. When their two children were small, they moved to Europe for a year, traveling extensively and researching their Reformation roots in Switzerland, Germany, England and other countries. They also studied for six months at L'Abri in Switzerland with noted theologian and Evangelical thinker, Francis Schaeffer. They later visited the communist countries and even smuggled Bibles and medicine to Christians behind the Iron Curtain.
Besides overseeing the family business, educating their children at home and serving their local parish, Steve and Janet now spend most of their time researching, writing, teaching Catholic Bible studies, lecturing, and sharing the joy of discovering the Catholic Church. Steve especially loves apologetics, defending the Catholic faith, and has conducted several highly successful conferences in conjunction with other Catholic converts. He is a regular guest on many radio and television programs, including Catholic Answers Live, The Journey Home, Living His Life Abundantly, and Life On The Rock. He is a contributing writer to Envoy Magazine, This Rock, The Catholic Answer as well as other Catholic publications, and teaches Bible study classes in his parish.
Steve's first book, Crossing The Tiber: Evangelical Protestants Discover the Historic Church (Ignatius, 1997), details his intellectual and spiritual journey into Catholicism. It became a best seller within one year. His second book, Upon This Rock: St. Peter and the Primacy of Rome in the Scriptures and Early Church (Ignatius, 1999), also became a bestseller. Steve's third book, St. John's Gospel: A Bible Study Guide and Commentary, was released in October, 2002
January 28-30, 2005
NCCC Mall Davao Convention Hall
Jan. 28 - 6 P.M. to 10 P.M.
Jan. 29 – 8 A.M. to 6 P.M.
Jan. 30 – 8 A.M. To 4 P.M.
Schedule of Events
Day 1 – January 28, 2005
06:00pm – 07:00pm Registration
07:00pm – 07:30pm Opening Ceremony
² Prayer
² Hymns
² Welcome
² Introduction to CEW
07:30pm – 09:00pm Talk - Not By Scripture Alone
² Conversion Story
² Why not Sola Scriptura or Scripture Alone?
² History of Sola Scriptura
² Tragic result of Sola Scriptura
² History of the Bible
² By what authority then?
² What does the Bible and the Church teach?
09:00pm – 09:30pm Open Forum
09:30pm – 10:00pm Closing Ceremony
Day 2 – January 29, 2005
08:00am – 09:00am Registration
09:00am – 09:30am Opening Ceremony
² Prayer
² Hymns
² Welcome
² Introduction to CEW Day 2
09:30am – 11:00am Talk - Not By Faith Alone
² History of Faith and Salvation
² Why not Sola Fide or Faith Alone?
² History of Sola Fide
² Tragic result of Sola Fide
² If not Sola Fide, then what?
² What does the Bible teach and the Church teach?
11:00am – 11:30am Open Forum with all speakers
11:30am – 01:00pm Lunch Break
01:00pm – 02:30pm Talk - Not By Bread Alone
² History of the belief in the Real Presence
² Why Holy Communion is not symbolic
² History of symbolic-only Holy Communion
² Tragic result of symbolic-only Holy Communion
² Tragic result of the loss of belief in the Real Presence
² No priest, no Holy Eucharist
² The greatest importance of the Holy Eucharist
02:30pm – 03:00pm Open Forum with all speakers
03:00pm – 03:10pm Snack Break
03:10pm – 03:30pm Chaplet of the Divine Mercy (Traditional)
03:30pm – 05:00pm Talk - Not By Tradition Alone
² What is Tradition?
² How was Tradition passed on and preserved?
² Tragic Result of rejecting Tradition
² Why Tradition is authoritative
² Most commonly objected Traditions
² Mama Mary, rosary, scapular, and sacramentals
² Divorce, Abortion, Contraception, Last Days
05:00pm – 05:30pm Open Forum with all speakers
05:30pm – 06:00pm Free Interaction with speakers
Day 3 – January 30, 2005
08:00am – 09:00am Sunday Mass
09:00am – 09:30am Opening Ceremony
² Prayer
² Hymns
² Welcome
² Introduction to CEW Day 3
09:30am – 11:30am Open Seminar 1 – Critical Apologetics
² Catholic basics and essentials
² Christology
² The Mass and the Holy Eucharist
² The Church Christ built
² The Rock upon which Christ built His Church
² Salvation history and the covenants with God
² Mary, the Mother of God and the Church
² Misinterpretations and misapplications of Vatican II
² Keeping our families Catholic
² Bringing the separated and fallen-away home
11:30am – 01:00pm Lunch Break
01:00pm – 03:00pm Open Seminar 2 – Defending Christ’s Church
² Answering common objections
² Independent New Testament churches?
² The tragic history of the Reformation
² Most common heresies resurfacing
² Secret societies
² The sins of the Church and its representatives
² Healing our calloused consciences
² Surviving modernism and the deforming morality
² The New Evangelization
03:00pm – 03:20pm Chaplet of the Divine Mercy (Traditional)
O3:20pm – 04:00pm Closing Ceremony