IST 285

Final Exam

Study Guide

The finalexam is Wednesday night, July 23. The test will be in two parts:

Part 1: Short Answer

Part 2: Hands-On Work using Excel and Access

The test will cover Chapters 1 – 9 of your text.

Use your mid-term exam to study for the final exam.

Chapter 6

  • What is a LAN? List the components of a LAN and explain the purpose of each component.
  • LANs can be classified as Client-Server or Peer-to-Peer. Explain each of these types of LANs.
  • What is a WAN? List the components of a WAN and explain the purpose of each component.
  • Information is transmitted differently in a LAN vs. a WAN. Explain the difference.
  • What is the most popular transmission protocol for a LAN?
  • What is the most popular transmission propocol for a WAN?
  • How did Hyatt Regency Osaka use networks to improve customer service?
  • What are IP addresses? Where are they used?
  • What is Voice over IP technology?
  • Explain the concept of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
  • Explain how RFID poses a threat to privacy.
  • What type of Internet tool could help the Dirt Bikes USA company?

Chapter 7

  • Why are information systems extremely vulnerable to destruction?
  • What is a computer virus?
  • What is a software worm?
  • Explain what a denial-of-service attach is.
  • Explain how the “ping” command can be used as part of a denial-of-service attack.
  • What does the “ipconfig /all” command do?
  • What is phishing?
  • Explain how a firewall can be used to protect a LAN from outside attacks.
  • What is risk assessment?
  • What is disaster recovery planning?What is one method of safeguarding important information that has to be transmitted on a LAN or WAN?
  • What are the most likely threats to the continued operation of Dirt Bikes?

Chapter 8

  • What is an “enterprise system”?
  • How did Tasty Baking Company use an enterprise system to improve it’s financial condition?
  • Name a vendor that provides enterprise software.
  • What is a “supply chain management system”?
  • What are “customer relationship management systems”?
  • Name and describe some of the challenges of implementing an enterprise system within a company.
  • Describe Invacare’s experience with enterprise software.

Chapter 9

  • What does E-commerce refer to? Give an example.
  • What is the purpose of the Photobucket web site?
  • How do the market entry costs for e-commerce compare with the entry cost for a traditional retail store?
  • Explain the purpose of the MySpace web site.
  • Explain why companies are interested in accessing MySpace.
  • What is Consumer-to-consumer electronic commerce? Give an example.
  • Describe two things you can do on Land’s End web site
  • What is the purpose of the “nohaggles” web site?
  • What are two unique features of E-commerce?
  • What is “disintermediation”? Give an example.