/ Application Form
For the position of
Full Time Project Worker
with an Outreach Brief

Closing date for receipt of applicationsby post: Tuesday, 16th September 2014
Applicants are expected to be available to attend for
interviewfrom1st October 2014.
Private & Confidential
(Please Complete All Sections Fully preferably typewritten, or in BLOCK PRINTED black ink)
Personal Details
Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other (specify): Ms
Surname:Serrano Brophy
Forename(s): Marina
Home Address: 33 parnell close, ladyswell road, mulhuddart, blanchardstown, Dublin 15
Telephone [Daytime]: 0857523684 Mobile:
Date of Birth:30/06/1984
Current work telephone number: May we contact you at work? Yes: x No: 
Do you require a work permit to work in our organisation? Yes:  No: 
Are you required to give a period of notice to your current employer? Yes:  No: 
If yes, what period of notice: __7 days____
Present Occupation including title, main duties and responsibilities:
Key Worker at Care After Prison.
  • Keywork and case manage service users which includes regular meetings with the IPS and Probation services.
  • Advocate on behalf of all service users in relation to a variety of issues including accommodation, education, social welfare entitlements and legal issues.
  • 1 to 1 addiction and offending behavior support working from restorative justice perspective.
  • Keeping meticulous case notes and report writing including meeting minutes.
  • Facilitate and chair weekly team meetings.
  • Solution focused therapy.
  • Interagency work.
  • Referrals.

Third Level Education and Qualifications:
From/To / School / College / Other / Results and date obtained
2002 to 2007
2007-2008 / University of Granada
CEA, Cordoba Spain / PSYCHOLOGY DEGREE. 7.1 over 10 in 2007
Short Courses, Training Workshops undertaken to date:
From/To / Course Provider / Course Title / Learning Outcome
May 2014 / Urrús / Keyworking Training
May 2014 / Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers, Dublin. / Motivation Interviewing.
November 2014 / Living Works / Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training
November 2012-June 2013 / Escuela Caleidoscopio / Systemic & Family Therapy
May 2012 / Global Psicologia / Applications & Theoretical Bases in ACT
Employment History to date starting with most recent employer:
From/To / Organisation / Main Duties/Responsibilities / Reasons for Leaving
April 2014
November 2013/ September 2014
April 2009 to September 2009
April 2008 to December 2008 / Swissport
Care After Prison
Fundación Emet Arco Iris
Abengoa / Passenger Service Agent
  • Deal with airline customers and to provide all relevant information.
  • Accurately enter customer information into the check-in system.
  • Ensure that customer baggage is dealt.
  • Key Worker
  • Care Planning
  • Prison Assessments
  • Referrals to appropriate services
  • Note taking
  • IT support
Training Technician / Working at the moment
End of the program.
However volunteering on a part time basis
End of contract.
End of contract.
Voluntary Work / Student Placement History:
From/To / Organisation / Main Duties/Responsibilities / Reasons for Leaving
  • 2012
  • 2012/2013
  • Hogar Renacer
  • Cruz Roja
  • 1-1 addiction support.
  • Delivering interventions i.e. conflict resolution, relapse prevention
  • Devising and delivering workshops to at risk females.
  • Devising and delivering IT workshops to clients.
  • Devising and delivering education/training workshops to female clients
  • End of program
  • Change of residence.

Please take your time to answer the following question as fully as possible paying particular attention to the essential criteria in the job description.
(Use additional paper if necessary)
  • Reason for Application:Please give details of how your education, skills, experience, and non-work activities qualify you to effectively undertake this post.

My experience during the last year in Care After Prison has enabled me to develop tasks such as, key working, care planning, case management, and risk assessment.
My role in Care After Prison also include the ability to liaise with other agencies, reefer and receive referrals and coordinate interventions with other agencies.
I have been always working as part of a team where I learnt how to make group decisions, take in consideration other’s suggestions and help other team members to develop their role.
Through my experience as a Psychologist in a Therapeutic Communityand other drug rehabilitation centres I have gained a thorough understanding of how to work with people presenting with drug and alcohol issues including harm reduction, motivation and family support. These interventions have been delivered in a group setting and one to one sessions. I have facilitated groups under theoretical frameworks such as CBT, Relapse Prevention, and motivation to change.
The reason I'm applying for this position is because of my commitment and dedication to my profession. I really love what I do and I believe I'm able to perform this position diligently. I am committed to identifying barriers to people’s progression, and to working with them to achieve their identified goals, as well as their independence and empowerment.
My extensive experience in psychology, addiction, education, advocacy work and my clear and warm communication style, enables me to work effectively and empathetically with all different kind of people.
Please provide the name, address, telephone number and occupation of two referees, who would be in a position to assess your skill, knowledge and aptitude for this post, preferably previous employer(s) or people who know you in a professional capacity.
Please ensure that all referees are available for reference check.
Please note: references will only be accepted from those who know you in a professional capacity.
Tom Kearns. Css Manager. / Auxiliadora Fernandez Director
Care After Prison 01 4720973/ 0857666514 / Fundación EMet Arco Iris Cordoba

+34 957 47 68 47
I declare that all the information I have given is true to the best of my knowledge and that inaccurate or false information given may result in an offer of employment being withdrawn.
Applicant’s signature: / / Date: / 10/9/2014
Please note:
  • Short listing will apply.
  • The holder of this post will be subject to satisfactory Garda Vetting procedures.
  • The position will be offered to the successful candidate subject to positive references.
  • The person appointed to this post will be subject to 6 month probationary period.
  • Each candidate must be in a state of health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.
Please send completed forms by post to:
Elaine Moore,
Head of Drug & Alcohol Services,ADAPT,Unit 37a,Coolmine Industrial Estate,Blanchardstown,Dublin 15.

Office Use Only:

Date Received / Result of Short Listing Process / Available for Interview / References Requested / Garda Clearance Form Fulfilled