Moore High School: Pre-AP Chemistry
Mr. Stripling
Room 402
(405) 735-4700
Course Outline/Syllabus
- Textbook: Chemistry: Matter and Change. Buthelezi, Dingrando, et. Al. McGraw Hill Publishing c 2016
- Description: This course will introduce you to the general concepts of chemistry, which include but are not limited to data collection and analysis, atomic structure, chemical reactivity, balancing equations, periodic trends and observations, molecular bonding, and chemical safety.
- Course Objectives: This course is designed to provide the necessary concepts dictated in the state of Oklahoma curriculum, and will produce competent and knowledgeable individuals regarding chemical practices and safety.
- Materials You Will Need for the Course:It is expected that you bring with you pen, paper, any and all necessary classroom accessories, and a good attitude. Organize your notes in a way that works best for you. You will also need a separate space in your notebook/binder that gets used for recording laboratory data during our protocol days. You will be expected to keep this section in an organized, working order that I will occasionally evaluate. There is also an online textbook available to you. Physical textbooks are available for check out through the instructor with written parent notice.
- Major Evaluations: There will be exams, quizzes, and weekly assignments that will be provided to you. The instructor will announce one week in advance when tests will be given. Quizzes and homework may be given without prior notice. Expect there to be bell work daily. Lab reports are to be completed promptly when assigned. Students will regularly be given assignments, quizzes, and tests throughout the school year. The student’s grade will be determined according to the following grade scheme:
Quizzes/Tests: 50 %
Lab Reports & Projects:30 %
Daily work/homework:20 %
- Student Activities: Students will engage learning through inquiry in the laboratory, lecture, group discussion, group activities and homework.
- Expectations for Student Conduct: It is expected that students to do their best in my class; not putting an effort in is not an option. It is expected that cell phones are always turned off unless a prior arrangement has been made with the instructor prior to the day’s lesson. It is expected that students promptly turn their work the day after it is assigned unless otherwise noted. Unexcused Late Work will result in a 50% grade deduction. In order for each student to do their best in my class, it is essential that the students attend class regularly. If you are not seated by the time the bell rings, you are marked tardy. If you walk in after the late bell rings, you will be marked absent. The instructor will abide by the Moore Public Schools Attendance Policy, outlined in the Moore High School Student Handbook. Be sure that you bring your necessary materials so that each class can be as effective as possible.
- Evaluating Student Progress: Students will be evaluated through daily/weekly assignments, announced and unannounced quizzes, laboratory reports, and unit tests. District benchmark tests will also be used as a method of evaluation for both the classroom and the district’s benefit. Extra credit may be offered, but will not exceed more than 5% of the total grade. These extra credit assignments will build critical thinking skills by incorporating multiple topics at once.