DATE: Monday, 10 October 2016 / MEETING OPEN: 7.30pm / LOCATION: Staff Room
7.30 / 1 / President’s Welcome / Sussan Johnson
7.33 / 2 / Apologies
7.34 / 3 / Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting / Monday September 2016
4 / Correspondence In
Date Received / From / Subject / Passed To / Action Required
5 / Correspondence Out:
6 / Reports:
7.36 / 6:1 President / Sussan Johnson
7.41 / 6:2 Principal / Neil Hunt
7.51 / 6:3 Treasurer / Katrina Grose circulated
6:4 School Finance Committee / Katrina Grose
6:5 School Board / Chris Porteous
6:6 Uniform Shop / Michelle Gale
Mary Rose Kourellias
7.56 / 6:7 Music Parents / JenniGiamcomel /
6:8 Quiz Night Co-ordinator / Alisdair Putt / circulated
8.01 / 6:9 Good2Grow Committee / Tanya Crewe
Janet Ryan
8.06 / 6:10 Liaison Art Show Committee / Sian Burgess
8.11 / 6:11Chaplaincy / Rose Anderson
8.17 / 6:13Health / Zina Cordery
6:14 ICT Committee / Zina Cordery
Marek Jurec
6:15 Grounds Committee / Brad Campbell
6:16 P&C Communication / JanePowell
6:17 Fathering Project / John MacKenzie
6:18 Year 7 Parent Liaison / Tania Perrella
6:19 Year 8 Parent Liaison
6:20 Year 9 Parent Liaison / Kim Campbell
Lorna de Sancha
8.22 / 7 / General Business / -Uniform shop

Matters discussed

(1)The President is resigning at the end of year –please circulate this news to interested parties

(2)The Principal reported that the new head boy and head girl had been finalised after extensive consultations. There had been a clown scare today at lunchtime, and police advised but no adverse incidents. Year 12s will be leaving on Thursday next week –final Assembly next Thursday. School enrolments likely to level out at 3000 enrolments for several years, and eventually by 2025 will revert to approximately 2500 with no transportables.The school has purchased a new lawn mover which will be utilised on new oval, to avoid problems with imported weeds et al

(3)Treasurer’s report –year to date profit

(4)No Finance Committee meeting report

(5)Chris Porteous (School Board) - Cocktail party on Thursday night re Solar project

(6)Uniform Shop –Michelle & Maryanne; Diana has left after many years service, with presentation of a small gift. Anne Laure and Julie Westbook are interim managers, to advertise the managerial position in the Bytes. A timetable for staffing has been circulated; the only issue of concern is the amount of stock on hand.

(7)Jane –discussion of dates of events for next year. August for quiz night. Good to grow in September. Discussed means of enlisting new parents –8 November induction

(8)Last P & C meeting –Monday 5 December –Michelle to nominate venue–date of next meeting Monday 14 November

A: 20 Lucca St, Churchlands, WA 6018

T: 9441 1700

F: 9441 1701


W: http://www.churchlands.wa.edu.au/