Study Guide: Hinduism

1. The Vedic religion is named for the Vedas, which are

2. Which of these is the best reason for someone in India to study Sanskrit?

3. Who were the Aryans?

4. What change marked the transition from early Vedic religion to Brahmanism?

5. In the caste system, how were people in India placed into a certain social class?

6. Which job was a Shudra most likely to do?

7. A person who spoke these words most likely belonged to which caste?

“I have been learning about battle. My father is showing me how to use different kinds of weapons so I will be a good warrior.”

8. Why did Untouchables live in separate communities?

9. To Hindus, the soul, or atman, is a part of

10. Describe Hindu temples.

11. In some Hindu traditions, Brahma is the creator and Vishnu is the preserver. What does Shiva do?

12. The festival of Divali, which begins the Hindu New Year, celebrates__________

13. The ancient social class system was called varna. What did early Hindus mean by varna dharma?

14. Which animal became a symbol for the Hindu belief in reverence for life?

15. How was the Hindu belief about karma related to the caste system?

16. Which image best represents samsara, the Hindu view of birth, life, and death?