NAVAA Board of Directors

September 14, 2010

Hyatt Regency Dearborn (MI)

Present: Robin Brassie (NM), Rob Gallup (CO), Kim Spoonhower (NY), Melissa Hook (DC), John Mahoney (VA), Allison Srinivasan (MA), Jessica Fix (MA), Marti Anderson (IA), Cynthia Stinson (OR), Leslie O’Reilly (MI), Steve Derene (Christina Harris (FL) arrived late).

1. Approval of October 1, 2009 and January 2, 2010 minutes. Kim Spoonhower motioned to accept both minutes. John Mahoney seconded. Passed by acclamation.

2. Selection of 1 year term Board term. John Mahoney volunteered to take the one year term.

3. Election of Board Officers.

President: Kim Spoonhower nominated Robin Brassie for President, Robert Gallup seconded. Passed by acclamation.

Vice-President: Kim Spoonhower nominated Robert Gallup for 1st Vice-President, Passed by acclamation.

2nd Vice President: Melissa Hook nominated Kim Spoonhower for 2nd Vice President, Robert Gallup seconded it. Passed by acclamation.

Secretary: Allison Srinivasan nominated Julie-Tennant-Caine for Secretary, Kim Spoonhower seconded. Motion passed by acclamation.

Treasurer: Kim Spoonhower nominated Suzanne Breedlove for Treasurer, Marti Anderson seconded Passed by acclamation.

Regional Representatives:

Region 1: Jessica Fix (MA)

Region 2: John Mahoney (VA)

Region 3: Christina Harris (FL)

Region 4: Melissa Hook (DC)

Region 5: Marti Anderson (IA)

Region 6: Leslie O’Reilly (MI)

Region 7: Cynthia Stinson (OR)

Region 8: Allison Srinivasan (MA)

4. Dues: Melissa Hook motioned to continue the current dues schedules. Allison Srinivasan seconded, passed by acclamation.

5. Budget: AVA will be handling their own finances soon. A new executive director has been hired. Discussed 2011 budget, 2011 National Crime Victims Rights Week contract and status of budget. A motion was made to accept the proposed 2011 budget by Marti Anderson, seconded by Robert Gallup and passed by acclamation.

6. Discussed 2011 Joint NAVAA & NACVCB conference: OVC suggested moving dates of the conference to June. This was be problematic because it is the end of states’ fiscal year when many are finalizing awarding VOCA subgrants. July or August may be possible. Cynthia Stinson volunteered Portland as a possible site for the joint conference. She will check into dates and hotels and work with Steve. It was thought that the conference award would again go through TTAC.

7. National Crime Victims Rights Week Grant: Steve reviewed the grant and the proposal dates of September 24th as public announcement with an Oct. 25th deadline date. The weight of the scoring sheets was also discussed and a date of Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2010 in DC was agreed upon to discuss the final selection of agencies to awards.

8. Adjournment.