Note: letters in bold font are commands under unix. Letters in italic are the content of a file.

1. Telnet to or, then run following command public_html

2. Make a subdirectory under public_html, which is used to upload your survey files, for example 550x. Then change its access right, enter that subdirectory. 550x 755 550x 550x

3. use command pwd to get the full path of current directory on the server, write down the full path. For example:


4.Download a .htaccess file and copy it to your 550x directory, or use an editor to create a .htaccess file. It should has type following text.

AuthType Basic

AuthName "Class 550x survey"

AuthUserFile /auto/home-scf-08/weirongz/public_html/550x /.htpasswd

require valid-user

Please replace the underline part with your full path that you get above. You can use emacs to create .htaccess file, after typing in above text, press ctrl-x ctrl-s to save file, then press ctrl-x ctrl-c to quit emacs. .htaccess

5. Use command htpasswd to create a .htpasswd file, replace “wei” with a new name that is allowed to access the survey. If you want add more users, for example “rong”, ignore “-c” in the command. –c .htpasswd wei

Adding password for wei.

New password:

Re-type new password: htpasswd .htpasswd rong

Adding user rong

New password:

Re-type new password:

6. upload all your survey html files into 550x directory, then run following command to change access right. 755 * 755 .htaccess 755 .htpasswd –al

drwxr-xr-x 2 weirongz 512 Nov 9 12:23 .

drwxr-xr-x 5 weirongz 512 Nov 9 10:42 ..

-rw-r-xr-x 1 weirongz 131 Nov 9 10:52 .htaccess

-rw-r-xr-x 1 weirongz 37 Nov 9 12:14 .htpasswd

-rwxr-xr-x 1 weirongz 10337 Nov 9 10:53 info.htm

-rwxr-xr-x 1 weirongz 8707 Nov 9 12:18 survey.html

7. Email to ask help. Good luck!