Vocabulary List

1.  suspense n. a state or feeling of excited or anxious uncertainty about what may happen.

2.  cite: v. to quote as evidence for an argument or statement

3.  idiom n. an expression that cannot be understood from the meanings of its separate words but that has a separate meaning of its own ex. a penny for your thoughts, barking up the wrong tree

4.  context n. the parts of something written or spoken that come before and after

5.  plot n. a series of related events

6.  conflict n. problem or struggle between opposing forces

7.  climax n. the turning point or highest point in the action of a story

8.  resolution n. part of the story where the problem is solved

9.  theme n. central idea, message or purpose of a literary work

10.  setting n. time and place of the action

11.  genre n. a category of literature ex. suspense, historical

12.  inference n. a logical conclusion based on textual evidence

13.  foreshadow v. using clues that hint at what will happen later

14.  allusion n. a reference to a well-known person, place, event, or work

15.  symbol n. an object, a person, or a place that stands for more than just itself

16.  insensible adj. incapable of feeling

17.  debunking v. to expose as being false

18.  plausible adj. having the appearance of truth or reason

19.  proffered v. to put before a person for acceptance, to offer

20.  resignation n. an accepting, unresisting attitude

21.  querulous adj. complaining in an annoying way

22.  neurotic adj. worrying in a way that is not healthy or reasonable

23.  peripheral adj. relating to the edge of something

24.  imperious adj. assuming power without justification; arrogant

25.  desensitization n. the act of reacting less or to be less affected by something over time

26.  correlation n. the relationship between things that happen or change together

27.  dictate v. to say something with authority or power

28.  detached adj. not emotional or connected

29.  first person point of view n. the story is narrated by a character, use of “I”, “me”, “we”

30.  third person point of view n. the story is told by someone not involved in the action

31.  omniscient adj. knowing everything

32.  dramatic irony n. where something is known to the audience but unknown to the characters

33.  situational irony n. when something is strange or funny because it is the opposite of what was expected

34.  verbal irony n. when what is meant is the opposite of what is said

35.  stanza n. group of lines in a poem

36.  rhythm n. a repeated pattern of sounds

37.  figurative language n. words or expressions with meaning different from the literal ex. metaphor, simile personification

38.  onomatopoeia n. words that are sounds ex. go, mow or light, fire

39.  dialogue n. conversation between two or more

40.  alliteration n. the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words close together

41.  assonance n. repetition of vowel sounds

42.  personification n. giving something that is not human, human qualities

43.  analyze v. to examine in detail

44.  archetype n. a reoccurring symbol or theme in literature

45.  connotative adj. the meaning that a word suggests or implies

46.  denotative adj. the literal meaning of a word

47.  myriads n. countless

48.  ominous adj. suggesting that something bad is going to happen

49.  stewards n. an official appointed to supervise arrangements or keep order

50.  rheumy adj. watery

51.  languidly adv. slowly, lacking spirit

52.  caricature n. a character with exaggerated characteristics

53.  revulsion n. a sense of disgust or hatred

54.  pallidly adv. lacking color or life

55.  furtive adj. done in a secret way to avoid notice

56.  suffusion n. the act of spreading all over

57.  mortification n. a sense of humiliation or shame

58.  incredulous adj. not able or willing to believe

59.  matron n. an older, married woman, usually of high social position

60.  impudent adj. very rude

61.  dissimulation n. the act of hiding under a false appearance

62.  vexed adj. difficult or frustrating to deal with

63.  sagacity n. the ability to understand difficult ideas

64.  dissemble v. to hide true feelings or opinions

65.  coveted v. to desire wrongfully

66.  sepulcher n. a small room or monument in which a person is buried

67.  dissever v. to divide

68.  molten adj. glowing from intense heat

69.  ditty n. a short, simple song

70.  euphony n. pleasing to the ear

71.  voluminously adv. with great size or extent

72.  ethos n. an appeal to ethics to convince someone of the character of the persuader

73.  pathos n. an appeal to emotions as a way of convincing an audience of an argument

74.  logos n. an appeal to logic as a way of persuading an audience

75.  simile n. a figure of speech where two unlike things are compared using like, as resembles

76.  imagery n. language that causes people to imagine pictures

77.  dialect n. the way people from a particular region speak

78.  utopia n. an imagined ideal or perfect society

79.  dystopia n. an imagined society where everything is unpleasant.

80.  toil v. work extremely hard

81.  conceived v. to create in the mind

82.  adjournment n. the act of suspending or postponing

83.  provision n. something provided or supplied

84.  buoyancy n. the power to float or rise or cheerfulness

85.  juncture n. a point in time or the act of joining

86.  lamentable adj. regrettable, unfortunate

87.  rigor n. strictness, severity, harshness

88.  sweltering adj. uncomfortably hot

89.  agitated adj. excited; disturbed

90.  preoccupied adj. completely engrossed in thought, absorbed

91.  anxiety n. distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear

92.  discriminated v. to unfairly treat a person group differently from another

93.  reflection n. a fixing on the thoughts on something; careful consideration

94.  cultured adj. showing good education, tastes, and manners

95.  threadbare adj. shabby or poor

96.  emigrated v. to leave one country and settle in another

97.  capitulation n. the act of surrendering

98.  silhouette n. a dark shape and outline of something against a lighter background

99.  monologue n. a long speech

100.  anatomy n. a study of the structure or internal workings of something

101.  rooting v. to exterminate; remove completely

102.  sage n. a profoundly wise person

103.  welling v. a spring or natural source of water

104.  antagonist n. a person who opposes another; villain

105.  fable n. a story that conveys a moral, typically with animals

106.  counterpoint n. an argument or idea used to contrast a main idea

107.  conundrum n. a confusing or difficult problem

108.  anachronistic adj. something or someone that is not in its correct historical or chronological time

109.  reputable adj. honorable; respectable

110.  bibliography n. a list of source materials used in a work

111.  relevant adj. connected with the matter at hand

112.  perspective n. a point of view

113.  alienated v. to cause to be withdrawn or isolated

114.  buckled v. to bend, warp, or give way

115.  standardized adj. changed to be similar and consistent

116.  implemented v. to fulfill; perform; carry out

117.  intimidate v. to fill with fear

118.  reigned v. to possess power or authority

119.  riveted v. to hold (the eye, attention, etc.) firmly

120.  optimistic adj. hopeful and confident about the future

121.  torrid adj. very hot and dry; full of difficulty

122.  barracks n. a building(s) used to house large numbers of people

123.  overwhelming adj. overpowering

124.  mitigated v. to lessent in force or intensity

125.  contrasting v. to compare to show differences

126.  humility n. a modest or low view of one’s importance

127.  multitudes n. great numbers

128.  deportation n. the act of expelling from the country; banish

129.  naive adj. lacking experience, judgement, or information; unsophisticated

130.  violated v. to break through by force or without right

131.  components n. parts; elements

132.  exterminated v. to kill off or destroy completely

133.  genocide n. the deliberate extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group

134.  atrocities n. extremely wicked or cruel acts

135.  reconciliation n. the restoration of friendly relations

136.  tone n. the attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience

137.  transitions n. words and phrases that provide a connection between ideas and sentences

138.  claim n. an opinion, idea, or assertion (thesis in writing)

139.  primary source n. an original document or object that was created at the time under study ex. photograph, letter, recordings

140.  secondary source n. a source that interprets and analyzes a primary source ex. articles, textbooks

141.  ode n. a poem which expresses respect or love for something or someone

142.  allusion n. a reference to a person, thing or idea of historical, cultural, or literary significance

143.  satire n. the use of irony, sarcasm, and ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices

144.  hyperbole n. obvious and intentional exaggeration

145.  derision n. ridicule; mockery

146.  analogy n. the act if comparing two things that are alike in some way

147.  elegy n. a poem of reflection, typically for the dead

148.  allegory n. a story where characters and events are symbols of ideas about human life or politics

149.  diction n. the way in which words are used in speech or writing

150.  euphemism n. a mild expression substituted for one that is considered too harsh ex. “to pass away” is a euphemism for “to die.”

151.  obligation n. the condition of being morally or legally bound to do something

152.  senile adj. showing deterioration of physical or mental strength

153.  scruple n. a moral or ethical standard that retrains actions

154.  inured v. to cause to be less affected by something unpleasant

155.  discursive adj. passing aimlessly from one subject to another; rambling

156.  plucky adj. brave; courageous

157.  inanimate adj. not alive

158.  authentic adj. of undisputed origin; genuine

159.  hearth n. the floor of a fireplace

160.  abashed adj. ashamed or embarrassed

161.  stately adj. impressive in appearance, manner or size

162.  starboard n. the right-hand side of a vessel or aircraft

163.  alacrity n. cheerful readiness; promptness or willingness

164.  dilapidated adj. reduced to partial ruin or decay from age, wear, or neglect

165.  wended v. to move from one place to another

166.  genuflected v. to kneel on one knee; to be obedient

167.  jabbering v. to talk in a fast, unclear, or foolish way

168.  conventional adj. used an accepted by most people

169.  deceptive adj. tending to mislead by false appearance or statement

170.  scorn n. open dislike and disrespect

171.  dale n. valley

172.  wrath n. extreme anger

173.  mandatory adj. required by law or rule

174.  propensity n. a strong natural tendency to do something

175.  grudgingly adv. done in unwilling or doubtful way

176.  allocate v. to divide and give out for a reason

177.  augmented v. to make greater by adding to it

178.  advocates n. a person who publicly supports a particular cause

179.  prudence n. careful good judgment that allows someone to avoid danger or risk

180.  orator n. one who is skilled and powerful as a public speaker

181.  unabated adj. being at full strength or force

182.  denunciation n. a public statement strongly criticizing someone or something as bad or wrong

183.  vindication n. defense; excuse; justification

184.  tremulous adj. shaking or quivering

185.  moorings n. the anchors, ropes and cables that hold a boat in place

186.  impetuous adj. done quickly and without thought

187.  spectral adj. relating to or suggesting a ghost

188.  somber adj. sad and serious

189.  resonate v. to have particular meaning or importance for someone

190.  spurned v. to reject with scorn; dispose

191.  besought v. to beg urgently

192.  impelled v. to drive or urge forward

193.  misgivings n. feelings of doubt or distrust

194.  omnipotence n. the state of having great or unlimited power

195.  wafted v. to carry lightly or smoothly through air or over water

196.  reproach n. blame conveyed in disapproval

197.  pestilence n. a deadly epidemic disease

198.  stifling adj. suffocating

199.  lurid adj. gruesome; horrible

200.  ardor n. great warmth of feeling; passion

201.  impregnable adj. strong enough to resist attach; unconquerable

202.  proposition n. the act of offering something to be considered or accepted

203.  consecrate v. to make or declare sacred

204.  hallow v. to make sacred holy; consider sacred

205.  tyrant n. a ruler who uses power oppressively or unjustly

206.  proprietors n. the owner of a business

207.  explicitly adv. fully or clearly expressed;leaving nothing implied

208.  exulting v. to show or feel lively or triumphant joy

209.  trills v. to sing or play with a vibratory effect

210.  mournful adj. feeling or expression sorrow or grief