Self-Evaluation of Secondary Departments: Subject: Geography

School: ______

Departmental Context / (a) Current staffing position, (b) Current developments and initiatives, (c) SEF Aspect: “what is distinctive about this department?
Self-evaluation aspect / Judgements and Recommendations
How well do learners achieve in this department?
Detailed results analysis KS3 to A level – see attached proforma. / Main judgements
Improvement priorities:
Suggested OFSTED SEF Grade
How good is the personal development of learners within the department?
Consider separately KS3, KS4 and 6th form. To what extent are students developing as independent learners? Work scrutinies: Is work up to date? Is care taken with presentation? Do they respond to teachers’ written comments? Are lower attainers or pupils with SEN trying as hard as others? Are students extending themselves or doing the bare minimum? In lesson observations: How high are expectations of independence? Are students spoon-fed? Do all teachers appear to have the same expectations of their students’ independence? / Main judgements:
Action Points:
Suggested OFSTED SEF Grade
How well does the curriculum meet the needs and interests of the learners?
Consider provision overall – does it meet statutory or exam board requirements? Are schemes of work sufficiently demanding? Do they reflect minimum expected standards? Are they differentiated in relation to ability groupings? How well are intervention strategies delivered? Are students prepared appropriately for tests (e.g. with revision schemes of mock exams)? Is the choice of exam board syllabus appropriate? Is enough being done to encourage vocational or flexible provision? . / Judgements: a) Curriculum provision
Action points:
Does the subject provide equality of access? Is most provision for SEN made within mainstream classes? Is any withdrawal mainly for short-term, focused interventions? Is the work of withdrawal groups based on the work of the main class? Are lower attainers working towards clear targets or merely doing easier work? / Judgements: (b) provision for inclusion:
Action Points:
Suggested OFSTED SEF Grade
What is the quality of teaching and of assessment for learning in this department?
Lesson observations: Is evidence available – observations by the HoD, SMT etc? How does this compare with CIAS view? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the teaching? In particular, are lessons challenging and are teachers aiming to develop competence and independence in students?
Assessment: How effective is assessment? How accurate are teachers’ judgements in relation to NC or exam grades? Are students assessed often enough and in relation to key subject skills? Are students achieving in line with their personal targets? Is their progress tracked in relation to their personal targets? Are the right students receiving the correct interventions? Is intervention having an impact? Are books marked regularly? Are marking comments helpful? Are literacy issues addressed? / Judgements:
Action Points:
Suggested OFSTED SEF Grade
How good are leadership and management of the department?
How does the HoD gather information about the department – what are the self-evaluation arrangements? Does he/she have a clear view of its strengths and weaknesses? Is there a clear view of direction and priority? Does the whole department comply fully with expected policies? What is the quality of the department’s development plan (if there is one)? What has been the impact of recent key development priorities? How were they evaluated? Comment, where relevant, on staff deployment, training & CPD provision, use of accommodation, learning resources. / Action Points:
Suggested OFSTED SEF Grade
What is the overall effectiveness of the department?
A summary of main strengths, weaknesses and recent trends drawn from the different sections of this proforma. A clear steer towards recommendations that can bring about improvement. Some targets and/or success criteria that might be used to enable evaluation. What would improvement look like if it were achieved? / Action Points:
Suggested OFSTED SEF Grade
Summary of recommendations (to include development plan suggestions) / Summary of action points:

Last updated: ______

Self-Evaluation of Secondary Departments: Subject: ______

School: ______

Question / Illustrations
1.  What were your subject’s global GCSE results this year?
How do this year’s results fit with the
trend over the past few years? / The % of pupils achieving A* - C?
·  as a % of entry?
·  as a % of those that began the course?
·  as a % of cohort?
The % of pupils achieving A* - G?
·  as a % of entry?
·  as a % of those that began the course?
·  as a % of cohort??
2.  What was the average point score?
What has been happening to your a.p.s. over the past few years? / What does this tell you about the pattern of achievement in your subject?
3.  Did the students perform in line with their predicted targets based on their prior attainment in SATs? / This section does not relate to the departmental grade predictions (box below).
4.  Do the results match your predictions? / How accurate were your predictions? Were each teacher’s predictions equally accurate? Are you more accurate in predicting some grades than others. Etc? Did you meet your target for this year?
5.  What are the pupil performance residuals? / In which subjects did your students perform better than in your own? Why do you think this happened?
6.  How does your results profile compare with the national profile for this subject? / Are enough pupils passing? Are enough achieving A* - B grades?
7.  What is the performance profile across your teaching groups/sets? (re: questions 2, 3, 4 and 5) / Did any groups perform significantly better or worse than their prior attainment would have indicated?
8.  What percentage of the school cohort completed the course in your subject? / Is the drop-out rate or non-entry rate high, low or about average?
9.  What are the post GCSE destinations for the pupils in your subjects? / What proportion of students is carrying on with the subject via AS or other pathways?
10.  What areas have you identified as priorities for raising attainment further? / These should emerge from the answers above (e.g. improve target setting for individual pupils, improve pupil tracking, base assessment on GCSE criteria etc.)


Last updated: ______