School Council

25 April 2017 / 3:30 P.M. / Principal’s Office


Carolyn Pontes, Kelley Cooper, Karen Salva, Ann Marie Forbes, Jen Bettencourt, Allison Garside


1.  School lunch menu review

Ms. Cooper printed and reviewed several recent menus. Some concerns included:

●  lack of variety for alternative

●  cereal is an option for lunch

●  there are very few options for the day, especially in comparison to the elementary school lunches

●  the menu does not relate to the special event days (Dr. Suess’s Birthday, or National Pancake Day, etc.)

Mrs. Pontes will follow up with Michelle Rapoza to see if there can be a hot alternative option.

2.  STEM Program update

The after school STEM program continues to be successful, with a full second session underway. Other updates in the area of STEM include:

●  a new part-time STEM teacher to provide lessons to K, 1, 2 on a rotating basis starting during grade level common planning time within the next few weeks

●  Mrs. Pontes added a STEM teacher to her requested budget

●  Kindergarten teachers wrote a grant for funds from the WES-MAC PTO to purchase STEM supplies

3.  Permaculture Garden

Unfortunately, MAC did not win funding for the Permaculture Garden.

4.  Review Final Copy of School Improvement Plan

●  Mrs. Pontes revised some of the plan to reflect the district format; she will continue to revise

●  Plan needs to be reviewed for consistency across grade levels.

●  Next meeting will focus on completing any revisions to MAC SIP

5.  Other Business

Mrs. Forbes mentioned concerns for transitioning to the new school next year, citing issues with purchasing lunches and dismissal. Some ideas to ease the transition between 2nd and 3rd grade include:

●  Asking students to say their numbers (instead of their names) to the lunch personnel when purchasing lunch

○  Both second grade and first grade students have learned their 5 digit I.D. numbers through the use of the google chromebooks

●  Begin to foster independence during dismissal time for the older grades

○  Look at traffic pattern for parent pick up/preschool/preK for next year

●  Students will have a field trip to WES. along with visits from the WES guidance teacher to discuss what to expect with the transitions

Next Meeting Agenda

1.  Final Update to Lunch Menu

2.  Review/Revise School Improvement Plan