How to Propose a New Member
Update Nov 5 2005
Every Rotarian has the privilege and obligation to seek qualified members. In this way, all club members can help their clubs achieve a full representation of the business and professional life of the community. Membership is the means to accomplish Rotary’s mission and goal. Use the form to propose a newmember to your club. You owe it to your club and your community. Do it today!
Summary of Membership Provisions for New Members
General Qualifications — Rotarians are adults of good character and good business or professional reputation, who hold or have held an executive, management or ownership position with discretionary authority in any worthy and recognized business or profession. Proposed members should be in control of their own time
Active Membership — Active members must meet the above qualifications, as well as live or work within the club’s locality or surrounding area.
Honorary Membership — People who have distinguished themselves by meritorious service in the furtherance of Rotary ideals may be elected to honorary membership.
Classification — Each active member of a Rotary club is classified in accordance with themember’s business or profession. A classification describes the principal and recognized activity of the firm with which an active member is connected or the member’s principal and recognizedbusiness or professional activity. The club shall not elect a person to active membership from a classification if the club already has five or more members from that classification, unless the club has more than 50 members, in which case, the club may elect a person to active membership in a classification so long as it will not result in theclassification making up more than 10% of the club’s active membership. Retired members require a classification but are not included in a club’s total number for each classification.
NOTE — Holders of public office. Persons elected or appointed to public office for a specifiedtime are not eligible for active membership under the classification of such office, except persons elected or appointed to the judiciary educational offices.
Standard Procedure
The prospective member’s name is submitted to the club Secretary who then send it to the Classification Committee. The Committee ensures that the person is fully qualified. The Committee’s recommendation is given to the Executive for approval.Once approved the new members’ name is announced once at a regular Rotary meeting. If no objections to the proposal are received in writing within seven days following the announcement of the name, that person, upon payment of an admission fee, is a new RotarianThe club secretary sends a completed new member report form to Rotary International as recommended by Rotary Club Bylaws or submits the new member’s name via
NOTE — Proposed members will attend 2 – 4 regular meetings before sponsor submits application for membership.
SPONSORS RESPONSIBILITY: The sponsor shall ensure the information is accurate and complete on the application, and the prospective Rotarian attends 2 – 4 meetings beforesubmitting. Guests should not be announced at meetings as proposed new members as membership is by invitation, such invitation being extended only after qualification by the Classification committee and then final approval by Executive. Sponsors responsibilities include informing the prospective new member of the rights and obligations of Rotary, including attendance expectations and committee work. Proposed members should not attend the meeting when their name is announced publicly to allow for an open process.
Please fill out COMPLETELY – Applications will not proceed unless all fields have been filled.When completed email (preferred) or give to Secretary
PERSONAL: / FAMILY:First Name: / Partner's Full Name:
Last Name:
City: / Wedding Anniversary Date: (if applicable)
Postal Code:
Home Phone:
Date of Birth: / Children's Names:
Sponsor's Name:
Company Name: / Classification:
Occupation: / Date joined:
Position: / ID Number:
Business Address:
City: / HOBBIES,
Postal Code: / INTERESTS,
Work Phone: / PREVIOUS OR
Cell: / SERVICE:
Could you please provide a picture of you and or your family.
We use this in the Club Directory.