1. Welcome and Introductions

The meeting was called to order by Renata Rasberry at10:00a.m.

The PART members present where:

  • State department representatives:

Liz Bourrage, Sandra Bradley, David Brady, Deborah Chu , Kathy Hicks, Grace Johnson, Louise Lozoya, Jacquelyn Ngo, Anita Schaffner, Karen Smith, Kelly Takigawa, Johnnie Terry


  • Mark Lamb, Sarah Cering, William Rodriguez, Daniel Garza, Brad Shepley, Terry Munoz,Renata Rasberry, Don Mora, Carlos Chavez, Jennifer Nguyen
  1. IFB/RFP Templates Update

TAB moving to Dept. of Technology 7/1/13

Mark Lamb updated the group regarding TAB’s move to CTA, soon to be Department of Technology. The TAB transition to CTA is still in progress in regards to classification changes, and roles and responsibilities. There is no organizational chart yet, but TAB is working with Russ Guarna with this process.

  • PD related to IT will remain at DGS (CMAS, One-Times, etc.)
  • Change to current legislation will be made to identify the roles and responsibilities of TAB and CTA.
  • Reportable projects and 6611 will be at CTA.

Renata brought up the question of how will customers know when to send their procurement or DGS. Mark responded to the question by informing the group that a possible broadcast bulletin or announcement will be sent out notifying all departments and agencies once roles and responsibilities are clearly identified.

Mark informed the group on the status of the IFB/RFP template. TAB has revised version of section 2 that was released internally, however, the modifications made needs to be updated to correlate with the rest of the sections. Mark currently has a draft of the changes made to the document however; it is still in discussion and needs to be worked out with CTA before releasing it to everyone.

  1. Supplier Performance

Kris Bianchinipresented to the group the idea of developing a supplier performance rating system that was mentioned in a previous PART meeting. This tool would be used by buyers, procurement officials, etc., to help departments see the vendor’s past performance and also give feedback to current vendors.

  • This tool could not be used for competitive, but can be used for SB/DVBE.
  • Does not disclose to the public, but for internal use within the state departments only.
  • Would not be anonymous. DGS will be able to see who the author is and will not allow for negative comments.

Kathy mentioned that the new Fi$cal system would capture similar data. Providing comments and feedback would be a requirement in the new system when entering in orders.

  1. PCC 6611

Robert Brown updated the team on the PCC 6611 project. He also gave a little background to the project and indicated that there is currently no time frame as to when it will be completed. Robert mentioned that there is a possibility of developing a CTA chapter within 6611, but it is still in the works.

  1. SCPRS Upload

Renee Alexander introduced the new SCPRS upload process where departments will no longer need to send in their STD.65 purchase documents. All transactions would be uploaded, and not those that are over $5,000. Purchase documents could be electronically by:

  • System to system upload – set time/day for information to be uploaded to SCPRS from your database, or
  • Fi$cal upload – upload data through an Excel spreadsheet and convert it to a readable file.

Agencies who participate in the upload are exempt from SCPRS registration/purchase order numbering. Fi$cal will be going through their pre-wave and if anyone is interested in participating, please contact Renee.

Kathy informed the group that the Fi$cal system will replace Bidsync in its entirety. Accounting will be directly reported to the SCO through the new system.

  • Fi$cal will be reaching out to departments to create an interface with the new system.
  • The system will capture all of a department’s spend, including exempt departments.
  1. Purchasing Authority Application

Government Reorganization

Carlos Chavez updated the group on the status of the new purchasing authority application. The delay on the broadcast of the new application was due to other correlating document that needed to be revised and created to ensure transparency as to what the unit will be requesting from agencies. The Broadcast Bulletin should be released within the next couple of weeks announcing the new application.

Carlos informed the team that the Purchasing Authority Unit is trying to be proactive with the Governor’s Reorg Plan that will be in effect July 1. The PAU would like to resolve any issues and make the necessary changes that could affect a department’s purchasing authority. If anyone knows of any changes, please notify your analyst immediately.

  1. PES Workgroup Update

Daniel Garza provided an update on the PES Workgroup. The charter has been finalized and they have received the necessary input from participating agencies. The Environmentally Preferred Products (EPP) group has been meeting with ARB and CalRecycle to focus on decreasing carbon footprints through commodities purchased. The Standards Specifications for EPP is still being developed and will be available on the Buying Green website. Agencies can use the standards specification to find products with lower carbon footprint. The next PES workgroup will be held on Tuesday, May 21. The PES goal is to get more agencies involved in the workgroup.

  1. PART Workgroup – Staffing Standards

Sarah Cering asked the group to sign up for the Staffing Standards workgroup. This workgroup will address staffing standards pertaining to workload primarily and possibly touching on classification as well.

  1. Open Forum/Adjourn

Kelly Takigawa asked if there was a list of contacts or department within DGS so she can contact the appropriate person for questions.

Carlos mentioned that he does have a list with unit contact information and will post it to the PART website as well as emailing the team.

  1. Action Items:
  • Send DGS/PD Unit directory to PART members & post on PART website.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:15 a.m.