Year 2 Link Letter - Autumn Term 2012
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to the new school year! We are very much looking forward to the autumn term where our topic will be ‘All Creatures Great and Small’.
This year the Year 2 teachers are Miss Pullen who will be teaching 2P, and Miss Darby who will be teaching 2D. Miss Darby has been leading the teaching of the class since September with Miss Harris in school to support Year 2. Miss Harris will commence her maternity leave on the 24th September and we wish her all the best in the lead up to her new arrival! She will return to school at the end of the academic year, and we will keep you updated as necessary.
If you have any questions then please feel free to come and talk to us. We will always endeavour to make ourselves available to meet with you.
The learning;
Within this topic we will be covering the following areas…
· How we grow and what we need to need to live
· Food groups and a balanced diet
· Cleanliness and hygiene
· Looking after ourselves and animals
· Recognise how places are linked to other places in the world – particularly looking at food from around the world
· Creation Stories
· The Christmas Story
· Developing a safe and healthy lifestyle
· Planning and cooking healthy, balanced foods
This term we will be studying Stories with Familiar Settings, Instructions and Poetry. Children in Year 2 continue to develop their reading skills within Literacy lessons, Phonics sessions and in Guided Reading groups.
As well as the daily maths lessons we will be focusing on specific number facts and the children will be working on personalised targets. Details of your child’s target will be in their homework books. This term we will be working on doubles and halves and multiplication and division facts.
Children will receive their homework on Thursdays and this should be bought back into school on Tuesdays. Within the homework books there will be guidance for parents about how to support your child with their home activities. Homework activities will be on a rolling rota:
Week One – Maths
Week Two – Topic
Week Three – Family Values (same homework across the year groups to be completed as a family linked to the value we are looking at in school).
Year 2 will be swimming on Tuesday afternoons from 1pm. Swimming sessions will begin on Tuesday 11th September with the last session on Tuesday 9th October. Children will need a suitable swimming costume, towel and swimming hat. Children are not permitted to wear flip flops or ‘croc’ style shoes in the pool area.
If you are able to help with swimming on a Tuesday afternoon then we would greatly appreciate your support. We will need one parent to be in the pool during the session and one or two parents to help with changing. If you are able to help then please let us know.
Children will have one PE session on Wednesday afternoons until October half term. Then after October half term children will have two PE sessions, the second on a Thursday morning. Children will need dark shorts, a white t-shirt and suitable footwear for outdoor PE along with a warm sweater. This term PE will be games and gymnastics.
Children will continue to read as a group during Guided Reading sessions once a week with the class teacher. The reading sessions will generally focus on comprehension skills and responding to text. The children will also have the opportunity to change their books throughout the week. The children will continue to choose their own books with direction from the class teacher and the class teaching assistant.
We encourage you to read with your children at home on a regular basis; the school homework policy recommends reading for 10 – 15 minutes five times a week. As children become ready, they can begin to read independently but we would encourage discussion of their reading at home. We greatly appreciate all comments in the home-school reading diary and classroom staff will comment in these on a weekly basis.
In year 2 the children each have a locker to store their belongings. The lockers do not require a key and they are left open. We will encourage the children to take responsibility for their own belongings and to keep the locker area tidy.
Clothing and Personal belongings
Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly named, including PE kit and PE shoes. Also, children will need to bring a coat to school with them everyday. We do go to play in light rain and children without a coat will not be permitted to go outside.
Water Bottles and Fruit
The children will take the water bottles that have been purchased for them in school into Year 2. The children will fill these from the water filter on a daily basis and the lids will be washed daily. We encourage the children to drink water throughout the day. Free fruit is still currently available for year 2 children each day.
Parent Helpers
We are keen for parents to come into school to offer help. If you are able to help with swimming, reading, admin tasks or occasional group activities then please let us know. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Educational Visit
As part of our topic work this term we are planning on visiting Shortwood Farm to explore what different animals need to live and where our food comes from. This trip is planned for Tuesday 16th October. This trip will support and further the learning that will be taking place in class.
Useful Dates
In the Summer Term, Year 2 children will be completing statutory assessments during the end of May and beginning of June. Children will complete reading, writing and maths assessments during this time and we would strongly advise that children must be in school. Please avoid booking any holidays during this time, excluding half term (w/c 27th May).
For further important dates please see the ‘Diary Dates’ section of the school website and the upcoming newsletter. You may be particularly interested in the Meet the Teacher dates and Harvest Festival.
The school website has a useful curriculum blog and the school prospectus. You will also find a class page which will be updated regularly with useful links, photos and information about what the children have been learning.
We are greatly looking forward to this academic year and we are excited about the forthcoming topics and events. We hope that the children enjoy the Autumn Term.
Yours Faithfully
Miss L Pullen and Miss K Darby