PTA Meeting
November 9, 2016 at 6:30- TJW Library
Attendance: Nicole Schrader, Nicole Uhrinec, Stacie Myers, Ashley Wells, Kristina Jackson, Mary Beth Baird, Catherine DuBrava, Joe Ozvold, Joe Fledderman, Aimee Palombaro
1. President’s Report- Nicole Uhrinec
- Thank you to everyone for help with Picture Day, Bully Assembly, Autumn Fest
- Olweus Assembly- sensory overload; anti-bullying messages were unclear to most students; it was expensive
2. Principal's Report- Mrs. Regan
3. Treasurer Report- Stacie Myers
A. Autumn Fest
a. Kohl’s Cares-donation & Thank you (we need to send one) $500
B. Cider Mill-Mary Beth Baird $1044
C. Little Caesar’s-Nicole Schrader $184
D. Nanticoke Gardens-Nicole Uhrinec (Will be delivered 11/30) ~$800
E. Spirit Sale-Ashley Wells
4. Booster Club Report- Aimee Palombaro
A. Enjoy the City Fundraiser-Holly Mayer
B. Current Balance- $6300
5. Council Representative Report- Paulette Weston
A. Founder’s Day 2/23/16 at Atrio
- nominations through Nicole Schraeder
- Tiger Ventures- alt school 8th and 9th grade
-Shrek- free admission with canned food item
6. Upcoming Events:
A. President & Principal Dinner- Wed. 11/16
- 6 PTA members attending
B. Fri. Nov. 18th-Vendor Fair/Family Dinner Night/Book Fair
a. Book Fair will run 11/14-11/18-Holly Mayer
i. Holly needs help setting up tomorrow after school, Monday/Tuesday for preview days, and Thursday/Friday for purchase days. She also needs help Friday night.
- volunteers needed to man book fair
b. Family Dinner Night will be ‘TJW Thanksgiving’-Nicole Schrader 11/18 5:00-8:00
i. We will need a lot of volunteers for this night!
- cleaning tables, raffle baskets, sell dinner tickets
ii. TJW Families will receive a ticket for a free meal, outside guests can purchase a turkey dinner ticket for $8-adults, $5-children
c. Vendor Fair-Ashley Wells/Elizabeth Austin
i. Raffle basket tickets will be sold for donated items.
- roughly 25 vendors
- flyers, posters to be made and hung/sent home
C. Fri. 12/2- Hollyberries Painting Party-Gingerbread Tray
D. Holiday Shop- Dec. 6-8th- Kat Fledderman
a. Need volunteers to assist students with shopping, checking out, wrapping, etc.
- flyers need to be sent
E. Gingerbread Night-12/20
- change of date sticker to be sent home
7. Upcoming Fundraisers:
A. Chuck E. Cheese Fundraiser- 11/10, 3-9 pm
a. Chuck E. will be visiting school on 11/10 from 2:30-3:00. MaryBeth Baird will guide him around.
B. Gertrude Hawk Fundraisers are due 11/21, delivery mid-December
8. TJW School Store- Kat Fledderman & Debbie Dayton
- at a profit
9. TJW Yearbook-Kristina Jackson
-contract signed
-custom cover- contest among 5th graders; submissions to Student Government- next week
10. Old/New Business?
A. Reflections Program-We were unable to get this running in time for our early December deadline. Let’s shoot for next year
B. Website updates
- picture re-takes
- all upcoming events
C. TJW Newsletter-Kristy Gault
a. The Fall newsletter went out this week (Thank you Kristy!) accompanied by stickers for calendars (Thank you Ashley!) Deadline for next newsletter?
D. Scrip Orders for November –Nicole Schrader
a. Orders due by Wed. 11/16, anticipated delivery 11/21. Last month we had $1000 in orders. Sending in the order early this month to help with Black Friday shopping
E. Teacher Wish Lists-Ashley Wells ()
f. Anything else?
-streaming of PTA meetings = $500 hardware + $400/month through BOCES
- Holiday donations (i.e. Giving Tree)
-Homecoming float contest- is there a prize?
Meeting Adjourned: 7:24
Next Meeting: December 6, 2016 @ 6:30 pm (TJW Library)