Station One:

Task: Rearrange my classroom. Where would you place the computers, teacher’s desk, student desks, etc? Create a diagram illustrating the classroom, as you would logically place everything. Place items where they make the most sense. Have a reason for your placements.


1.  Must show the walls, doorway, and windows.

2.  Must be close to scale.

3.  Must be neat.

4.  Must make sense, logically.

5.  Must include a brief summary for a minimum of 4 items.

Station Two:

Task: Type your definition of Enlightenment, print it out, and create a bordered cutout to hang on the bulletin Board outside 209. Font size should be large enough to clearly read without dominating the space allotted.


1.  Definition of Enlightenment.

2.  The words ENLIGHTENED ENLIGHTENMENT (3rd Block); Before After (X2) (4th Block) cut out in large print, various colors

3.  Neatness

4.  Create a symbol that represents Enlightenment (base it on ideas)

5.  Select a very important philosopher from the Enlightenment and print out a photo, 2 x 2 inches is good size. Find a quote from him and print it out as well in Bold, 16-18 Font, Times New.

Station Three:

Task: Believing that all people are created equal and possess the same basic rights… As a group create a list of 10 Human Rights that all people should have beginning at birth.


1.  Find/Create a scroll like paper to write your list upon.

2.  Develop your list of 10 basic human rights.

3.  Type your list of 10 basic human rights.

4.  Add your list onto the scroll.

Station Four:

Task: Read SOCIAL CONTRACT, page 24 in the Worksheet pack. Imagine you are John Locke and his followers. You will use symbols to represent your ideas. Create a coat of arms or a crest that symbolizes the ideas of Social Contract. Think of the US Coat of Arms as an example.

Crest/Coat of Arms:

1.  Know what Social Contract means.

2.  Create symbols for the main aspects of Social Contract.

3.  Add your symbols to the Crest/Coat of Arms.

4.  Neatness and Color must be used.

5.  Create a paragraph or two that explains your symbolism as it pertains to the ideas of Social Contract.

Station Five:

Task: Create a Cause and Effect Illustration. Focus is on the ideas of the Enlightenment and their relationship to Revolution, specifically the American, French and Wars of Independence in Latin America.


1.  List ideas of Enlightenment within a symbol that is relevant.

2.  Show connections visually to the previously mentioned Revolutions, chronological.

3.  Use the flags of the USA and France for their Revolutions; Use the flag of Venezuela for Latin America.

4.  Within Each Flag or under, state any major causes, ideas, or results that tie to the Enlightenment ideas.

5.  Use an elongated piece of paper.

6.  Neatness and color.