Instructions for Accessing WBLS using the EY Leads and using the Offline Course Manager:

Instructions for Accessing the WBLS using the EY Leads:

You can access WBLs through the EY Leads (Ernst & Young's Learning and Development System). Use the following instructions:
1. Sign into EY Leads via this URL:
2. Locate and select the Search the catalog navigation option on the left side of your EY Leads home page.
3. Enter the title or course code into the Searchbox. (It may be best simply to cut and paste the exact WBL title or course code provided in your Welcome Letter.) Then click Go. Click on the title of the WBL, located in the Name column.
4. Click Register Myself, which is located on the left side of the screen in the "I Want To..." box

or simply click Launch to launch the course.
5. Select the radio button to the left of the WBL title and then click Submit.
6. You are now registered and the WBL page will open with the course information.
7. To launch the WBL, click on the arrow in the green box located just to the right of the title of the course.

If you encounter difficulty accessing the WBLs through the EY Leads, please contact 1-800-EYHELP3, FastPath 1-3-2. Remember to note the HELP reference number for follow-up calls, if required.

While you do not have to complete all of the lessons within a WBL all at one time, we recommend that you finish a lesson completely before ending a session.

Instructions for Taking the WBLS Offline Using the Offline Course Manager:

You also may download the advance preparation WBLs for your convenience.

1. Accessing the Courses –To access the courses in EY Leads, followthe steps noted above.

2. Downloading the Courses

Once you click Launch, you should be on the course Welcome (Router) page. To download the course, follow these steps:

  1. Click Download and Upload Center on the course Welcome (Router) page.
  2. Click Download on the Download and Upload Center page.
  3. When the File Download warning window displays, click Run, which will download and install the files to your computer.
  4. When the download and installation is complete, the Information window will display with the following message: “The course was successfully installed on your computer.” Click OK to close this window.
  5. You can now exit EY Leads.
3. Launching the Downloaded Courses

To access the course you have downloaded from the EY Leads, follow these steps:

  1. From your computer’s desktop go to Start > All Programs > E&Y Learning > E&Y Leads > Offline Course Manager.
  2. When the Offline Course Manager (OCM) is launched, click the title of the course.
  3. Take the WBL just as if you were online; on the course Welcome (Router) page, click the name of the first lesson to begin.
  4. Be sure to maximize your window so you can see as much of the screen as possible.
  5. When you have finished this lesson, click Exit Lesson in the top left corner of the screen to return to the course Welcome (Router) page.
  6. Follow the same steps for all of the lessons.
  7. After you have finished the last lesson, review the Welcome (Router) page to make sure you have received a “Started,” “Passed,” and “Completed” checkmark for each lesson. If you are missing a “Completed” checkmark, go back through the lesson and make sure you click on each page. If you are missing a “Passed” checkmark, it means you did not answer enough questions correctly to receive a passing score of 70 percent. You should go back through the lesson and retake the questions until you receive a “Completed” checkmark.
  8. Click on the Welcome (Router) page after you complete your session.
  9. Close any other windows that are open. If the message “The Web page you are viewing is trying to close the window. Do you want to close this window?” appears, click Yes.

4. Uploading the Course Results

After you have completed and passed the course, you need to upload your results so you can receive credit for course completion. It is suggested that you upload your results when you are able to log into the network, either remotely or when you are in the office.

  1. Log in to EY Leads.
  2. Launch the course from the Current Learning section on your home page.
  3. Click Download and Upload Center on the course Welcome (Router) page.
  4. Click Upload on the Download and Upload Center page.
  5. A window should display with the message, “Your offline results have been successfully uploaded and the online records have been updated.” Click OK to close the window.
  6. If you have time, click CourseEvaluation on the Welcome (Router) page graphic, and complete the course evaluation form.
  7. Click on the course Welcome (Router) page. You must click this button to receive credit for completing the course.

5. Confirming Successful Completion

After you have uploaded the results, you should check your Learning History in the EY Leads to verify that the system has registered you as having completed the course. Follow these steps:

  1. From the EY Leads home page, click view my learning activity report and locate the course.
  2. Verify that the system shows you as having started, finished and passed the course.

Timeout Errors:
If you are receiving timeout errors in WBLs, perform the following steps to clean your system. If these five simple steps don't solve the problem, contact the National Help Desk via EYHELP Online or at 1-800-EYHELP3.
Step 1: Open Internet Explorer.
Step 2: Choose Tools, then Internet Options.
Step 3: Click Delete Files.

Step 4: Make sure the Delete all offline content box is checked, and click OK.

Step 5: Click OK.