You take a basket or a trolley and go shopping. If you have all the goods, you go to the cash desk and pay for it. The goods is put into the shopping bag. You can pay cash or with a credit card. Where? At a supermarket, hypermarket - large self-service shops.

Going shopping - describe your shopping, how many times a week you go shopping, which goods you can buy every day, once a week or only once a year etc.

Kinds of shops: boutique – a small shop selling fashionable clothes, stall – a table or small open-fronted shop in a public place, store – a large shop, supermarket – a large shop selling mainly food where one serves oneself, market – open place where people meet to buy and sell goods, especially food, , shopping centre / mall - a group of shops of different kinds, planned and built as a whole, department store – a large shop divided into smaller parts in each of which different types of goods are sold, more floors, more goods, more departments

bakery/baker’s , butcher’s, chemist’s, perfumery, men's wear, ironmonger/hardware shop, greengrocer's, grocer's , stationer's/stationary, newsagent, florist, fishmonger’s, bookshop, toyshop, pet shop, DIY, etc.


MONEY: cash, pay cash x use a credit card ( accept), coins / change, notes / banknotes, currency - national x foreign: Czech Crown, euro, British pound, dollar, yen, …), purse, wallet, pay for, change money – exchange office, bank, price, cost, owe, own, lend x borrow, fine, loan, save, save up, free of charge, pocket money, expensive x cheap, season sales, incredibly expensive x reasonable price



BAKERY: bread, rolls, pastry, cakes, doughnuts,

BUTCHER´S: meat (beef - steak, pork, chicken – wing, thigh, breast, steak, turkey, lamb, rabbit, hen, …), sausages, ham, bacon, …

CLOTHES SHOP: suit(a jacket and trousers or a skirt – smart / elegant), tuxedo(very formal), jacket(leather, cotton, woollen), coat (warm), trousers( tight, straight, flared, comfortable), jeans (casual), t-shirt (plain x patterned, tight x baggy), shirt, sweatshirt (with a hood, pockets, zipper),shorts, tie, bowtie, skirt(short x long), dress, underwear (underpants, knickers, bra), swimsuit, swimming trunks, bikini, cardigan, sweater / pullover / jumper, bathrobe, waistcoat, turtleneck, tracksuit, pyjamas, nightdress / nightie, socks, stockings, tights, scarf, gloves, mittens, hat, cap, … fashionable / trendy, … size (small, medium, large),… usual x unusual

SHOE SHOP: shoes, boots, sandals, slippers, trainers, …

JEWELLERY / ACCESSORIES: ring, earring, bracelet, necklace, watch, headband, wristband, beads, belt, sunglasses, umbrella,

FLORIST: rose, tulip, daffodil, daisy, orchid, carnation, sunflower, …

GREENGROCERY: vegetable - cabbage, carrot, bean, broccoli, potato, tomato, radish, cucumber, onion, garlic, cauliflower, pea, fruit – apple, pear, peach, plum, banana, raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, red currant, grapes, grapefruit, cherry, apricot, melon, nuts – peanut, hazel nut, walnut, coconut, almond…

GROCERY: eggs, sugar, salt, pepper, other spice, flour, rice, pasta, vinegar, ketchup, milk, diary products (yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, cream, pudding), …

FURNITURE: table, coffee table, chair, rocking chair, armchair, settee / sofa / couch, cupboard, wall unit, chest of drawers, cabinet, shelf / shelves, desk, wardrobe, bookcase / bookshelves, carpet, rug, …

CHEMIST´S: medicine, perfume, washing powder, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner, comb, brush, cosmetics: lipstick, mascara, nail varnish / polish, sponge, razor, after shave, toilet paper, …

PET SHOP: cat, dog, rabbit, budgerigar / budgie, parrot, snake, hamster, guinea pig, goldfish, turtle, tortoise, …

STATIONARY: paper, exercise book, notebook, calendar, envelope, pen, pencil, pencil sharpener, pencil case, ruler, marker, highlighter, bag, sticker, glue, cellotape, scissors, paper clip, stamp, compasses, cards, calculator, …

accept přijmout

almond mandle

apricot meruňka

baggy volný

banknote bankovka

bathrobe župan

beads korále

blackberry ostružina

blueberry borůvka

bowtie motýlek

bra podprsenka

budgerigar, budgie andulka

butcher’s řeznictví

cardigan vesta

carnation karafiát

cash hotovost

cash desk pokladna

CASHIER pokladní

casual všední

cellotape izolepa

change drobné

chemist’s drogerie

choose vybrat si, zvolit

coat kabát

coin mince

comb hřeben

compasses kružítko

cost stat (o ceně)

cotton bavlna, bavlněný

currency měna

CUSTOMER zákazník

daffodil narcis

daisy sedmikráska, kopretina

department oddělení

department store obchodní dům

DIY obchod pro kutily

Envelope obálka

exchange office směnárna

fashionable moderní

fishmonger’s rybárna

flared do zvonu

florist květinářství

formal formální

free of charge zadarmo

gloves rukavice

glue lepidlo

goods zboží

greengrocer's ovoce a zelenina

grocer's potraviny

hardware shop železářství

highlighter zvýrazňovač

hood kapuce

incredibly neuvěřitelně

ironmonger železářství

jacket sako

jumper svetr

knickers kalhotky

leather kůže, kožený

lend půjčit

lipstick rtěnka

loan půjčka

look for hledat

men's wear pánské oblečení

mittens palčáky

nail varnish, polish lak na nehty

newsagent trafika

nightdress, nightie noční košilka

orchid orchidea

owe dlužit

own vlastnit

patterned vzorovaný

pay for platit za

perfumery parfumerie

PET SHOP zverimex

plain jednobarevný

pocket money kapesné

pocket kapsa

price cena

purse peněženka dámská

pyjamas pyžamo

radish ředkvička

razor žiletka

reasonable rozumný

red currant červený rybíz

rocking chair houpací židle

save šetřit

save up našetřit

scarf šála, šál

scissors nůžky

search hledat, pátrat

sell prodat, prodávat

serve servírovat, obsluhovat

service služba

shampoo šampon


shopping mall obchodní centrum

size velikost

slippers pantofle

smart moderní, chytrý, elegantní

spend money on utratit peníze za

sponge houba mycí

stall stánek

stamp známka

STATIONARY papírnictví

stockings podkolenky

store obchod

suit oblek

sunflower slunečnice

sweatshirt mikina

swimming trunks plavky pánské

swimsuit plavky dámské vcelku

tie kravata

tight těsný

tights punčocháče

toothbrush kartáček na zuby

toothpaste pasta na zuby

toyshop hračkářství

tracksuit tepláková souprava

trainers sportovní obuv

trendy moderní

trolley vozík

try sth on zkusit si na sobě

tulip tulipán

turtleneck rolák

tuxedo smokink

underpants slipy

underwear spodní prádlo

usual obvyklý, běžný

waistcoat vestička

wallet peněženka pánská

washing powder prášek na prádlo

woollen vlněný