VOLUME 16 ISSUE 3 October 24, 2014
In this issue……
1. Message from the Principal
2. Parent Information
3. Halloween
4. Pick A Time Scheduling for Parent/Teacher Conferences
5. American Education Week
6. Picture Retake/Make Up Day
7. Lost & Found
8. Health Room News
9. Coffee and Conversation
10. PTA News
11. Community News
October 31 Halloween Celebration
End of First Marking Period
November 3 Professional Learning Day-Schools closed for students
November 4 Election Day-Schools & Offices Closed
November 5 Team 3 Field Trip-Mrs. Lawson and Mrs. Watters classes
November 6 Team 3 Field Trip- Mrs. Hardee, Ms. Monfrida, and Mrs. Risolo’s classes
Team 5 Field Trip
November 11 Market Day Pick Up- 6-8pm Cafeteria
November 12 Report Cards Issued
November 13 Picture Make Up Day & Retakes-More information to follow
November 17-21 American Education Week-More Information to follow
November 24 & 25 Parent Teacher Conferences-Schools dismiss 3 hours early
November 26 Schools Closed for Students
November 27-28 Thanksgiving-Schools & Offices Closed
Week of October 27th- Volunteer Week: 4 Band/Orchestra Week: C
Week of November 3rd- Volunteer Week: 1 Band/Orchestra Week: D
From the Principal –Thank you to our wonderful PTA for all the delicious treats they have provided to the staff over these last several weeks. We feel very appreciative of all your hard work and support! We continue to thrive here in our day to day instruction, and we know that the home support our students receive is a huge part of our success.
Parent Survey hard copies will be sent home on Monday, October 27th. Please complete this survey online or in hard copy at your earliest convenience.
The cold weather is beginning to settle in. Howard County Policy 9090-Wellness Through Nutrition and Physical Activity states that children may be allowed outside if the “temperature combined with the wind chill is not less than 20 degrees Fahrenheit”.
CLES agrees with the county policy, which states that each school should attempt to provide outdoor recess in order to revitalize children in order to prepare them for more sitting and academic learning.
I ask for your support and cooperation in this endeavor by making sure that children are coming to school with a warm coat, hat, gloves or mittens every day. We do not have indoor coverage for students who are not adequately dressed for cold weather.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Wadsworth
Parent Information-Please send in a note if there is a change in information you provided on the emergency card online, i.e. address, telephone numbers, email or extra contact person. It is imperative for us to have correct information should an emergency arise during the school day.
Halloween-A letter was sent home on October 14th with details for Halloween. Some quick reminders….The Halloween parade will begin at 2:00pm. Parents that come for just the parade do not need to sign in; parents are to report directly to the fields behind the school by 1:50 pm. The children will parade once around the parade route before going back into the school.
Given the large number of adults anticipated for this event, we are following a new procedure for the volunteers and attendees of the Halloween parties. As stated in the letter sent home on October 14th, all adults are asked to come in through the front doors to sign in for attendance/volunteering at the Halloween parties. Parents will not be permitted to enter the school by any other door. This will help ensure the safety of all of our students and staff. If you plan to attend the party we asked that you return the Halloween Attendance form that was sent home. Please provide the full first and last names of all adults attending. There will be staff members by the front office who will have each classroom’s list of attendees and will help you sign in efficiently. Younger family members are welcomed to come and watch the parade, but attendees/volunteers should be adults only. Any adult not on the list will be sent to the front office for normal sign-in procedures.
Pick A Time Conference Scheduling-Once again; Centennial Lane will be using the web-based application call pickAtime to schedule a parent/teacher conference being held on November 24th & 25th. Parents will be able to schedule a parent/teacher conference with your child’s homeroom teacher, print their schedule and have an email reminder of the appointment sent to them. This program is easy to use and can be accessed at your convenience beginning November 12th at 5:00 pm.
Conferences CANNOT be scheduled either on-line or by calling the school prior to 5:00 pm on November 12th. Parents will be able to access this program to schedule or cancel appointments until 5:00 pm November 20th. If you need assistance please call the front office by November 20th at 410-313-2800.
To use pickAtime, parents/guardians will need to know your student’s ID number, which can be found on your child’s progress and/or report card. For purposes of security, a student ID number cannot be given over the telephone.
In order to schedule parent/teacher conferences in pickAtime, you will need to create a pickAtime user account every school year. The pickAtime link for ALL schools will be available October 30th on the HCPSS website at www.hcpss.org. This site will have Parent Directions (in several languages) as well as a video on using pickAtime. Parents are able to create an account beginning October 30th, but will not be able to access the Centennial Lane Elementary scheduling site until November 12th.
American Education Week will be held the week of November 17th. Parents are welcome to visit any day of the week. To accommodate the parking needs and student activities such as field trips, we have suggested the following days as designated visitation days for the teams.
Monday, November 17- Grades 1 & 5
Tuesday, November 18- Grade 4
Wednesday, November 19- Kindergarten & Grade 3
Thursday, November 20- Grade 2
More information will be sent out closer to the dates.
Please sign in and out in the front lobby and wear a visitor’s badge at all times while visiting CLES. There will be “Notes for the Teacher” available if you would like to share with your child’s teacher something you enjoyed during your visit.
Picture Retakes and Make Up Date-Any student who was absent or who is new the Centennial Lane will have their pictures taken for the yearbook on November 13, 2014. Only new students or students who were absent on picture day may purchase a picture package. Envelopes will be sent home to these students.
Picture Retakes-You may have your portraits retaken for any reason for a $5.00 re-sitting fee. Retakes are free only if there is a photographer error, such as eyes closed, mouth open, or off-centered prints. In either case, it is required to return the ENTIRE portrait package you purchased to the photographer on re-take day. Your child will not have their picture retaken if they do not have their complete portraits package and $5.00 re-sitting fee. Visit School Pictures Inc. on the web at www.schoolpix.com to view our portrait package selections.
Lost and Found-We have gathered quite a large amount of items in our lost and found. Please take some time to by and go through the items to see if anything belongs to your child. Our lost and found is located outside of the cafeteria. Please come and sign in before proceeding to the Lost and Found.
A Note from the Nurse-As we enter into flu season, this isa reminderthat good hand washing and covering sneezes and coughs with tissues and sleeves are essential steps to preventing the spread of "germs."Also, remember that despite concerns about school attendance, your children's health (and the health of other children) is most important of all.For this reason, we ask you to please:
· Call the school nurse to let us know if your child is absent with a contagious illness such as strep throat, or the flu etc.Please provide any documentation from your physician about diagnosis and release to return to school. (Ear and sinusinfections, while often a reason for keeping a child home, are usually not contagious.)
· Keep your child home if he/she has a fever of over 100.0.A fever indicates that your child has an infection that could be passed to other students.If you give your child Motrin or Tylenol, the fever will, of course, disappear but he/she will still be contagious to others.Children must be fever-free for 24 hours (without medication) before returning to school!
· Have your children was their hands properly after using the restrooms and prior to eating.
· If the doctor prescribes medication for your child, please make sure he/she takes it as directed-which means the right amount at the right time and without missing doses.
Thank you very much for helping keep all our students healthy!
Coffee & Conversation-Members of the Howard County community are invited to join the Board of Education for Coffee and Conversation on Nov. 15 at 9:30 am. Please see the attached flier for additional information.
PTA News
Centennial Lane Elementary.....looking for a great way to start your Sunday Morning, get some great exercise and enjoy a fun filled after-party? Please join us for Northfield Elementary School's 5th Annual 5k and 1 Mile Fun Run. The race will take place in onSunday, October 26, 2014 at 8:30am! All levels are encouraged to participate! Run, run/walk, or walk it!! We are looking forward to a fantastic fall day benefiting the children through this celebration of health and community to supportthe enriching programs of the PTA. We would love to see some old friends and make some new. Don't forget to sign up NOW to participate at:http://www.northfieldpta.org/page-1406265
Market Day partners with everyone in the CLES Community to fill the Howard County Food Bank. This year we want to continue with our tradition of giving! This year there are more than Market Day pies on the donation form! We have included ChicNSteaks (individually packaged boneless, skinless chicken breasts) and Super sweet Corn. All you have to do is fill out the Donation Form on the back of this flyer by November 5th and send it in with a check payable to CLES PTA. Remember, there is no school November 3rd or 4th, but all forms must be received by November 5th to be included in our Market Day order. Please contact me, Mary McDonald (410-465-4457 or ) if you have any questions or would like more information. Thank you!
Community News
HC Drug Free Halloween Update to Elementary School Parents-HC Drug Free, a non-profit located in Howard County, is dedicated to keeping youth drug and alcohol free, and provides educational services on behalf of the Howard County Health Department. Other partners include the Howard County Public School System, the PTA Council of Howard County, the Howard County Police Department, the Department of Fire and Rescue Services, and the Howard County Library System. If parents have any drug or alcohol questions, please contact HC DrugFree's Executive Director, Joan Webb Scornaienchi at or 443-325-0040, or visit www.hcdrugfree.org.
Halloween Candy Spiked With Marijuana
The Denver Police Department is warning parents to watch out for candy that has been infused with marijuana. The "drugged" candy may closely resemble familiar candies that are popular with young children such as gummy bears. The Hershey Company is suing one manufacturer of marijuana "edibles" for copying the name and packaging style of some of their well-known products including "Reese's Peanut Butter Cups" and "York Peppermint Patty" candies. The lawsuit also mentions the potential of these copycats containing marijuana to confuse both children and adults. Below are links to the related videos.
Halloween Safety Tips from Poison Centers:
Before you go trick-or-treating:
1. Feed your children to help cut the urge to snack on the route.
2. Bring your own candy, so children won't eat unchecked treats.
After you return home:
3. Carefully check all treats before allowing your child to eat them.
4. Only eat candy from original, unopened and undamaged wrappers.
5. Throw away candy if wrappers are faded, torn, or show signs of re-wrapping.
6. When in doubt, throw it out!
7. To reach the poison experts 24 hours a day, call the Poison Help Hotline at 1-800-222-1222.