Feb 2018
2018 Religion Communicator Council Convention Sponsorship Opportunities
Dear friends,
This spring, from April 5-7, we are pleased to host the Religion Communicator Council’s annual convention at the Sheraton Atlanta!! Our theme, “Realizing the Dream: Peace and Justice Through Communication”is tied to our emphasis on communication as a bridge toward greater peace among all people of faith. Our participants will experience the great city of Atlanta, visit The National Center for Civil and Human Rights and other historical sites.
We invite you to highlight your organization's services with faith-based communicators from around the country. The 2018 multi-faith forum is intended to enrich, engage, educate and empower professional communicators of religion and faith-based issues.
Our anticipated audience of 150 people or more represent faith groups on local, regional, national and international levels. They are involved in many types of communications - television, radio, print, blogging, webcasting, etc. They are managers, writers, editors, designers, mainstream broadcasters and technicians.
Besides the additional benefits listed below, all sponsoring organizations will be listed in the convention program book.
Information for sponsorship opportunities is attached. For further questions, contact: Shirley Struchen
Thank you for supporting the Religion Communicators Council! We could not do it without you!
We look forward to seeing you in April!
Amelia Tucker -Shaw Coordinator with Shirley Struchen
All advertisements and materials are subject to review by convention organizers.
2018 Atlanta Convention Sponsorship Packages
Signed commitments due for exhibits, underwriting a break or meal. March 5, 2018-This does not allow for an Ad in the Program book as
Allelectronic files must be received by Feb. 19th
Tech Sponsor - $6,000 SOLD
Enable the RCC to supply all of the tech and AV needs for the event. Note: Can also be in-kind donations/loans of equipment that your organization already has.
- Full page ad in program book
- Logo on RCC website with hyperlink
- Introduction of representative from convention host/emcee
- 90-second message provided by sponsor during a plenary
- Insert in conference bag if desired
- Sponsor ribbons for name badges
Breakfast - $2,500 1 SOLD
- Name and logo prominently displayed at the meal
- Half page ad in program book
- Logo on RCC website with hyperlink
- Opportunity at meal for promotional materials to be distributed, introduction of representative
- 60-second message provided by sponsor during the breakfast
- Insert in conference bag
Lunch - $3,000 Friday April 6- Interfaith Panel
- Name and logo prominently displayed at the meal
- Full page ad in program book
- Logo on RCC website with hyperlink
- Opportunity at meal for promotional materials to be distributed, introduction of representative
- 90-secondmessage provided by sponsor during lunch
- Insert in conference bag
Breaks – $2,000
- Name and logo prominently displayed at one of the breaks
- Half page ad in program book
- Logo on RCC website with hyperlink
- Insert in conference bag
Transportation sponsor - $2,000 SOLD
- Name and logo displayed at registration check-in desk
- 1/2 page ad in program book
- Logo on RCC website with hyperlink
- Insert in conference bag
DeRose-Hinkhouse Awards Dinner Program Book (Exclusive) - $1,000 SOLD
The DeRose-Hinkhouse Awards are in-house awards for members of the RCC. Note: no other advertisers will be solicited for this opportunity once your commitment form is submitted.
- Full page ad in booklet
- Logo on RCC website with hyperlink
- Agency sign displayed at dinner
Exhibit Table -$250 (6 available)3 sold
Gift Bag Insert - $150
- Have your organization's materials inserted in each conference bag – one piece per bag
Advertising commitments due March 5, 2018.
Signed sponsorship commitment and advertising order forms to
Deadline date February 19, 2018 for all electronic materials
- Advertising files for program books
- Electronic files for website logo
Submit to: Shirley Struchen
Deadline for bag inserts to be received in Atlanta Wednesday,March 21, 2018
Shipping directions: email when/what shipping
send the boxes/materials to the following contact / address:
Attention: Mei Liu
General Board of Global Ministries | The United Methodist Church
458 Ponce de Leon Avenue NE
Atlanta, GA 30308
Hold for RCC Convention April 5-7
All advertisements and materials are subject to review by convention organizers.Find out more about the convention at:
2018 RCC Atlanta Program Book Advertising Order
Please indicate your choice below.
Program Book Ads (Book size: 8.5x11)
Back Cover ($1,000)
Inside Front Cover ($750)
Inside Back Cover ($750)
Full page opposite Schedule at a Glance ($800)
Full Page ($500)
Half Page ($250)
Quarter Page ($125)
RCC Supporter ($50) – Listing with contact phone, email, web
Program Book Advertising Costs (See Special Order Form)(Deadline is Feb. 19, 2018• All ads are Full Color)
Size / Cost / Specs
Full Page / $500 / 8” x 10.5” (Vertical)
Half Page (Horizontal) / $250 / 8” x 5.125” (Horizontal)
Half Page (Vertical) / $250 / 3.875” x 5.125"
Quarter Page / $125 / 3.5" x 4.875" (Vertical)
Supporter / $50 / Listing with contact phone, e-mail and website
Premium Ad Placement
SOLDBack Cover / $1000 / 8” x 10.5”
SOLD Inside Front Cover / $750 / 8” x 10.5”
Inside Back Cover / $750 / 8” x 10.5”
Page opposite “Schedule At A Glance” / $800 / 8” x 10.5”
Submitted Art:
- PDF files-high resolution (at least 300 dpi)--with photos that were originally shot at 300 or higher dpi; please do not use ICC color profiles when saving as a pdf
- TIFFs and JPEGs-high resolution (300 dpi); include a pdf or laser proof
- Resolution on digital photos of at least 300 dpi and on illustrations of at least 400 dpi
- All fonts embedded
- All colors, including RGB colors, converted to CMYK format
- Trim size: 8.5” x 11”
Submit to or
by February 19, 2018
All advertisements and materials are subject to review by convention organizers.
Sponsorship and Advertising Contract
for Atlanta Convention, April 5-7, 2018
Commitment deadline: March 5 ,2018 Sponsors will be recognized from the floor but after Feb 19th Ads in Program book CLOSED
Deadline for materials- Ads or electronic :February 19, 2018
Name of Business/Organization:______
Name/Title of Contact Person:______
City:______State: ______Zip: ______
Daytime Phone (___)______Fax (___)______
E-mail Address: ______
Sponsorship Item(s) or Ad size: ______
Amount Enclosed: ______
Notes/Comments: ______
Make check payable to Religion Communicators Council and mail to:
Shirley Struchen
475 Riverside Drive, 15th floor
New York, NY 10115
Call 212-870-2402 or 917-572-4794
Thank you for your support!
For information and updates, go to
All advertisements and materials are subject to review by convention organizers.