Arizona Landscapes Assignment
Discovering a Special Place
Name of place: / Type your location hereName of student / Type your name
Student ID Number / Type UD
1. Location and directions from ASU Tempe Campus
Explain the general location of your site (Figure 1). You might also provide a photograph of what the place looks like where you arrive – like what the trailhead looks like (Figure 2). I suggest you fill out a paragraph or two.
Use the “insert” menu to insert your map here. Just delete these words and keep the cursor in this box.Figure 1. Caption that explains the map you found (or made). You will probably be taking a screenshot of a map you made, perhaps using http://maps.google.com
You might annotate the map using an online photo editor like http://pixlr.com
Figure 2. Photograph of your special place. If you use a photograph from the Internet, be sure to cite the source here. / Use the “insert” menu to insert the photograph here. Just delete these words and keep the cursor in this box.
2. Reason why this place is special
Just explain why this place is special, perhaps showing another picture that you took (Figure 3) or perhaps yet another image (Figure 4). I am interested in YOUR reasons for why the place is special. A paragraph explanation is just fine, but more is okay too.
Use the “insert” menu to insert the photograph here. Just delete these words and keep the cursor in this box.Figure 3. Photograph of another perspective on your location. Write a caption that explains what you want me to see in the picture. Do not assume I will see the same thing(s) that you see. Pretend you are explaining what you see verbally. Point and elaborate.
Use the “insert” menu to insert the photograph here. Just delete these words and keep the cursor in this box.
Figure 4. Photograph of another perspective on your location. Write a caption that explains what you want me to see in the picture. Do not assume I will see the same thing(s) that you see. Pretend you are explaining what you see verbally. Point and elaborate.
3. Two Selected Elements of Physical and Human Geography
Components of Physical Geography /
Components of Human Geographhy
You do not have to be a geography major or had another geography class to fill out this section. The above elements of physical geography and human geography should be pretty obvious.
I just want you to write two paragraphs (but more is fine too). One paragraph should explain what you see for the first element of geography. The second paragraph should explain what you see for the second element. Sometimes, referring to photographs (Figure 5 and Figure 6) can help you explain better.
Use the “insert” menu to insert the photograph here. Just delete these words and keep the cursor in this box.Figure 5. Photograph that illustrates one aspect of geography at your special place.. Write a caption that explains what you want me to see in the picture. Do not assume I will see the same thing(s) that you see. Pretend you are explaining what you see verbally. Point and elaborate.
Figure 6. Photograph that illustrates another aspect of geography at your special place.
Write a caption that explains what you want me to see in the picture. Do not assume I will see the same thing(s) that you see. Pretend you are explaining what you see verbally. Point and elaborate. / Use the “insert” menu to insert the photograph here. Just delete these words and keep the cursor in this box.
4. Additional information of interest
Often, students find some aspect of a location to tickle their fancy, to get them excited. Often, this aspect does not really fit the parameters of the assignment (location, why of interest, geography elements). You do not have to fill out this section. However, something of additional interest is often a fun way to share something neat.
5. Sources used to write this assignment
Plagiarism is utterly unacceptable. In college, you get “kudos” for finding sources and referencing those sources. Long sections of text that do not have quotations – is just a very silly thing for you to do. It will get you an E. Also, if you find a quote that is worthy of quoting … just use quotation marks and provide a link to its source. That way, I can enjoy the original writing too. So please provide sources for EVERYTHING … from maps to photographs to ideas.
Your sources can be hyperlinks embedded in the text – as seen above. However, I also have the requirement that you compile them in a bibliography. You can use any consistent format for the bibliography. You can use APA style, Chicago style, or you can just alphabetize the names of websites like this format.
The following used in writing this report were accessed XXXX Date:
Name of website, like
2008 State Lands Map of Mountain Biking Trails north of Dynamite
Another name of website, and organized alphabetically
Arizona State Board on Geographic and Historic Names
Another name of website, and organized alphabetically
Google Maps