Branch Dance - 14th October 2017
1. Joie de Vivre (8 × 32 J)Bk 39
1s set & cast (2s step up); 1s dance thru 3s and cast up // 2s, 1s & 3s turn RH and chase clockwise ½ way round set // 3s, 1s & 2s dance back-to-back; set & turn RH - ready for // 3s, 1s & 2s allemande
2. Glastonbury Tor (8x32R)Bk 47
1s&2s set & dance RH across ½ way, 1s&3s set & dance LH across ½ way // 1s set & cross RH, cast up & turn LH to face 1st crnr posns// 1s dance
½ reel of 4 with 1st crnrs, then ½ reel of 4 with 2nd crnrs & curve right to end 1M btwn 3s & 1W btwn 2s// 1M&3s also 1W&2s Set&Link for 3 once; 1s turn RH 1½ times to 2pl as 2s & 3s dance c’wise ½ way to places.
3.Gang the Same Gate (8x32S)Bk 36
1s cross RH & cast to 3pl, cross RH & cast up to 2pl // 1s set advancing to 1cnr, turn 1cnr 2H, end facing 2cnr, ½ Reel of 4 with 2cnrs, 1s passing LS to end M bet 2pl face down W bet 3pl face up // 1s set advancing to 2cnrs, turn 2cnrs 2H to end facing 1cnrs, ½ reel of 4 with 1cnrs, 1s end 2pl opp side // Set & link for 3, twice.
4. The First Rain of Spring (3x32J)Bk 49
1s dance down, cast up rnd 3s, meet, dance up to 1pl; 1s&2s ½ turn (MLH, WRH)// 2s & 1s dance dbl Fig 8 (1s cross up to start)// 1s & 3s ¾ RH turn into line up/down in middle facing ptnr & set; 1s & 3s dance ½ Celtic Reel (1s & 3s pass ptnr RSh, then 1M & 3W dance clockwise while 1W & 3M dance 3/4 rnd each other LSh to face prtnrs in line across// 1s & 3s pass ptnr RSh, then 1W & 3M dance clockwise while 1M & 3W dance ¾ rnd each other LSh to face prtnrs in line up/down set); 3s & 1s ¾ turn prntrs RH & 2s,3s&1s set.
5.Clutha (4x48R) Square setsBk 31
1W & 3M turn RH, dance round ptnr RS, turn RH, give LH to ptnr // Balance in line, ½ turn ptnr LH to end 1M & 3W in centre RH joined, balance, turn ptnr to orig place // 1s & 3s R&L // 1s & 3s Ladies Chain // All turn cnr RH (2 skip change), give LH to ptnr to form circle, set : turn ptnr LH (4 skip change) // All promenade anticlockwise to orig places.Repeat 3 times, 2W 3W 4W start in turn.
6. Dundee Whaler (4x32S)Clowes M
2s & 4s ½ Petronella // All 4 couples Ladies Chain // 1s & 3s ½ Petronella // 1w & 2M cross LH, 1W with 3W & 1M with 2W cross RH, 1W with 4M & 1M with 3M cross LH, 1M & 4W cross RH.
7.John Cass (5x32J) 5 cpl setBk 49
1s lead down the middle (2s&3s step up ); 1s lead back to 3pl & turn RH to finish 1M facing 3M with ptnr behind him// 1s dance RS tandem reels of 3 with 3rd & 2nd M and 4th & 5thW (all 3 pairs change who is leading as they change direction in the reel); 1M with ptnr behind, finish facing 4M// 1s dance LS tandem reels of 3 with 4th & 5th M and 2nd & 3rd W (again all 3 pairs change who is leading as they change direction in the reel); 1s finish nearer hands joined with 1W on prtnr's left facing down in 3pl// 1s dance down btwn 4s, cast behind 5s (4s & 5s step up) and spin RH to finish in 5pl.
8. Ramadan-ce (8x32R)Drewry Turkish set
1s dance Inveran reels with 2s&3s// 1s cross RH, cast 1pl & turn RH to face 1st crnrs// 1s dance RSh round 1stcrnr, pass RSh & dance RSh rnd 2ndcrnr to end 2pl opp side while 1stcrnrs dance in, ½ turn RH, twirl & dance out to each others place; 2ndcrnrs dance similarly. (3)(1)(2)// 1s dance ½ LSh reels of 3 across (M at top with 3s & W at bottom with 2s), 1s dance ½ RSh reels of 3 on own sides (M down, W up).
9.City of Belfast (3x32S) 3 cpl setBk 48
1s dance ½ Fig 8 rnd 2s, 1W&2M turn RH 1¼ while 1M&2W turn LH 1¼; 1s end btob facing opp sides// 1s&2s dance reel of 4 across; 2s end in 1 pl while 1s pass LSh to face 1st crnrs// 1s set to 1st crnr & 2nd crnr ending (turning to right) btwn crnrs, all set & 1s cross RH// 1s&3s dance Espagnole: (1s&3s cross (W lead across RH passing btwn M) with W changing places RH; 1s&3s cross back (M lead across RH between W) with M changing places RH; 3s turn RH as 1s turn LH to end 231.
10. None So Pretty (8x40R)Bk 19
1s turn RH, cast, turn LH to lines across (W bet 2s, M bet 3s) // All set twice (1s turning to opposite side), all set in side lines twice // RS Reels of 3 on sides // 1s & 2s reel of 4 // Allemande.
11. Mrs. Stewart's Jig (8x32J)Bk 35
1s set, 1W followed by ptnr, cast below 3s, 1W dance behind 3M to 2place, 1M dance up middle to 2place, end face down. 2s up on 7, 8 // Grand Chain // 2s & 1s Ladies Chain // 2s, 1s 3s A&R, 1s turn 1½ RH.
12. Butterscotch and Honey (4x32S)J Attwood Alexander Leaflet 24
1s set, ½ turn RH, into Prom hold 1s ½ reel of 3 with 2s, RS to 2M to begin, 2s end in top place // 1s ½ reel of 3 with 3s, LS to 3rd W to begin, 3s end in 2nd pl. 1s ½ reel of 3 with 4s, RS to 4M to begin,end in 4th place, 4s in 3rd pl (All on opp. side) // 1s followed by 4s 3s & 2s cast up to the top, cross to own side dance down to finish 2341 // All set, turn ptnrs once BH; 2s & 3s, 4s & 1s circle left.
13. *The Rutland Reel (8x40R)Bk 48
1s set & cast, cross between 3s & cast up to 2pl on opp sides// 1s&2s dance Ladies Chain & end 1s facing down// Reel of 3 on sides, 1s giving RSh to 3s; 1s&3s ½ turn RH// 3s&1s dance Mens Chain & end 1W facing out with prtnr ready to follow her// 1W followed by prtnr casts up & crosses to own side to end 1s in 2pl on own sides; 1s&3s circle 4H round to left.
14. *Sunshine in Lagos (8x32J)Julia Varney
1s,2s&3s set, cross RH and chase ½ round c’wise to own sides// 3s,2s&1s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s pass 2s RSh to start)// 3s,2s&1s dance Set and Link for 3; 2s turn LH 1¼ to 2pl own sides// 1s&2s dance Espagnole. (Note: End of 2ndtime through, 1s turn LH to 4th place as 4s step up).
15. Schiehallion (64S:64R)ThurstonM
S.Chorus. ½ Gnd Chn, HS to ptnr // Repeat to place, M end back to back in centre for Rocking step, as W Petronella on to next M, set, Petronella on & set // Turn opp. M RH, then W LH across to ptnr, turn ptnr // Chorus // Double wheel, W with P dance RH across ½ way (4 bars), W dance out while M dance in, then M dance out while W dance in // Repeat (end in original place) // R.Chorus. ½ Gnd Chn, tulloch swing // Repeat to place // 1s&3s advance (pdb) turn opp. BH, 4H round to place// 2s&4s repeat//Chorus// Clover leaf reels.
16. Johnnie's Welcome Hame (8x40R)Bk 32
1s 2s & 3s set, cross RH : repeat // R&L for 3 couples (12 bars), 1s cast, end in diag line with cnrs // 3 couples dance The Spoke // 1s ½ fig 8, M with 3s, W with 2s, 1s turn LH 1½ times.
17. Macleod's Fancy (4x32J)Bk 33
1s & 4s set diag. 1M & 4W ¾ RH turn, dance round end of set & cast to place as 1W & 4M cast to opp end of set then ¾ RH turn to orig place // Reels of 4 on side // 1s & 2s, 3s & 4s face on sides & turn RH ½ way to bring 1s & 4S into middle, set in St. Andrews X formation : all turn cnrs RH 1s & 4s changing places at end to finish 2413 // 1s & 4s set, cross (W dance bet M) ; 4s cross RH up thro 2s while 1s cross down thro 3s & cast in.
18. The Minister on the Loch (3 x 32S)Goldring 24 G & S Dances
1s and 2s poussette // 1s lead down, turn BH, lead up and turn BH // 1s cast while 3s lead up and cross into dble fig. 8 // 1M turn 2M LH 1½ while 1W turns 2W RH 1½, then 1M turns 3M RH 1½ while 1W turns 3W LH 1½ to finish 231.
19. Scott Meikle (4x32R)Bk 46
1s cross & cast, dance ½ fig 8 rnd 2s//1s & 3s dance RH across & LH back (finish 1W,3W face up, 1M,3M face down)// 1W foll by 3W dances reel of 3 across with 2s while 3M foll by 1M dances reel of 3 across with 4s (finish 3s in 2nd pl, 1s in 3rd pl)// 1s & 4s dance ½ R & L and turn ptnr RH 1½ times.
20. The Deil Amang The Tailors (8x32R)Bk 14
1s & 2s set, RH across ½ way : set, LH back // 1s down & up // 1s & 2s Allemande // 2s, 1s, 3s 6H round & back.
Machine Without Horses (8x32J)