
Guidelines and Rules

Version 1.00

Revised 2-25-15

Coaching Guidelines

Coach Responsibilities

General Coach Responsibilities

Coaches Code of Conduct


Uniform Care

Special Uniform Information



Attendance Policy

Field Regulations

Player Eligibility

Team Rosters



Score Keeping

Team Requirements

Inclement weather

Game Schedules

Division standings

U9 SB Machine Pitch Rules

U11 SB Modified Kid Pitch Rules

U13 SB Rules

Game Definitions

Contact Information

Coaching Guidelines

As a coach, you have the opportunity to make an impact on young players lives – make it a POSTIVE impact.

Stands For / Definition
C / Comprehension / Rules and skills
O / Outlook / Perspective and goals
To have fun
To held the cheerleaders develop their physical, mental and social skills
A / Affection / Genuine concern for the health and welfare of the players on and off the field.
C / Character / Children learn by listening to what adults say, but they learn more by watching the behavior of certain important individuals – including YOU.
H / Humor / Having the ability to laugh at yourself and with the players during practices and games.

A coach must be a leader. All coaches must recognize that they hold a position of trust and responsibility in a program that deals with a sensitive and formative period of a youngster’s development. It is required that the coach has understanding, patience and realizes that they are helping to shape the physical, mental and emotional development of young people.

Youngsters often idolize their coach, not because the adult it the most successful coach, but because the coach is a source of inspiration.

All successful coaches must have the ability to organize, lead, motivate, teach, relate and evaluate.

Successful coaches have –

●  Attitude (confidence, self improvement)

●  Goals (realistic, measurable, attainable)

●  Knowledge (current and continuing education plans)

Goal #1 – To create an environment in which our children have fun

Top Ten Reasons Children Play Sports

1  To have FUN

2  To improve my skills

3  To stay in shape

4  To do something I’m good at

5  For the excitement of competition

6  To get exercise

7  To play as part of a team

8  For the challenge of competition

9  To learn new skills

10  To win

Why Most Children Stop Playing Sports

●  I lost interest

●  I was not having fun

●  It took too much time

●  Coach was a poor teacher

●  The coach played favorites

●  “I Would Play Again If…”

●  Practices were more organized

●  I could play more

●  Coaches understood players better

●  Coaches were better teachers

Goal #2 – To teach basic cheer skills and techniques

●  Educate yourself – attend meetings and clinics. Have a continuing education plan.

●  Stay up to date with the changes in the sport (watch videos on TV, read books, attend other cheer association camps and training clinics)

●  Create “sets” or standard practice ideas and use every practice

●  Know the developmental abilities of the age group you are coaching – know “age appropriate” behavior

Goal #3 – To model and teach sportsmanship and teamwork

●  Coaches must be positive role models exhibiting good sportsmanship like behavior at all events (practices, games, etc)

●  Children will follow the example of the adult role model. Children will copy or imitate the sports behavior of the coach, including the development of values based on that behavior

●  Understand and abide by the code of ethics

Goal #4 - To promote increased self-esteem among our children

●  Individual and team performance is directly related to how a player feels about themselves. Your players will perform better and have fewer performance problems when you help them feel good about themselves.

●  Treat players with respect

●  Avoid comparisons

●  Deal with your player as a “whole” person

●  Do not equate a player’s self esteem with their performance

●  Challenge your players; do not threaten them

●  View your players’ personal problems as an opportunity to develop a better relationship with them

●  Communicate

●  Listen

●  Be empathic

●  Use recognition

●  Be positive

●  Handle failures, setbacks and mistakes constructively

●  Praise the individual, criticize the group

●  Model high self esteem

●  Do not condone demeaning behavior on the squad

As COACH, how are you going to achieve the NKYA Sports Program goals?

Decide, and then factor your answers into your practice plans and game etiquette.

●  Goal #1 – To create an environment in which our children have fun

●  Goal #2 – To teach basic skills and techniques

●  Goal #3 – To model and teach sportsmanship and teamwork

●  Goal #4 – To promote increased self-esteem among our children

Coach Responsibilities

#1 Responsibility – You are responsible for the progress and well-being of every child on your team

●  Teach and stress the basics of Softball

●  Emphasis teamwork and sportsmanship

●  Encourage all players, regardless of abilities

●  Make all activities FUN!

As a coach, you are responsible for…

All Communications

●  To and from players and parents

●  To and from Administrators and Coordinators

●  If you do not have an answering machine at home, provide a message number, work number, cell phone number or pager number

All Materials

●  Develop all game materials batting orders, rosters, field positions

●  Schedule and coordinate all practices

●  Manage all games.

All Uniforms, Accessories and Equipment

●  Coordinate the distribute all accessories and uniforms

●  Maintain and return all equipment

Staying Informed

●  Attend all coaches meetings and clinics

●  Read, understand and abide by all rules

●  If you do not know or are unsure, ASK

General Coach Responsibilities

1  Know and understand NKYA goals

2  Improve as teacher and coach

3  Be a proper role model

4  Be innovative in practice sessions – run organized, effective practices

5  Learn and practice positive communication skills

○  With NKYA

○  With parents

○  With players

6  Know the individual needs on your team

7  Attend and carefully supervise all practices and games

8  Have an emergency plan in case of accident of injury

9  Work with NKYA administration

10  Communicate with parents regularly

11  Keep records of every part of your program

12  Attend clinics and meetings to improve skill and knowledge

13  Provide motivation, consistency and organization for your squad

Coaches Code of Conduct

1  NKYA General Conduct

2  NO vulgar language at any time

3  NO Alcohol or controlled substances on or around any field, gym or facility used for any NKYA activity

4  NO tobacco while performing your Coaching duties (practices, games, etc)

5  No heated discussions / arguments with umpires / referees, coaching staff, players, spectators, etc

6  Umpires / Referees have the ability to remove coaches, players or spectators from any game / premises due to unsportsmanlike conduct. Unless otherwise specified, it is the Umpire / Referees’ discretion to define unsportsmanlike conduct.

Any coach in violation, will be subject to expulsion from NKYA.

Before and during the season, coaches should teach the fundamentals of the game. Included in this instruction should be an emphasis on teamwork, good sportsmanship, spirit, pep and enthusiasm.


Coaches will ensure that each child on the team receives a NKYA uniform:

●  Hat or Visor/Hair Band

●  Shirt

Coaches will inform the parents to purchase the following item(s):

●  Baseball/softball pants (coach picks color).

●  Shorts (Softball only).

●  Rubber baseball cleats are recommended. No metal spikes of any kind.

●  Protective cup is highly suggested.

Uniform Care

●  Parents or guardian will be responsible to keep the uniform clean during the season. Parents will also be responsible for the cost of replacing the uniform if lost or damaged.

Special Uniform Information

●  Last names can be placed on the back of the shirt, either above or below the number.

●  Organizations playing within our league may seek permission from NKYA to place their logo/name on the sleeve or yolk of the uniform at their cost.


Coaches will receive a basic equipment bag.

The bag will include the following items:

●  Practice balls

●  4 batter helmets (minimum)

●  Catcher’s helmet, mask, chest protector, and shin guards.

●  Catcher glove (based upon availability)

●  Bases (based upon availability)

●  Counter (U9 and up baseball)

All coaches will sign off on the equipment they receive at the beginning of the season. They will then sign off on the equipment returned at the end of the season. Failure to return any part of the equipment will result in the coach being unable to participate in any NKYA program until the equipment is returned or NKYA is reimbursed for the cost of the equipment. If necessary, legal action will be pursued.

Required Equipment

1  Base runners must wear batting helmets.

2  All helmets must have facemasks for divisions U9 BB, U9 SB, U11 BB, U11 SB, and U14 SB.

3  Catchers must wear shin guards, chest guard, cup, helmet and facemask with throat guard for protection from thrown bats and passed balls.

4  For softball players: Official Fast pitch Softball Bats Only

For baseball players: Official Little League Baseball Bats Only

5  Rubber soled or rubber cleated shoes only. Metal cleats are not allowed.

6  Pitchers in U9 BB, U9 SB, and U11 SB are required to wear a mask or helmet with a mask when pitching. NKYA will provide masks to the teams on game day.

7  Game balls will be provided by NKYA on game day.

Note: Coaches need to remind parents/guardians to mark their child's name on their equipment as things may get misplaced.


Due to a lack of practice fields, we cannot guarantee practice times. Any practice times that are available to the head coaches will be assigned at the beginning of the season. Only one hour may be provided by NKYA (practice time is based on availability) and the coach will choose a day and time that is convenient for them.

NKYA must be notified of the day, time, and place of ALL practices at fields not provided by NKYA in order for our insurance to cover these children. However, if we are not notified, each coach will be solely and personally responsible for any injuries or damages, which may occur (both to the persons and property involved).

Whether or not the practice space you use is provided by NKYA, you and your families are representatives of this organization – please conduct yourselves appropriately.

Practice fields must be left in good condition. Please clean your area before you leave. If there are any complaints from any field management, practices will be cancelled for the remainder of the season for the team in question. Please be considerate.

Coaches are responsible for knowing the holiday and weather policy of your practice field.

Do not leave any facility without making sure each child has left with a parent or guardian. As coach, you are responsible for the welfare of these children.

The head coach must be present at all team functions. If this is not possible, arrangements must be made for a responsible adult, at least 21 years of age, to be in charge. Otherwise, the function must be cancelled.

●  Please give a minimum of 30 minutes’ notice if practice is cancelled.

●  It is mandatory that a parent / guardian be present at all practices.

●  If attendance becomes a problem, please contact your administrator or coordinator.

Attendance Policy

Coaches have the authority to restrict playing time due to excessive missed practices. Coaches must report the player’s name, reason, and planned action to their division administrator prior to taking such action.

Field Regulations

Division / Ages / Team size / Base line / Pitching Distance / Ball Used
Baseball / Softball
Machine Pitch / 7-8 / Min- 12
Max- 15 / 50’ / softball= 40’
8’ circle / N/A / Official Yellow Ball 11”
10U SB Modified Kid Pitch / 9-10 / Min – 12
Max – 15 / 55’ / 35’ / N/A / Official Yellow Ball 11”
12U SB / 11-12 / Min – 12
Max – 15 / 60’ / 40’ / N/A / Official Yellow Ball 12”

Age Classification: age cutoff date is on or before Jan 1st, the playing age is that age attained by a player prior to January 1st of the current season.

Player Eligibility

All players must register with NKYA, sign a player conduct form, and a parent conduct form before they are allowed to practice or play in a game.

Team Rosters

Rosters must contain a minimum of 12 players and a maximum of 15 players. Exceptions do apply for outside organizations playing within the league.


Umpires will be assigned per game for U9 and up. No umpires will be assigned for t-ball and coach pitch. No team shall have the right to refuse an umpire.

Umpires are authorized and required to enforce all rules and may order a player, coach or spectator to refrain from interfering with the umpire’s ability to administer these rules. The umpire has the authority to disqualify any player, coach or spectator from participating or observing the game for objecting to calls, using abusive language, improper gestures, physical contact or other unsportsmanlike conduct not specifically listed in these rules.


Protests on a rule interpretation, not a judgment call, must be filed with the NKYA Administration through the NKYA Web Site (using the score report form) by the head Coach submitting the protest (within 24 hours of the game).

The following information will be required: Date, time and location of game, names of officials, scorers, teams, coaches and others involved, and the rule interpretation being protested, along with a detailed explanation of the circumstances.

If anyone has question or require clarification of any rule contain in this book can be given by any of the Baseball/Softball administrators.

Score Keeping (U9 and up)

Home team is responsible for reporting game scores to the NKYA umpire. However, both coaches are responsible for signing off on the score card before leaving the field. The winning team MUST be circled on the scorecard. No Exceptions...